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The gobble or the drum???

Started by Marc, April 27, 2018, 05:10:11 PM

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For me, the gobble is one of the most exciting aspects of turkey hunting...  It is my favorite sound in the turkey woods...

Hearing the distance gobble and knowing "Game ON!"  Or hearing that gobble getting closer, and building that anticipation...

That drumming is a cool sound...  But, I would guess that a good percentage of birds I hear drumming, I never see...  Or they never quite make it into range.

To me, the gobble says "here I am" and sometimes (hopefully) "here I come!"  Drumming says "here I am, come on over..."

I think that we have to be really paying attention to the woods to hear drumming, and I would guess that there are a fair number of us who have not paid attention or not heard it...  Even when close...

This year, I was working some birds in front of me...  They were strutting and drumming with some hens but not gobbling...  I was completely focused on these birds (about 80 yards away), when several feet behind me came a cascade of gobbles (from a trio of jakes)...  I literally jumped, and sent everything running, every which a'way....

Drumming often tells me "I need to put my thinkin' cap on..."  I hear a gobble and I think "Oh boy, I hope they keep coming..."
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


Gobble for me. Usually the first sound I hear from them and the I know it's game on and I get locked in

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I like both, but I prefer the drumming.   When I hear him drumming I know what's on his mind and how to take advantage of it.   With a gobble there can still be a few things to sort out.   But I'm happy with either one!
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Drumming for me as well.  If I hear Spitting and Drumming, I know it's GO TIME!!!!  Gobbling is OK but if they don't close the distance while gobbling, then .........    Gobbling for 2 hours with NO return on investment, Drumming for 2 minutes with a return on investment PRICELESS!!!!!!


I love both gobbling and drumming but if I had to chose one it would be the drumming. I know it's almost go time when I here that.


Would have to say gobble. I love to hear one drumming but there is just something about an Appalachian mountain bird sounding off on a calm morning that gets me.

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


Years of construction work and loud farm machinery (and shooting without ear protection) have really played heck with my hearing. I can still hear gobbling fairly well but the bird has to be dang close for me to hear it drum. So for me, drumming gets my heart pumping more than gobbling


I have yet to hear drumming while hunting, so it is the gobble for me.
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. Arnold Schwarzenegger

John Koenig:
"It's better to live as your own man, than as a fool in someone else's dream."


It's all in the name! I can Make Em' Gobble :)



I like to hear both. The last bird I killed never gobbled but drummed a lot.
Listen for the gobble


Drumming for sure, it tells me i've done almost everything right and i just have to finish the deal. I know at that point he's close enough that one small mistake and it's game over. Unless it's a surprise gobble 20 yards away from a bird I didn't know was there. Kind of the same deal, close enough that the smallest mistake is a big mistake and i know everything is going to have to play out just right to get that bird killed.

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Spitten and drummen

Just like my name: SPITTEN And DRUMMEN


Drumming for sure.  At least if I hear that, I know they are close. 


Love the Drumming,but love hearing the Gobble even more especially when it's closing the distance.