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Started by Southerngobbler, March 29, 2019, 02:46:04 PM

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Does anyone know what a chigger looks like. Can you even see them on you? I occasionally see a little bright red or orange bug crawling on me about the size of a period at the end of a sentence. If it wasn't for the bright color I probable wouldn't even see it. Im just curios if these are actually chiggers as some people refer to chiggers as red bugs and these are very red. Does anyone know if chiggers are bright red or orange? What ever they are the move fairly quick for their small size.


Yes, what you are describing is likely a chigger.


Sounds like chigger. I have been tore up by them more times than I care to remember

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


I think the immature ones are the ones you can't see that bite, the red ones you see are mature and I'm not sure if they bite or not, can anyone confirm? I could be totally wrong.

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Never seen them but they make you very uncomfortable for a week or two.  Permethrin on your clothes will keep you from getting those nasty red bites.  They are chiggers and in some parts of the country they are called No See Em's, so they must be very small. 


My understanding is the red welts that you get are from them laying their eggs in your skin and then hatching. I could be wrong but I know one thing for sure. It sucks getting into them. Permethrin has solved that problem for me.

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


Quote from: catman529 on March 29, 2019, 02:56:46 PM
I think the immature ones are the ones you can't see that bite, the red ones you see are mature and I'm not sure if they bite or not, can anyone confirm? I could be totally wrong.

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From my brief research, this is correct.  Where I deer hunt in North Mississippi these things are brutal. If you walk through tall grass and haven't applied some kind of bug dope, it's not uncommon to get 40 or so bites.  I keep a tube of hydrocortisone cream in my overnight bag because it's impossible to sleep with that much itching going on.


A quick goggle search shows I was wrong. Looks like they eat skin cells and during the process inject some gunk that kills skin cells. Didn't read anything about mature vs young though.

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


Them suckers used to tear me up when i was young. My dad would bring me squirrel hunting and we would sit on the ground and wait for daylight. Man I'd have bites all over my sack and my ankles. I make sure and spray now days and spray my kids.


I thought I had got into a bunch of chiggers, turned out to be lonestar tick larve. That's how I became allergic to all red meat. Over 4 years ago.
Colossians 3:12 Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.


In the Marines we used to do field opps and I remember getting done and a couple days later sitting in the barracks and itching so bad that I used my Kbar to scrape my legs. They are not fun at all. I don't go out now without spraying down first

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Quote from: daddyduke on March 29, 2019, 04:10:00 PM
I thought I had got into a bunch of chiggers, turned out to be lonestar tick larve. That's how I became allergic to all red meat. Over 4 years ago.

One of the articles I just read said that now they believe that chigger larvae can cause alpha-gal as well.


If I'm ever blessed to make it to Heaven my first questuofor God is, duded what's up with chiggers.


Oh ya, I hate them little buggers. Gotta nailed a couple years in a row after working around the property. Nasty rash, blisters
and itchy as heck. Determined they hung out in the tall grass and weeds on the edge of the property. I now wear look sleeves and spray my clothes with repellent whenever working in that area. Stinks when it's hot out, but much better than getting hit by them chiggers.
Love fishing and Deer hunting (Shotgun, Muzzleloader & Pistol). Recently became addicted to Turkey Hunting.