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Feed hogs won’t eat

Started by northms, February 25, 2020, 10:13:19 PM

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Quote from: Bowguy on February 26, 2020, 09:45:09 AM
Omg now we're discussing bait. Idk boys just ain't right if you ask me

What do think one bag of bird seed a month before the season is going to accomplish? Putting any amount of bird seed,wheat,corn anything edible during the season is baiting rather you hunt directly over it or not.
If you make everything easy how do you know when your good at anything?


Quote from: bbcoach on February 26, 2020, 08:03:05 PM
We raised domestic hogs and they would eat anything except onions.  Time to go hog hunting!!!!

And zucchini
PA elitist since 1979

The good Lord ain't made a gobbler I can't kill.  I just gotta be there at the right time.....  on the day he wants to die.


the above is correct - hogs will eat just about anything
spreading it around won't help - the hogs will just tear up a larger area
an enclosure around the feeder will keep the hogs out for awhile but if they want it
they will dig under
start hunting and trapping the hogs to knock down their population
is the only way to help but it's also correct that as the hog numbers go up
the turkeys will go down


Black sunflower seeds. Hogs don't seem to go after them like corn, and its crack to turkeys.
"I don't hunt turkeys because I want to. I hunt turkeys because I have to."


try feeding those hogs 150 grains of lead,


Why are you feeding them?  Game camera pics possibly?!


Why not turn your baiting neighbors over to the authorities.  :z-twocents:



Quote from: GobbleNut on February 26, 2020, 08:00:15 AM
Looks to me like you have two choices.  The first is to get rid of the hogs, which sounds to me like an unrealistic approach.  That would be the ideal, long-term solution,...and based on past discussions here, may be the only way you will not see a decline in your turkey population in the area over time.

The other choice you have,...one that is more feasible for you probably,...is to create an exclosure (i.e....put a hog-proof fence around your feed station) to allow the turkeys to get in (they will learn to fly over the fence) but will keep the hogs out. 

The best solution is to do both.  That is, start trapping the hogs and until you have them under control or eradicated, and in the meantime put up the exclosure around your feed station.  Regardless, you are going to have to invest some time and money to solve your problem.
#3 Would be learn how to call them so you don't need bait??


What I am really wondering is how many folks here that are condemning spreading feed for turkeys are the same ones that are going to be sitting on a food plot or some farmers corn field in a pop-up blind in another month or two?... 


When every farm in the whole state is already a food plot wherever Turkey's want to go it's a little different than every farm in the state doesn't have a certain type of food and then your throwing it out for them.
Who's place will they be on ???Yours or the neighbor who is hunting without baiting.


Quote from: 1iagobblergetter on February 28, 2020, 02:32:45 PM
When every farm in the whole state is already a food plot wherever Turkey's want to go it's a little different than every farm in the state doesn't have a certain type of food and then your throwing it out for them.
Who's place will they be on ???Yours or the neighbor who is hunting without baiting.

Sure, there are places across the country where that situation exists,...but there are as many or more places where turkeys are on a property solely because of food plots or crops being planted to hold them there.  The distinction between that and a guy throwing out some feed is pretty gray in my book.  Making a distinction between setting up on a food plot or agricultural crop specifically planted to attract turkeys,...as compared to setting up over a pile of grain thrown out for the same purpose?  Well, they are both baiting from my perspective.  One is just a bit more obvious than the other. 

That is not to say that property owners should never make habitat improvements on their properties for the benefit of turkeys.  To me, those improvements just can't become a means for killing those turkeys, whether it be a planted crop or the spreading of feed.  When folks start making the distinction between those two things to justify their hunting methods, that is when they've lost me. 


Quote from: 1iagobblergetter on February 28, 2020, 12:43:54 PM
Quote from: GobbleNut on February 26, 2020, 08:00:15 AM
Looks to me like you have two choices.  The first is to get rid of the hogs, which sounds to me like an unrealistic approach.  That would be the ideal, long-term solution,...and based on past discussions here, may be the only way you will not see a decline in your turkey population in the area over time.

The other choice you have,...one that is more feasible for you probably,...is to create an exclosure (i.e....put a hog-proof fence around your feed station) to allow the turkeys to get in (they will learn to fly over the fence) but will keep the hogs out. 

The best solution is to do both.  That is, start trapping the hogs and until you have them under control or eradicated, and in the meantime put up the exclosure around your feed station.  Regardless, you are going to have to invest some time and money to solve your problem.
#3 Would be learn how to call them so you don't need bait??

If you make everything easy how do you know when your good at anything?


Planting a food plot and baiting are 2 total different things lol.  So if you own a property that turkeys don't frequent   You're just to accept that and not do anything about it?!   And if you do plant something  that's ok.  You just shouldn't hunt it?!    That's the craziest logic I've ever heard   


I hunt my brothers with lots of Turkeys. If he didn't have any I'm going somewhere else to hunt them that does. Why would I plant a acre or two and sit right next to it? I'm not calling them in then im just killing one. Might as well go to the store,but if thats the way you have to kill one have at it if it gives you satisfaction.