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Learn Anything?

Started by guesswho, May 13, 2011, 12:08:19 PM

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Did anyone learn anything this year related to turkey hunting?  One thing I learned is its a lot easier to roost a bird in the South East than I previously thought.   In years past I rarely tried to get a response from a gobbler the evening before, and when I did it usually ended with no gobbles.  But this year I tried something different and got at least one response every afternoon I tried it.

I also learned to keep the gun barrel under the scope at a 6'oclock posistion, tilting it to a 3'oclock posistion to get the bird in the scope can cause you to hit a big arse pine tree that appeared to be out of the line of fire.

Did anyone else learn anything new that might come in handy next year?
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
Calls Prostaff


...only that things I'd learned from previous years don't always apply.   :D


This wasn't a new thing but a reminder that turkey hunting is ridiculously expensive  ;D


Oh yeah...I learned that buying a Cabela's Gobbler Lounger was a good choice.


That ther are TONS of tics here in Maryland.

The Mosquitos will try to steal your thermacell.

Way to many snakes.

Sometimes when you roost a bird he may not be there in the morning when you get back.

And last but not least,confidence will kill turkeys.  It stared with me by listening to live recordings of turkeys, puttin in alot of time at the patterning board, and pre season scouting.  All those things made me a more confident, boarder line cocky but not brazen, turkey hunter this season.   :icon_thumright:


That 6 o'clock-3 o'clock thing is a tough lesson to swallow.  I learned that lesson this year after watching the biggest turk I've ever seen strutting for ten minutes at twenty yards.  After that I learned how easy it is to create new and colorful explicitives and also no matter how much you stomp a hat it still will rettain its shape.


Quote from: anthonyjhallen on May 13, 2011, 12:19:18 PM
And last but not least,confidence will kill turkeys.  It stared with me by listening to live recordings of turkeys, puttin in alot of time at the patterning board, and pre season scouting.  All those things made me a more confident, boarder line cocky but not brazen, turkey hunter this season.   :icon_thumright:
I like that!  We had a conversation before season about that very subject! :icon_thumright:
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
Calls Prostaff


Quote from: beardblaster on May 13, 2011, 12:20:49 PM
That 6 o'clock-3 o'clock thing is a tough lesson to swallow.  I learned that lesson this year after watching the biggest turk I've ever seen strutting for ten minutes at twenty yards.  After that I learned how easy it is to create new and colorful explicitives and also no matter how much you stomp a hat it still will rettain its shape.
:TooFunny: Yep!  I hear ya!  Here's the result of my lesson.  The turkey was standing just to the left of the tree.
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
Calls Prostaff


These both appear to be a no brainer, but where both things that I overlooked this year.  

When hunting with young/shorter hunters, their line of site to the target doesn't match your own.  What appears to be an open shot may not even be in view for them.  Hunting with a lefty requires changing the way your normally position yourself.  

I'm going to try to keep both in mind when I hunt with my daughter in the morning.


If a smart old bird sees a decoy and something doesn 't look right........he's gone! (had one tree hop closer from the roost to get a look.  He flew down the opposite direction)
Moving on a bird can deffinately help seal the deal.  (Worked twice this year, including the double my buddy and I killed.)
I call better than I give myself credit for.
Turkeys hear WAY better than I gave them credit for.
Soft purrs can really reassure a bird to come in. See above.
Landowners will still give you access even in this day and age.
I still love turkey hunting and can't wait for fall season!


I learned that the new club member is a complete idiot in the woods.

I learned that the subordinate gobbler that hangs with the strutter does something completely different than the strutter did once he's dead.

I also learned that an old bird doesn't always equate to big spurs
A man fires a rifle for many years, and he goes to war. And afterward he turns the rifle in at the armory, and he believes he's finished with the rifle. But no matter what else he might do with his hands, love a woman, build a house, change his son's diaper; his hands remember the rifle.


I learned that when the gnats are real bad, the turkeys stay away from the more open areas and stay in the timber, where I like um.  ;D


Quote from: CASH on May 13, 2011, 01:03:43 PM
I learned that the new club member is a complete idiot in the woods.

I learned that the subordinate gobbler that hangs with the strutter does something completely different than the strutter did once he's dead.

I also learned that an old bird doesn't always equate to big spurs

Ah,Agree on All Three!!!!We were snake-bit together!! But I still got the subordinate bird after hunting him a long 7 day stretch.;D


A successful season isn't always measured in the number of tags you use.  Calling in a bird for someone else is just as exciting as pulling the trigger.
A tent does not dampen the sound of thunder very well.
Spam and scrambled eggs taste good before a morning hunt, but might not be the best choice if you are afterwards confined in a small space with someone you care about.  ;D
Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


Quote from: guesswho on May 13, 2011, 12:22:05 PM
Quote from: anthonyjhallen on May 13, 2011, 12:19:18 PM
And last but not least,confidence will kill turkeys.  It stared with me by listening to live recordings of turkeys, puttin in alot of time at the patterning board, and pre season scouting.  All those things made me a more confident, boarder line cocky but not brazen, turkey hunter this season.   :icon_thumright:
I like that!  We had a conversation before season about that very subject! :icon_thumright:

I had this on my mind alot this season.  Things just kinda seemed to work out when I stayed positive and knew that whatever I was doing was right.  I havent killed but one bird with my newfound outlook but I still have 10 days to get er done.