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NWTF Convention disappointment

Started by Kystrut, February 15, 2020, 08:19:16 PM

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Quote from: Gentry on February 16, 2020, 08:54:16 PM
Quote from: Goodtimekiller on February 16, 2020, 08:17:58 PM
Quote from: Gentry on February 16, 2020, 07:51:29 PM
I was part of an NWTF chapter for a while and finally realized that I really didn't agree with what was happening. I think the organization was beneficial to the wild turkey at one time, but I have never seen their presence or evidence of their presence anywhere that I personally hunt or have hunted, and populations seem to be falling everywhere. Where are they doing anything to help a single turkey?

I will go as far as to say that the NWTF's promotion of the sport for monetary gain is doing our precious turkeys more harm than good.

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If you have hunted turkeys, are able to have guns, seen more abundant wildlife, you have definitely seen the presence of the nwtf, whether you knew it or not.

And, the nwtf id helping fund and provide personnel to several states to study the decline in turkeys.

If you think that anyone promoting hunting is hurting the sport, when hunter numbers are falling drastically on a national level, you are selfish or ignorant.

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Well I guess I struck a nerve. They must sign your check.
I can agree with your first paragraph. Although I was not aware they have helped us maintain our 2nd amendment in anyway.

Where are the hunter numbers dramatically falling? I've heard this before but have never seen proof, but I have not looked for it. I don't think they falling one bit. Definitely not in the SE. I believe they are more turkey hunters in the woods now than ever before. I would like to see the numbers. We are all selfish to some existent when it comes to turkey hunting. Ignorant nah I don't believe so. That's all I have to say about this topic.

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turkey hunter numbers have not fallen in the southeast. At all......
"For thy name's sake, O LORD, pardon mine iniquity; for it is great."

Cut N Run

There's definitely more turkey hunters around here (NC) these days.  I barely used to hear a shot or see many turkey hunter's trucks parked beside the road when I first started.  Though the other side of that coin is that there's quite a few more turkeys to hunt now than it used to be.  Now a days, I hear two other hunters calling near one of my better spots when there used to be none...thankfully they tend to push turkeys towards me.

I've never been to the Convention...maybe one day?  It sounds like UNICOI is the way to go anyway.

I didn't like when NWTF switched from Turkey Call to Turkey Country magazine.  It kinda changed from a more dedicated turkey hunter's publication to a family oriented magazine.  I don't want this to be taken the wrong way & my desire is not to offend or sound sexist.  I have absolutely nothing against women hunting & enjoying outdoor pursuits.  I think it's cool when they make the effort to get good at it.  But, the next woman I see out on her own turkey hunting will be the first.  Anytime I see a female turkey hunting, she is the significant other or spouse of a guy who hunts.  I look forward to the day when I meet a dedicated female turkey hunter, but my point is;  I believe Turkey Country magazine has gone over the top promoting women hunters and I just don't see 'em out there.  It doesn't feel like the volume of articles/content aimed at the female readership of Turkey Country equals that number of participants.  Maybe I'm ignorant & wrong, but you can't prove that by my observations.

Luck counts, good or bad.


The Rob Keck salary was a shock to me and even at state levels there are 6 figures.
Any conservation organization is better than not being a part of one.
Maybe you guys are new to the sport but....
By 2000 the NWTF goal was to be done with stocking of turkey.
Now they have the save the habitat save the hunt. Get it?
Look around, all wildlife is losing habitat. 

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

When I turkey hunt I use a DSD decoy


Save the Habitat -Follow this link:


CRP has 22 million acres enrolled, but the 2018 Farm Bill lifted the cap to 27 million acres. This means farmers and ranchers have a chance to enroll in CRP for the first time or continue their participation for another term.

One stroke of the pen in Washington DC and more habitat is created than the NWTF could ever hope to. Not saying their mission isn't admirable, but on the big picture not a significant impact. Probably the best part of what they do is lobby for bills like these programs. My family has over 200 acres in CREP, and 1,000 more in managed forest programs, don't tell me I don't get it.

I will say that my cousin, who owns the 1,000 acres, invited the NWTF to consult on his land and they sent a forester. He looked around and asked if he could turkey hunt, then he recommended a USDA program my cousin was already signed up for. When asked if they could provide any funding for any projects the answer was "no". I have literally spent thousand of hours on this land doing what I can. Some of it is the home farm and I have a management plan on my own land which I didn't even include in the 1200. I have turkeys on my farm annually and they do well.


Quote from: fallhnt on February 17, 2020, 07:09:18 AM
The Rob Keck salary was a shock to me and even at state levels there are 6 figures.
Any conservation organization is better than not being a part of one.
Maybe you guys are new to the sport but....
By 2000 the NWTF goal was to be done with stocking of turkey.
Now they have the save the habitat save the hunt. Get it?
Look around, all wildlife is losing habitat. 

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

I was also shocked when I saw Keck was making almost 400K. and most under him were making 200K. All for the $$ of the members. Funny how most resigned when that news got out.
Don't gobble at me...


Quote from: fallhnt on February 17, 2020, 07:09:18 AM
Any conservation organization is better than not being a part of one.
By 2000 the NWTF goal was to be done with stocking of turkey.
Now they have the save the habitat save the hunt. 
Look around, all wildlife is losing habitat. 

Again, I have no problem with anyone wanting to support the organization. I agree wholeheartedly with the idea that being part of an organized voice that supports pro-conservation and hunting positions is a good thing. 

However, from my perspective, all of the latest catch-phrases ("Save the Habitat, Save the Hunt") and the magazine changes, etc. have basically been initiated to raise dollars rather than help the resource.  Maybe I have been out-of-the-loop for too long, but I see fewer and fewer on-the-ground projects and research being done to solve the current problems that are decimating turkey populations in some areas,...while more and more fund-raising events occur that pretty obviously are just done to increase that funding base. 

Once again, there is a balance to be had between actually helping wild turkeys and raising the dollars to do that.  That balance, in many of our opinions, has shifted way too far to the dollar-sign side with less and less focus on the original mission of the organization.  As you can see, that has really left a sour taste in the mouths of an awful lot of folks that would otherwise be onboard.

Postscript: I am off to go huntin' (Yea!) for a couple of days,...will catch up when I return.  ...Good discussion going here.  Keep it civil and constructive.  See-ya!


I hate it took you so long to see what the N WTF is really all about. Some people saw it long ago when Keck was living life to the fullest with his flock of feather preeners huddled around. For those of you who haven't realized it yet, it's coming. Just keep that wallet out and keep on "saving those turkeys".  You're getting "clucked" and don't even realize it.


I'm not a member, haven't been for years.  However, the CEO salary doesn't surprise me.  They bring in roughly 40 million a year.  That salary (379,000) is less than 1%.  Considering the position manages $40 million, that doesn't seem too bad to me as far as CEOs go.

The RMEF brings in a little over 50 million and pays 300,000.


I'm a Callmaker some may know me other may not. So i will attempt to give you may take as a Callmaker.  IF i care to meet customers and share a passion we all have for hunting turkeys. I must attend shows to do so. If i intend to establish myself in the call making world I must attend shows. The price for this is high at the Convention but it is paying dues. I started attending the show 15 years ago as a vendor. I was driven out due to cost. So here is my take.

There are two main events. NWTF Convention and UNICOI Callmakers Show. I set up at Unicoi and this year help establish the Turpin Box Call Category which I also completed in at the NWTF. I GOT TO MEET GREAT PEOPLE in both places. Hunters like me, collectors, people from all over the world. These are people whom i would have never meet Without the NWTF and UNICOI.  I wouldn't know near as many of Ya'll. Most of Ya'll wouldn't ever see nor play a Turpin Style Hen Box.  I enjoy both events but for different reason.

My time here on earth is limited. I give my time to building calls because i enjoy it. If you think you are going to make money as a call maker you are in for a rude awakening. Do or can i afford to buy better guns more shells YES but you are the reason i share my abilities and knowledge.

No where else can you have as much fun for $35 dollars. You are going to meet some of the best people who all share one thing in common. Turkey hunting. Nothing in this world is free except GOD.... If the RICH ever QUITE hunting, we will be screwed. Do you think the Governor of VA cares what a Poor Redneck in the country thinks. No he does not. He only cares about the people who put money in his bank account thinks. The NWTF, DU, RMEF, NRA and QU put money into their pockets. We as hunters need these type of people because they don't care what you as a individual thinks. 

Has the NWTF went left? IMO, YES  Is it still a Great Organization YES in it's own right. You can be two ways a FOLLOWER or a LEADER it's up to you. Remember your time is LIMITED. How do you want to be remembered? I choice to leave a little behind for others to enjoy. The NWTF allows us to to do this as a Callmaker.

Remember: If you step on a snake it will bite you. So don't step on the snake... BUT if you stay out of the woods sooner or latter someone will cut the woods down and we will lose them forever.

Now: I would like to THANK everone who supports us as a callmaker.  The Hunters, the Judges, the Collectors and the Volunteers     UNICOI is in January, NWTF is in February  hope to see you at both great events.....  But don't be fooled without these you could loose out on the great thing of all. FRENDSHIPS


As far as the NWTF is concerned, I am an ignorer.  I just wish they would stop filling up the woods in which I hunt with the wannabes.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


I used to be a NWTF member for many years, and hunted WMA's in FLA that had food plots and burns done for the turkeys that were paid for by the NWTF. These days those are getting harder to find, and you're right, the NWTF has become a money making machine.
I used to watch their TV show, until it became a bragging session for the NWTF big wigs to go hunt at elite lands owned by big time donors who managed their lands with NWTF funds. So several years ago, I let my NWTF membership go the way of my Ducks Unlimited membership. I didn't renew them.
It's a shame that con men get into positions of power in these once useful organizations, and use them for their own personal pleasure and profit, and ruin what the organizations were set up to do. The same thing is going on with the NRA right now. Wayne LaPierre and his group of elitist scumbags are living like royalty off of the member dues. It disgusts me. >:(

Spitten and drummen

Sorry but as far as I am concerned , the NWTF of today can go pound sand. Like anything else , some sleaze bags take a good thing and turn it into their personal life of luxury. I have not seen them do a thing in my area since the early 90's. Sure the local chapters have banquets and youth hunts but as far as habitat and the birds themselves... nada.


If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
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Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
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Greg Massey

I enjoy both Unicoi and NWTF convention .. glad to have them , agree it could be a lot worst , but we all need to protect our heritage and our 2nd amendment. I will continue supporting these organizations, that support what i love doing and that's hunting in general .. small game , deer , turkey etc...  I'm disappointed to see some of use bickering over the NWTF ... regardless they still stand for US .. not liberal's or socialist who want to take our rights away everyday .. YOU NEED TO THINK....


On a local level our chapter does some great things. Spring turkey clinic for youth and interested non hunters, women in the outdoors activities, buying trees for some of the local public lands, college scholarships, youth hunts for doves, ducks and turkeys.

I will say I get tired of them whoring out Kansas as a mecca when numbers have dropped precipitously. I contacted the biologist several years and they kept saying they would come back. Now that they havent guys are hitting the panic button. I hadnt been to a banquet in a couple years. Amazing how few people go anymore, and how little stuff goes for at the auction.