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What makes someone a “good” turkey hunter?

Started by JMalin, May 01, 2018, 12:32:21 PM

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Have you read THE OLD PRO TURKEY HUNTER by: Nunnery?  It's a good read if you're ole school. ;)


Quote from: guesswho on May 01, 2018, 07:04:25 PM
It's someone who has fun and makes sure anyone around him has a fun and memorable hunt.  And if a turkey dies in the process that's a bonus.

This. I've come home empty handed from some of my best most memorable hunts.


1 . Someone who follows the regulations.
2. Someone who has a sense of ethics and self control.
3. Someone who does not rely on much other than himself, camo, his shotgun and a turkey call.
4. Someone to whom the process means more than the kill.
5. Someone who takes the time to make sure they portray turkey hunting in the best light possible.
6. Someone who can take a wuppin from these great birds and look forward to challenging them again.
7. A sense of humor and a desire to become as proficient a hunter as they can.
8. Someone willing to teach others and strives to make their experience memorable.

Numbers don't mean much to me. Character, attitude and determination do.
This is my opinion of the who are the good turkey hunters.

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


One that can spend a lot of time with the turkeys


Someone that enjoys turkey hunting and understands turkey behavior on the next level. I think it's too complicated to say "someone who consistently kills without decoys" or "someone that doesn't sit in a blind". Not all hunters have access to the same resources. Not all good hunters are physically able to go everywhere a healthy young man can. Not all good hunters can afford to spend the money or time it takes to kill lots of birds, but they take advantage of the limited hunts they are afforded.

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Ethics and respect for the game

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Patience, patience, and more patience.   That thing has for some strange reason just not been my strong point this year and I just do not know why...  I have been known to sit like a stone for hours waiting and watching for birds I was working or knew would be where I was.  This year I feel like a rank amateur.  Moving on birds I just KNEW would come and getting busted by a bird sneaking in.  Over calling when I know the hens are only going to take the toms in the opposite direction with the first note.  It IS a slow year here though. Everything seems to be a week and a half two weeks behind schedule,  and the weather has simply heen bipolar-30° one day, 80° the next.   Hopefully next week weeks will be better...and I'll settle down...
Big Al's "Take-em" Style Silhouette decoys Pro-Staff.

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind te most.


"One thing I did learn this year (and last) is that it is far easier to be a "good" turkey hunter with lots of turkeys around...."

This might be the most important one of all!

tha bugman

Quote from: merriamsman on May 10, 2018, 10:23:21 AM
"One thing I did learn this year (and last) is that it is far easier to be a "good" turkey hunter with lots of turkeys around...."

This might be the most important one of all!
As an old friend of mine once said "abundance of game has made a many an expert"


Quote from: warrent423 on May 01, 2018, 11:35:12 PM
To me, a "good" turkey hunter is one who can sit down against a tree and call a heavily pressured Gobbler to within 40 yards of the gun and kill him consistently, without the use of decoys. A "great" turkey hunter is one who can do the same even when they are not gobbling ;)   


High plains drifter

Quote from: Happy on May 02, 2018, 08:01:02 PM
1 . Someone who follows the regulations.
2. Someone who has a sense of ethics and self control.
3. Someone who does not rely on much other than himself, camo, his shotgun and a turkey call.
4. Someone to whom the process means more than the kill.
5. Someone who takes the time to make sure they portray turkey hunting in the best light possible.
6. Someone who can take a wuppin from these great birds and look forward to challenging them again.
7. A sense of humor and a desire to become as proficient a hunter as they can.
8. Someone willing to teach others and strives to make their experience memorable.

Numbers don't mean much to me. Character, attitude and determination do.
This is my opinion of the who are the good turkey hunters.
. I agree, hunting legally, and ethically is a trait of a good Hunter.Montana has a lot of hicks, and rednecks, who drive around poaching with 22's.These people are scum, and a lot of them are in their 50's, and 60's.White trash!!


Some great points on this thread. It's interesting to me that for most of us "good hunter" doesn't mean "skilled and prolific killer".  It doesn't take long in the field to truly respect and love these birds.  I think we want to emulate those of us who also respect and love the wild turkey, so to most is us "good hunter" means "hunter who loves and respects turkeys".

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A "good" turkey hunter never stops learning from the bird itself, both gobbler and hen, and then applies that knowledge to his advantage, realizing that nothing always works and that turkeys will do what turkeys want to do. If it did not present an ever-changing challenge, we'd soon get bored with it and venture on to something else.


The sitting for hours on end in one spot just doesn't fit with my style of hunting.  I couldn't imagine deer hunting a turkey.  To each their own.


Someone who can consistently kill mature birds on public land, more than 10 years running.
Don't gobble at me...