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Opinions on "Tree Shooting"

Started by GobbleNut, March 18, 2020, 09:40:20 AM

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I've had a hen hop from tree to tree  twice, I have seen gobblers hop into trees when alarmed . if its obvious he's not roosted I see no problem


I would not think twice about it--I'd kill him ( or "harvest for you PC types)


He ain't roosted so he's gonna get roasted.



I wouldn`t shoot a bird on the roost. This is different IMO.


Gently slide the safety off. Find his head in the scope. Squeeze the trigger.

I'm shooting him. Plain and simple. You worked him to the gun. He flew up.

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Only had this happen once in all my years of turkey hunting. I believe it was a sub dominant gobbler that flew up to get a look at the situation before committing. The area I was calling from was not overly thick so fear of a predator was unlikely the cause. He came in silent only thing I heard was him flying up he sat in the tree nervously searching the area in my direction. He was about 40 yards away so in  range but I did not shoot him. He sat for a long time then when he didn't see the hen and I didn't call again he pitched out of the tree in the direction he came from.
     I have doubts they do it because of coyote fear etc. if they hear a hen yelping in a spot I don't think they'd be expecting a coyote also.
     In La unfortunately there is no specific rule about roost or tree shooting, as long as legal shooting time is obeyed. A lot of turkeys are shot or shot at on the limb. I have had a couple fly up to roost well within range and also shooting time but I did not shoot them either.
If you make everything easy how do you know when your good at anything?


Last season I had one come off the roost .  I couldnt see him but I knew he was coming. Then I see him fly up in a tree about 80 yards away looking over the ridge trying to see . Finally he flew down toward me and stepped over the hill. I got him inside 20 yards.
this is one time Im sure my hen deke (which I dont use much) helped seal the deal for me.
So will they fly up for a better look ?. Yep  but thats the only time I ever saw a tom do it . I have seen hens do it more than once.


Interesting discussion for sure.  What if you didn't call him in?  Say you are walking quietly through the woods at 3:00 pm to reach your afternoon set up, spook and flush a gobbler, and he lands on a limb within range?  Is it ok to shoot him then?


If I knew he came in to my calling,felt like I won,and the law was on my side he'd get plugged.
One time I patterned a old tom and knew where he roosted. Tried getting him a couple mornings and failed. The last day of the season I sat within range of the roost tree and he showed up within a couple minutes of the end of season. I could have killed him,but just let him fly up. I didnt feel right about not calling and felt more like an opportunist.

Greg Massey

I'm not going to make my answer complicated , HE'S DEAD...


I had this very thing happen in Ky last year after a miss and I let him pass. I have on other occasions killed birds that done this, but the old gobbler last year got a pass. I missed him clean at 10-12 yards and I just thought he earned another day. Even my buddy couldn't believe I didn't take him. I think the fact I would have been tagged out with two days left and my buddy hadn't filled his first tag mattered too. I was actually telling him to shoot it, but he couldn't see it good enough. I have had a lot of fall birds do this. In Ohio it's illegal to shoot one from a tree anytime.


Quote from: TonyTurk on March 18, 2020, 03:14:26 PM
Interesting discussion for sure.  What if you didn't call him in?  Say you are walking quietly through the woods at 3:00 pm to reach your afternoon set up, spook and flush a gobbler, and he lands on a limb within range?  Is it ok to shoot him then?
Free pass from me.   I won't shoot what I consider a gift turkey.   But understand why some would.  I'd just scare the bejezzus out of him and kill him another day.  Hopefully I could hunt him next morning. 
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
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I have never been in that position so I really dont know. Probably depends on how my season is going. If it happens then I will decide.


I don't have the ethical hang ups many people do. If it's a gobbler, he's getting shot at, I don't care what the situation. It's my reward for crawling out of bed.

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