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Social Responsibility and Turkey hunting.

Started by Marc, March 23, 2020, 01:05:23 PM

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Quote from: fallhnt on March 24, 2020, 09:00:46 PM
Quote from: 1iagobblergetter on March 24, 2020, 08:54:14 PM
Ya. How about Illinois? I get to go there tomorrow? Ain't been there in over a year. Gee what a coincidence. Then the people your trying to feed bought all the damn hand sanitizer and gloves to boot. Lmao..im a gonner...
Headed my way. I'm thinking of going bowfishing tomorrow

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Sounds like fun. My son forgot my words of wisdom to not dry fire his today. Got home and has his messed up now.
He's my Dennis the Menace sometimes.

Howie g

Quote from: LaLongbeard on March 24, 2020, 08:24:56 PM
Quote from: Howie g on March 24, 2020, 07:56:57 PM
Quote from: LaLongbeard on March 24, 2020, 07:33:55 PM
Quote from: Howie g on March 24, 2020, 07:29:08 PM
The above proves my case and point ... ^

So that's gonna be a NO on any answer to the question? Got it. Have fun in the bunker I hope the Democrats don't forget some of you lol
      Ps I heard 3 Gobblers this morning and none of them had the flu!
.   Man , I pray you don't catch this virus ,  seems you don't have many brain cells to spare .  Ps, good luck in collecting 2 of the 3 gobblers you heard . Seems killing turkeys is very important to you .

Seems if you had many brain cells you could come up an answer to the question. Your obviously scarred silly about it and have locked yourself up with the TP and microwave noodles, I would think with all that time on your hands you could figure out an answer you being so smart? If nothing else can you verify that you have enough supplies that you will not be leaving the fort for two months? Lol
I wouldn't be to concerned with me catching the virus I'll be fine, you may want to pray for them 3 Gobblers though.
.  I'm not saying you shouldn't go hunting , I'm just saying it sounds as if your making light of this virus .  Be safe and smart is what I'm screaming.  It's gotten real , really quick around my world . And my cummunity.     Ps .  The La limit is 2 .... not 3 ,  sincerely hope you get em


Some historical data and some additional information to lend perspective.  Take it for what it's worth...

From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010 in the United States alone, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases, 274,304 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths in the US due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus. Additionally, CDC estimated that up to 575,000 people worldwide died from (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during just the first year of the virus.

The world did not stop, countries did not shut down, businesses and shops did not close, the markets did not crash, the FED did not cut rates by 100 basis points down to 0%, travel was not halted, businesses did not close, the Supreme Court did not shut down, public and private events were not banned, people did not go home from work, etc. The same can be said about the 1957 H2N2 pandemic, and the 1968 H3N2 pandemic.


I'll update your update....

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

When I turkey hunt I use a DSD decoy


Quote from: Howie g on March 24, 2020, 10:56:58 PM
Quote from: LaLongbeard on March 24, 2020, 08:24:56 PM
Quote from: Howie g on March 24, 2020, 07:56:57 PM
Quote from: LaLongbeard on March 24, 2020, 07:33:55 PM
Quote from: Howie g on March 24, 2020, 07:29:08 PM


you may want to pray for them 3 Gobblers though.
.      Ps .  The La limit is 2 .... not 3 ,  sincerely hope you get em

Uhh yea I'm fully  aware what the La limit is, so you only gonna pray for which two Gobblers? Lol
Besides who said I was starting in La?
Hope you and yours make it thru this mess....but don't let fear rule your whole life.
If you make everything easy how do you know when your good at anything?


I hunt NJ and NY. New Jersey has an executive order in place with a list of exceptions where you can leave your home. The one that applies to hunting and fishing states: (engaging in outdoor activities (social distance permitting). Until this is over, me and my wife will stay home other than going for groceries. She works from home, I am retired. Both our vehicles tanks are full. I will be turkey hunting solo, not stopping between home and my spots. I am the only one that goes to the market when we need food. We stocked up 2 fridges to the Max. There is no possible way my hunting will put the public in danger. I hunt very deep into the woods, thus any contact is not possible. We all can enjoy our sport, and not effect the public if we adhere to the temporary guidelines. Be safe, enjoy....we will prevail.


Not trying to down play what is going on, but look at the statistics of this on a daily basis, the overall decrease in the mortality rate, and how skewed previous statistics are by comparing Italy and China's trends to the USA (the comparison can not be made, this should be an easy concept for all to understand). I feel that as a country, few people are grasping the facts with this.

Going in to a true depression from shutting down our economy/halting cash flow will be detrimental. That will kill more, and impact more lives, than the virus. The current mortality rate from this virus is slightly over 1% in the US. In reality it is even lower as not all cases are tested. We will see significantly higher numbers of lives lost if we destroy our economy due to this. Economic depression will lead to alcoholism, drug addiction, malnutrition, mental health consequences and suicide, divorce, and a indirect decrease in life expectancy for many as a result of a poorer society. A poorer society as a whole will lead future generations and current young generations to be less educated and have less access to quality healthcare. This does not bring in to account the lives that will be lost as a result of less medical research, altered food system supply chains, and many other items that pile on. The results are a snowball when you tank the economy. We will not recover from a true depression for a decade or more.

People need to press on with keeping cash flowing from hand to hand. There is far more to lose in terms of overall well being and actual lives if we destroy our economy. Our economy is what supports the American Dream and the ways of life that make our country so special. People literally come here from other nations in droves wanting better lives. I've been surprised how few people recognize the threat we face if we continue down the path of literally halting almost all economic activity. I'm not asking anyone to ignore the virus, and I pray that not another single life is lost from ANY of it. But as a country we really need to think about the long term affects here.


                                                   X2 We must balance the medical issues with the economic issues and I pray
                                                   we have the right man in the WH and the right people advising him to do
                                                   just that.


Here's the way I see it to try and add some simplicity to all of this. Everyone has their opinion and that's fine. Without going off on any wild limbs, here are the recommendations set forth by doctors and scientists a lot smarter than us. 15 days TO SLOW THE SPREAD is all that's been recommended to this point. The entire country bought into that, and the world followed. The "smart folks" know this will spread, we're just working on SLOWING that spread so people who don't have to die...don't die. That's as simple as I can make it.

As for how one single person going turkey hunting can hurt folks here is your example. You walked into the grocery store to get everything you needed for the weekend. You touched the door handle that 200 people touched in the last day. You don't know where those other 200 people have been so they are passing their germs into you. You then need gas so you go to the gas pump and touch the handle that lets say 50 people have touched in the last day. You don't know where they've been so those germs also pass onto you. You live in a bigger town, travel to a smaller town, and fill up before hitting the hills, effectively spreading whatever your town had to the other town without ever knowing it. Lots of transmission for three simple stops. I don't want it to be doom and gloom but a few (or maybe just one) of you are caught up on how one turkey hunter can possibly be a problem. Well that's how.

As for myself, I live in Wyoming and have to travel multiple hours for every turkey hunt. My plan is to make as few stops as possible and try to be as responsible and polite as I can along the way. I bought rubber gloves for the gas pumps. Not to act like a germophobe freak but to try and do my part to not put myself or anyone else in danger. Don the glove at the pump and throw the glove away when finished. It's what I've been doing around here when I've gone fishing a couple times or whatever. Try to make as few stops as possible, be safe, keep up my quality of life by still doing things I enjoy away from people.


Quote from: POk3s on March 25, 2020, 11:10:48 AM
Here's the way I see it to try and add some simplicity to all of this. Everyone has their opinion and that's fine. Without going off on any wild limbs, here are the recommendations set forth by doctors and scientists a lot smarter than us. 15 days TO SLOW THE SPREAD is all that's been recommended to this point. The entire country bought into that, and the world followed. The "smart folks" know this will spread, we're just working on SLOWING that spread so people who don't have to die...don't die. That's as simple as I can make it.

As for how one single person going turkey hunting can hurt folks here is your example. You walked into the grocery store to get everything you needed for the weekend. You touched the door handle that 200 people touched in the last day. You don't know where those other 200 people have been so they are passing their germs into you. You then need gas so you go to the gas pump and touch the handle that lets say 50 people have touched in the last day. You don't know where they've been so those germs also pass onto you. You live in a bigger town, travel to a smaller town, and fill up before hitting the hills, effectively spreading whatever your town had to the other town without ever knowing it. Lots of transmission for three simple stops. I don't want it to be doom and gloom but a few (or maybe just one) of you are caught up on how one turkey hunter can possibly be a problem. Well that's how.

As for myself, I live in Wyoming and have to travel multiple hours for every turkey hunt. My plan is to make as few stops as possible and try to be as responsible and polite as I can along the way. I bought rubber gloves for the gas pumps. Not to act like a germophobe freak but to try and do my part to not put myself or anyone else in danger. Don the glove at the pump and throw the glove away when finished. It's what I've been doing around here when I've gone fishing a couple times or whatever. Try to make as few stops as possible, be safe, keep up my quality of life by still doing things I enjoy away from people.
So your still going fishing or hunting ? So your doing the same thing the turkey hunters are doing.Your example would make sense if it wasn't stupid. YOU have to make 3 stops to go hunting., I don't . So you're doing more to spread the virus than me lol. You may also have to be scared but I don't. I'm not sure what is so difficult to comprehend unless everyone stays penned up it has a chance to spread. And everyone is not. You may believe the government and doctors are all really smart. a lot smarter than you, well that is probably true. The governor of NewYork said they may charter s flight to CHINA to pick up medical supplies, sounds like a genus too me. Governor of La and anyone with a radio or tv knew  New Orleans  had the only virus cases for a while, then this genus waits until it gets good and spread around the state to shut  everything down. Seems like a smart person would have quarantined that filthy sewer that is NO before it spread. There's plenty of doctors that are not feeding this panic but they are being drown out by the doom croakers.
If you make everything easy how do you know when your good at anything?


Yes I'm still going fishing and hunting. I thought I made that perfectly clear, along with being clear about the precautions I am taking or plan on taking.

YOU asked how one person going turkey hunting can possibly hurt. I told you how. For the person who walks out their back door to turkey hunt this probably doesn't apply. However you inferred you were going out of state to kill a bird or two...or 10. It's not feasible to not make at least 3 stops.

I'm not scared of this thing anymore than you are. Like most id rather just get it and get it over with. However, I can understand the threat of overwhelming the healthcare system and doing what we can to help IF the entire country and world is going to buy into this thing, which they have. It sounds like our president wants to ramp things up again sometime in April. Slow the spread which means we saccrifice the economy taking a hit for a while. Ramp back up when the healthcare system can handle it.

I will no longer be involved in this pissing match. I just wanted to bring to light how one person can in fact spread it, and how someone who is a traveling turkey hunter (me) is going to go about my travels in the coming weeks.


All it takes is to carry a container of disinfectant wipes or spray and clean the handles, gas pumps or whatever before and after, it's that simple. I went to the grocery this morning and I took wipes with me and wrapped them around the cart handle. Didn't touch any product I didn't buy. I used self check out and wiped down the check out area when I was done. The store attendant came over and thanked me for doing so.

Let's just be friendly and help however we can. we all want this to pass as soon as possible. Every suggestion is worth sharing.

fl panhandler

Where I get gas they give you a disinfectant wipe when you pay for your gas. I have no stop to where I hunt also. Practice good hand washing and try and be anti social.


No single activity is better or worse than another because it really comes down to transmission, or level of contagious, and probability. There was some interesting statistics on prior pandemics and the response was not as sever as this one. I thought about that and wondered why then I remembered either Birx or Fauci stated that contagion of this virus is greater than H1N1 so the need to flatten the curve to prevent further spread. So then probability comes into play that the more people you come into contact with the greater your chance of contracting the virus. If you have bad luck you could be engaged an essential trip such as to the grocery , work for those that are essential , and come in contact with an effected person you are exposed, whereas, if you are turkey hunting with no exposure to any other person your probability is  very low to zero.

The economy will recover it always does and this is a finite limited time. I feel for those that are out of work due to this situation because they may not be able to recover as quickly. The bigger problem is how this effects the world economy and how fast other countries are recover. During the briefing last week Trump said several times the economy will bounce right back once this is over.

Old Gobbler

 :z-twocents: :z-twocents:

This crisis can go a multitude of different ways ...the worst case scenario is ITALY ,SPAIN ETC ...well on it's way is nyc , where they busy doing a favorite socialist pastime of not accepting responsibility and blaming others ( with that said both the mayor and governor both insist on keeping the subway and bus system open ) those subways are so filthy and poorly ventilated,  they are a gigantic disease petri dish o

A second scenario , we let people go back to work and school in short order and we have issues like new Orleans pop up , all its gonna take is 1 sick kid to go.to school and the whole town is infected with multiple deaths , and by the time ...you get the drift

3rd scenario,  we lock down for a few more weeks , the stricken are identified , and the case load does a sharp decline....like what China is doing right now ...and they are whole RESPONSIBLE for this and should be held accountable ,

Going out of the house and going hunting , or whatever solo ...isnt going to do anyone or anything any harm , so long as you dont touch anything

:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....
