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What % of turkey hunters fall into the category of Traditional Turkey Hunters ?

Started by King Cobra, February 04, 2020, 11:39:06 AM

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I prefer to hunt in the way that you refer to as traditional. I have hunted them using other tactics,but I get the most personal satisfaction when I hunt them the "traditional " way.

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No idea what the percentage of traditionalists are out there. I would expect it's decreasing.just too many conveniences out there. Per your definition I used to be one,but as I aged I allowed myself a few conveniences which allowed me to hunt comfortably and longer. I don't begrudge anyone anything as long as they Are abiding by the law.


Quote from: Greg Massey on February 04, 2020, 12:15:28 PM
I firmly believer that the better turkey hunters will find ways to kill turkeys regardless and employ whatever tactic is necessary. It has always been a debate of hearing one way criticize over another way of killing turkeys. It's all about the hunt and enjoying your time in the outdoors, and making your heart pound as that gobbler is answering your calling. You have to think , am i traditionalist , if i have the best camo, snakeboot's , vest, custom calls, red dot's on my 200.00 - 2000.00 dollar shotgun. In my opinion who freaking cares WHAT i am, just enjoy to your fullest extent of chasing turkeys. I hunt to please me , NOT someone else...this is just my little old opinion..

Spot on Greg!

As I say "Just tools in the shed" I hunt with and without a blind, I hunt with and without decoys,  I hunt timber and I hunt fields, I hunt alone and hunt with others... to me it's all turkey hunting. More than anything it's about the hunt, I have passion about getting others into the hunt and have mentored hunters for the past 17 years and from 10 years old to 69 and both men and women, boys and girls it's all under the same hunt for me.

I'm a Turkey Hunter!



Without blinds and decoys because I believe that's the "right" way. Just because a state government says its legal doesn't mean it's right. Many states didn't even allow decoys until recent years. I distinctly remember a video in the hunter's safety course I took 30 years ago warning against wearing red while turkey hunting. Now it's ok to crawl behind a very realistic gobbler decoy? I don't judge anyone for how they enjoy the sport but I do worry about its future and what I consider the decline of the proper way to hunt the bird


My guess is that after this thread has run its course it should be renamed "Who are are the 1%'ers.....?"  Might as well include those who don't call with anything other than their voice and those who use hunting equipment that has no gun powder...
Turkey hunting is harvesting a bird with any and all legal means... That"s why hunting laws were created.....  HA HA not trying to ruffle feathers....


More noble to poach and kill him the right way than use your decoys and blind on your private lease.  If you have to wonder if you are something or not, you're not. 
"One can work for his gobbler by learning to communicate with him, or one can 'buy' his turkey with a decoy.  The choice is up to the 'hunter' " --William Yarbrough

Cut N Run

In my view, a traditional turkey hunter uses a bow he made him(or her)self, with a sinew string, handmade arrows tipped with knapped stone points.  How many here have tried & succeeded at hunting turkeys that way?

As much as I hunted aboriginal, I got busted before I could come to full draw more times than I care to remember.  So close, but so far away.  It is without question the most intense form of turkey hunting there is.

After an injury, I went back to blowing their brains out with a shotgun.  These days I use a decoy to spend one of my two tags and no decoys for the other tag.  I hunt from brush blinds sometimes, stake blinds sometimes, and what ever cover I can find otherwise.  I always use a lounger chair these days because a bad back requires it. I have been hunting turkeys most of my life and I can't imagine not being able to.

Luck counts, good or bad.


I'm just glad to come across a post that sir types alot hasn't commented on. First one I've seen in years.

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Spitten and drummen

Quote from: KYFrid on February 04, 2020, 08:24:31 PM
I'm just glad to come across a post that sir types alot hasn't commented on. First one I've seen in years.

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Hahaha. Gotta get that post count up. Less than 2 years and over 6600 post's  is pretty impressive.


I wish I could. I grew up like that but being deaf in one ear makes things impossible to pin point. When birds gobble I rotate my head to try n tell where it's the loudest from. A blind hides me.  My girl often comes at night n roosts w me to help but dekes too give me somewhere to look. I don't use em in big areas as a major draw, normally more of a spot to look towards.
I'll still run n gun but I'll be honest, it's sorta frustrating when you can feel the birds gobbling and can't move cause you don't know where to move to.
Anyhow imo there's lots of guys in predicaments like this. We mentor for the NWTF and many guys are in track chairs. Best not sit em just in the woods but hide em in a blind. As we age we can change or quit. I'm not quitting
No reason imo to bait anything. Anyone dealing w issues needs to be cut slack. But they need to be honest about issues n do their best to actually hunt to the best of their ability
The new generation is growing up very differently n you'd be surprised I bet how many NEVER shot some thing without the things you've described. They know no other ways many. Who's fault is that??


To be honest, we could take this "traditionalist" argument all the way back. If you want to get technical, none of us fit the description. The true traditionalists were the Native Americans and early mountain men who hunted turkeys without camo, a handmade call fashioned from a wingbone, and did their killing with a hand hewn bow; with a hand made sinew string and crude arrows tipped with knapped flint. Now I doubt anyone on this forum fits that mold. Even the guys who say they are traditional still hunt with modern camo, modern firearms with full chokes shooting modern factory ammunition, and very few make their own calls. Before anybody accuses me of arguing semantics; yes, I get your point. Theres a difference in using only hen calls and woodsmanship to hunt than using decoys, tent blinds, and reaping. Is one easier than the other? I'd say it depends on the day. I've killed gobblers in just about any of the situations listed over the years. Field birds over decoys in a blind have proved to be very difficult adversaries at times; in contrast, when hunting the "traditional" way, I've had gobblers jump off the limb and run smack into my gun barrel in a matter of minutes. Sometimes the blind and decoys make it easier. Sometimes it doesn't. Don't knock somebody else just because they hunt differently than you. Many early native Americans and settlers would be busting a gut laughing at us all. Hunt how you want, just get out there and enjoy God's bounty instead of wasting away in front of a tv. I could care less how you hunt as long as you're enjoying it. Us hunters have enough enemies these days without arguing amongst ourselves.

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John 3:16

"Fall hunting is maneuvers. Spring hunting is war"
Tom Kelly, Tenth Legion


Quote from: Ranger on February 04, 2020, 07:11:36 PM
More noble to poach and kill him the right way than use your decoys and blind on your private lease.  If you have to wonder if you are something or not, you're not.

Anybody that condones poaching in any way is not only not a so called traditionalist or even a true hunter, just a piece of crap in my book.

Quote from: Spitten and drummen on February 04, 2020, 08:27:03 PM
Quote from: KYFrid on February 04, 2020, 08:24:31 PM
I'm just glad to come across a post that sir types alot hasn't commented on. First one I've seen in years.

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Hahaha. Gotta get that post count up. Less than 2 years and over 6600 post's  is pretty impressive.

I love the sport, what can I say. I could care less about getting a post count, pity that somebody has to mock somebodies love of the sport. Ya'll are one of the reasons we are losing people because you do not like their way you have to run them down instead of encouraging their love of the sport.

Oh and I had not posted before this because this has been beaten to death hear in the time I have been here, those that think they are something special because they do something a certain way are never going to change their minds because of somebody else's post and vise versa, therefore I did not see a reason to post until I saw somebody condoning the disgusting action of poaching.
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. Arnold Schwarzenegger

John Koenig:
"It's better to live as your own man, than as a fool in someone else's dream."


Nawww I'm not a traditionalists. If my son is with I'm using a blind,if it's raining out I'm not sitting at home or in the rain..Sorry...Decoys I love seeing the reaction at times how Turkey's react to them..Sometimes though I don't get the reaction I like and then i kinda hate them...Over 40yds out they get to live another day. Nothing like getting them right in front of you. Jake's in the spring. I hope my son is with or it moves along to some other kid or hunter that looks at him as a trophy even if it's the last second of my season and I eat tag soup. Sneak attacks not my cup of tea. I have to call them in or it just isn't for me.
My son and i look forward to spring and fall season 365 days a year even as non traditionalists. We'll hunt them however we want within our state law and make many memories and friends together doing it. I personally don't care how people hunt them im not paying for anyone's else's license. 

Spitten and drummen

Quote from: Sir-diealot on February 04, 2020, 10:06:30 PM
Quote from: Ranger on February 04, 2020, 07:11:36 PM
More noble to poach and kill him the right way than use your decoys and blind on your private lease.  If you have to wonder if you are something or not, you're not.

Anybody that condones poaching in any way is not only not a so called traditionalist or even a true hunter, just a piece of crap in my book.

Quote from: Spitten and drummen on February 04, 2020, 08:27:03 PM
Quote from: KYFrid on February 04, 2020, 08:24:31 PM
I'm just glad to come across a post that sir types alot hasn't commented on. First one I've seen in years.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hahaha. Gotta get that post count up. Less than 2 years and over 6600 post's  is pretty impressive.

I love the sport, what can I say. I could care less about getting a post count, pity that somebody has to mock somebodies love of the sport. Ya'll are one of the reasons we are losing people because you do not like their way you have to run them down instead of encouraging their love of the sport.

Oh and I had not posted before this because this has been beaten to death hear in the time I have been here, those that think they are something special because they do something a certain way are never going to change their minds because of somebody else's post and vise versa, therefore I did not see a reason to post until I saw somebody condoning the disgusting action of poaching.

Simmer down . Just having a little fun. As far as losing people in this sport Its because of xbox and playstation. Nobody ran you down. Nothing was said that was bad. You need not get so defensive. You was not being picked on.Again , just having a little fun. If I knew you was thinned skinned , I wouldnt have commented.