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Favorite metal surface ?

Started by coyote1, May 09, 2019, 02:03:23 PM

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What is everyone's favorite metal surface? Aluminum, copper, brass, titanium and stainless. I would also like to know what strikers you guys prefer for each surface. I appreciate any information.


Stoned aluminum over glass or over slate for me Keith. Bloodwood, Ipe, purpleheart, dymondwood and fiber rod strikers for me.
Phil 4:13


Copper from Mike Yingling is my favorite metal caller. Cedar, Osage and Yingling fiber rod are my striker choices.


Stoned aluminum for me too. A nicely conditioned annodized is a very close second though.


titanium. With a two peice dymondwood strikers
Sun Shine State { Osceola }

noisy box call that seems to sound like a flock of juvenile hens pecking their way through a wheat field


Anodized aluminum over glass, but it needs to be conditioned right. Dymondwood and Ipe for the strikers


Triple B

Lyman Slick aluminum, persimmon striker.

Spitten and drummen

I guess I shouldnt comment because metal calls are my least favorite. If I had to carry one , it would be stoned or anodized aluminum. I just really dont care for metal surfaces.


Anodized aluminum

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Anodized aluminum over glass. It can be finicky and needs be kept clean and conditioned.yingling copper and Sinclair titanium are gaining though.
Kwila striker


Thank you all for the responses. How are you guys conditioning your anodized aluminum? I like the sound but hate the slick surface.

I should mention I have at least one of all the surfaces listed. I played my calls with your striker recommendations and ended up with some very good combinations. So far it's stoned aluminum and brass I like the best. Next would be anodized if I can get a better grip with the striker. The copper sounds great but it's very pressure sensitive.


Quote from: coyote1 on May 09, 2019, 09:48:43 PM
Thank you all for the responses. How are you guys conditioning your anodized aluminum? I like the sound but hate the slick surface.

I should mention I have at least one of all the surfaces listed. I played my calls with your striker recommendations and ended up with some very good combinations. So far it's stoned aluminum and brass I like the best. Next would be anodized if I can get a better grip with the striker. The copper sounds great but it's very pressure sensitive.
240 grit sandpaper only going in one direction. So from 3 to 9 on a clock, pick it up go back to 3 to 9


I thought it was 9 to 3  not  3 to 9
Are a  south·paw
Sun Shine State { Osceola }

noisy box call that seems to sound like a flock of juvenile hens pecking their way through a wheat field


Clean with alcohol pad, sandpaper gently in one direction, (might just be me or the way I hold a call but I condition from the 3 to 12 position moreso than straight across to the 9). A very minimal amount of rain chalk rubbed in gently with scotch brite will help the surface hold its conditioning and play with much more grip.