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Cops lives matter!

Started by 3bailey3, June 13, 2020, 09:11:14 PM

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so sad to say that a 77 year old deputy was killed yesterday by a 22 year old convict he was transporting in Simpson county Ms. The officer worked at a school that is on my delivery route, so sad but I can tell there were no protest, no looting and no rioting!! check out WLBT news for the full story.


It is pathetic the way these folks get treated, No way you could pay me enough to deal with scum bags on a daily basis and risk my life while doing it! It will not make much news, does not fit the narrative!!!



Sad to hear.. Rip.
I wouldn't want that job either. Shameful how some of society acts towards them until they need help. Like any place people remember the worst employ you have not the good ones..
Nothing wrong with a honest protest,but it seems alot of times it turns out as an excuse for rioting,looting,and destroying innocent peoples businesses and property.


Prayers for the family. This nonsense of only one type people lives mattering apparently is ridiculous. A town or so away there was a protest. They were saying black lives matter. One protestor was there and said all lives matter.
Can you believe the morons came over to her and said if black lives don't matter no lives matter? Given their big assumption or should I say flat out over estimation of how often this type thing happens people need to wake up. If you were being on the wrong side of something would they take up for you? If you say yes you're fooling yourself.
I'm against no one. All lives matter certainly too the cops. Enough of this garbage already. Facts are facts. Cops kill more unarmed whites than blacks. Why doesn't anyone teach these people how to comply w police or any authority for that matter orders.
No ones been hurt innocently sitting in a car with visible hands on top of the steering wheel. Shouldn't there be an education campaign included or is all emphasis against the police w zero credit for a really bad decision falling on a perps actions??? You answer that.  The places where most these tragedies happen are democratic places with blacks often in power too. None of it should matter though. Any injustice should be fixed no matter who it's against.
In every facet of life someone may be a racist. We need to stop that yes but this has swung way too far in the wrong direction and it's turning people against each other. That's not right. We're all Americans


 I have done the job for over 31 years, and if the good Lord lets me, I will retire June 26th - less than two weeks. I have been fortunate to have a good career, shot once, been in several fights, but wouldn't change any of it.  Done S.W.A.T., patrol, and a one time, was the training officer for the entire agency. We knew better, and were certainly taught when resistance stops, you stop. My son is dead set on carrying on the tradition, but I worry about him and the state of the country. Glad I am getting out rather than going in...


Well Gmed thank you for what you do/did and remember there's plenty that respect and appreciate you contrary to what you always hear

Beards and Hooks

Quote from: Gmed on June 13, 2020, 09:42:16 PM
I have done the job for over 31 years, and if the good Lord lets me, I will retire June 26th - less than two weeks. I have been fortunate to have a good career, shot once, been in several fights, but wouldn't change any of it.  Done S.W.A.T., patrol, and a one time, was the training officer for the entire agency. We knew better, and were certainly taught when resistance stops, you stop. My son is dead set on carrying on the tradition, but I worry about him and the state of the country. Glad I am getting out rather than going in...
Quote from: Gmed on June 13, 2020, 09:42:16 PM
I have done the job for over 31 years, and if the good Lord lets me, I will retire June 26th - less than two weeks. I have been fortunate to have a good career, shot once, been in several fights, but wouldn't change any of it.  Done S.W.A.T., patrol, and a one time, was the training officer for the entire agency. We knew better, and were certainly taught when resistance stops, you stop. My son is dead set on carrying on the tradition, but I worry about him and the state of the country. Glad I am getting out rather than going in...
Thank you and enjoy that much deserved retirement......more time for turkeys.


Well said BOWGUY...Oppressed, discriminated against,etc. years ago yes..Now days I think discrimation is more the other way around. I think Native Americans have more to cry about than anyone. I've always thought that..Would anyone listen to them??? Not at all.
About every race has been enslaved or indentured at some point in history. We've moved on and adapted.


Quote from: 1iagobblergetter on June 13, 2020, 09:52:22 PM
Well said BOWGUY...Oppressed, discriminated against,etc. years ago yes..Now days I think discrimation is more the other way around. I think Native Americans have more to cry about than anyone. I've always thought that..Would anyone listen to them??? Not at all.
About every race has been enslaved or indentured at some point in history. We've moved on and adapted.

Greg Massey

Prayers for the family. My son was police officer for 13 years .. I'm so glad he's now serving his country in the Air Force ...

WV Flopper

 I do not know the answer, I wish I did.

I can tell you, "Hands Up", does not mean run or fight. I was taught that early in life! Maybe the old ways aren't that bad after all?

We need a police force that protects and serves the public. Each and every one of us! No matter your color, you need that in your life.

I am not a tech guy, don't do Facebook and Twitter and the such. But a coworker showed me a Facebook post the other day, "I am sure you guys have seen it". But, it goes like this- Hello, this  is 911, how may I help you? My home is being robbed! What is your address? --------- Well Sir, the police department has been defunded. We will all hold hands and pray for you. Best of luck!

Crazy world today, that is for sure! Thank all the honest, hard working, law enforcement we have in this country! We need each and every one of them. Maybe more!


If 911 isn't gonna work anymore can we defund the Obama phones?


God bless the family for their loss. And God Bless all the law enforcement  people that have and are risking their lives to protect us. They should never be disrespected, it is a tough, high stressed and dangerous job. Our country would not be safe without them. God Bless.........


I spent 27 years in law enforcement, first in a PD. then as a deputy in an S.O. , and lastly as DA investigator and have some great memories but as Gmed said, once they submit it is done. With the above mentioned death that would make it at least 13 officers killed since the Floyd incident. This past week watched a very sad video of the sister of a Home Security Officer  shot and killed in Oakland while guarding a Federal Building. She was testifying before Congress about her bothers life and death, she was very articulate and it was moving. I often think back to the days when I was 24 and just joining the PD and how I loved going to work everyday. Not sure if I would make the same decision to join today. 


NCL and Gmed we appreciate your service!

I used to manage an Archery pro shop and we also sold guns, had many of the local PD. as customers and a few Chicago guys, one Chicago guy and I got to be pretty good friends, last time I talked to him he was going into private security, tired of arresting the same people and finding them back on the street ding the same chit over and over.

How many white, Asian, Mexican, Puerto Rican or any other race for that matter have been in altercations with the Police?  I guess that means nothing, the BS media pushes the narrative and a bunch of white college kids being brainwashed by some university protest because they have nothing to do!