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the details of my weekend hunt

Started by surehuntsalot, April 06, 2011, 09:56:35 PM

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in Ms.      kinda long (sorry)

The First Day Of The Battle

   5 different birds sounded off at daylight, I was calling for a buddy who just started turkey hunting this season. We headed to the closest bird, the bird gobbled 6 times before he was on the ground. I figured he had hens  with him, because he never said another word after he was on the ground. We played the waiting game for 1-1/2 hours. I was watching one way on the power line and down 2 logging roads. I had my buddy watching the other way after about 1-1/2 hours a lone gobbler struts out into one of the logging roads I was watching. I called to him, he looked at me like I was crazy, he didn't say a word and walked away He made a big circle and came out on the power line in front of my buddy at about 100 yards. I called and my buddy called, he gobbled 1 time and walked off into the woods with his head blood read. We waited 45 minutes, nothing. I decided to move on him, we got what I figured was in front of him. We never heard him again the rest of the day.

                    The Second Day Of The Battle

   Only 2 birds gobbled at daylight this morning. One was in the same area as the bird yesterday morning. I was thinking "oh no, here we go again."                       We headed to him again, well when he flew down, he gobbled 8-10 times, as he walked away. No matter what I did, I could not turn him or get him interested. We followed and moved on him 3 times, but he won that round. We headed back to camp around 10:30 for a break and a drink (maybe 200 yards from where we were standing.) We were stirring at the camp when 2 other guys drove up that had been hunting at the river, we were all standing there talking about the morning's hunt hunt, when Mr. Pain in the butt announced that he was back. He gobbled from the other side of the power line at exactly 11:00. My buddy and I grabbed our stuff and headed that way, as we were easing up to the power line through the woods, we got the crap scared out of us. As Mr. Pain in the butt gobbled on the other side, not 1 but 2 birds gobbled out on OUR side of the power line not 80 yards away. We grab a tree and wait just a minute, Mr. Pain in the butt gobbles, both the other birds gobble. I call very excited cutting the cracking, all 3 birds gobble. The bird on the other side of the power line is getting closer, as he closes towards  the edge of the woods the other 2 strut up completely. I figured  the other bird must have been the boss bird. Well  he hung up for what ever reason, he came to the edge of the power line 4 times, but would not come out on it for nothing. Why he hung up, I don't know, turkeys being turkeys I guess. He walked up and down the edge of the power line just inside the woods, and gobbled 42 times from 11:00 until 12:30 when he walked off going around a hill until I couldn't hear him anymore.                       We sat there for another hour, nothing happened, went back at the late evening to try to roost him, but didn't hear one word from my birds.

                    The Third Day Of The Battle

   I told myself that I was going to regret this, but even after not hearing anything the evening before, we went right back to where we were standing Saturday morning. At daylight 2 birds gobbled. 1 way off down a creek bed, and guess who (believe me, I had done learned his gobble) Mr. Pain in the butt. He was up on top of a big hill, I told my buddy to come on, we crossed the power line and set up. I put the new guy in front of me and I backed up about 50-60 yards. Mr. Pain in the butt gobbled 10 times in the tree then he flew down about 80 or so yards from us right in front of the "rookie." I was laughing so hard to myself from watching his gun barrel shake that I couldn't hardly hold a call. I did some very light cackles and soft yelps, he gobbled, he sounded like he was off the right, he was circling us, sure enough I saw his white head out in some thick brush then I lost him. The next time he gobbled, he had moved back around in front of my buddy holding his ground. I called, he answered this time going to the left, trying to circle again. I spied him again, but lost him again in all the green. I scratched in the leaves he gobbled amost behind me.   
I waited a couple of minutes and clucked 1 time and scratched the leaves again, he gobbled just over my left shoulder, sounded like on my back, but I'm  guessing less than 40 yards. Finally saw him out of the corner of my eye, as he strutted behind a tree, I shifted the little 20 gauge and ended his morning and my 3 day battle at 7:20 a.m. Sunday Morning.

P.S. My buddy is still mad at me for shooting the bird.

it's not the harvest,it's the chase







CONGRATS! I love killing tough birds that give you the slip one to many times! :z-guntootsmiley: :you_rock:
A shot not taken,is a shot missed!
Juan Galindo-Last Light Taxidermy


Great story and a nice bird...Gotta love them ones you have to hunt a few days to kill!


Quote from: Trip on April 07, 2011, 11:56:44 PM
Great story and a nice bird...Gotta love them ones you have to hunt a few days to kill!
:agreed: :icon_thumright:
2016-2017-2018-2019-2020- 2021
Six time Old Gobbler Contest Champions


bayou gobbler


WTG!!! Is that a Simpson County MS bird??


Congrats on a nice bird. The story was excellent as well. Way to go..Mike :you_rock:
May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.


Quote from: catdaddy on April 08, 2011, 02:24:14 PM
WTG!!! Is that a Simpson County MS bird??

yes it was a simpson co. bird      catdaddy
it's not the harvest,it's the chase
