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NWTF membership

Started by Life of Riley, July 05, 2016, 11:58:07 PM

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Life of Riley

Do you guys think it's worth it to join the NWTF? I looked at their website and didn't get that much info. I looked into chapters near me and I'm not really sure what they do or what the banquets they have are for.


Absolutely, it's worth it.  They were instrumental in re-introducing turkeys in my state in the 80's, and now i can hunt at home.  They do a lot of habitat and conservation work.  As far as the banquets, their purpose is to raise funds.  They have relatively low administrative costs, so a lot of the money raised actually goes to work.

Dr Juice

I joined the NWTF especially since T&TH went belly up. There isn't much out there to keep updated and in engaged with turkey hunting and habitat. Just my $0.02.

All The Way!


The NWTF has done, and still does, much good work on behalf of wild turkeys, habitat, and hunters over the decades.  Unfortunately, the organization built such a huge infrastructure back when times were really good that in order to maintain that now, they often appear to focus on fundraising and money more than the membership and volunteers that support the NWTF.  That perception has soured a lot of folks, myself included to some degree.

To me, the real benefit is in what you can get out of the local chapter association and the people that you can meet in getting involved.  I have made many lasting friendships with folks that I would never have met if I had not gotten involved in the NWTF.  You just have to try to make yourself look past the tunnel-vision focus on raising money that the national organization seems to have nowadays. 

Tail Feathers

Quote from: GobbleNut on July 06, 2016, 08:02:39 AM
The NWTF has done, and still does, much good work on behalf of wild turkeys, habitat, and hunters over the decades.  Unfortunately, the organization built such a huge infrastructure back when times were really good that in order to maintain that now, they often appear to focus on fundraising and money more than the membership and volunteers that support the NWTF.  That perception has soured a lot of folks, myself included to some degree.

To me, the real benefit is in what you can get out of the local chapter association and the people that you can meet in getting involved.  I have made many lasting friendships with folks that I would never have met if I had not gotten involved in the NWTF.  You just have to try to make yourself look past the tunnel-vision focus on raising money that the national organization seems to have nowadays.
Well said.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Gobblenut expressed my sentiments in a much nicer way than I could have so I will just leave it at that.
If I had the funds, I would likely still be supportive, but as it is, any money I used to spend on NWTF, I spend it on actual hunting trips---most of which I am taking youth and other folks.
They do still have some good programs, and I still get involved from time to time with the JAKES program. The grassroots folks at the chapter levels are solid gold. I am just not into volunteering my time to make someone else rich any more. The former CEO was a crook, IMO. Hopefully new leadership is making a difference, but I am not around to know.


It's well worth it. My local chapters besides doing all the obvious are involved in taking kids n disabled vets turkey hunting, kids, disabled vets bow n gun deer hunts, we're doing a women's in the outdoors event that is a women's only Hunter Ed, women's in the outdoors fishing events, the jakes days are worth every single penny just to watch the kids fish, shoot bows/guns, eat barbecue n run turkey calls.
Bunch of the chapters put on call clinics too.
I know of no better grass roots orginazation and if these things aren't happening by you start them.
Obviously the management of birds, they've planted parts of the local refuge w refuge friendly/turkey friendly seed.
I've been involved in lots of orginozations n NWTF does more than anyone, plus w the price you get a $25 bass pro card so it's nearly free to join.
Want to say something too, I'm a member only not even belonging to a chapter. I'm a volunteer who helps a couple chapters. My favorite Spuce Run is too far to make the meetings but the chapter should win a gold medal. The two closer chapters are great too


I join to get the magazine and get into the convention free. Other than that, I'm not happy that the NWTF hasn't taken a big role in leading the discussion on lobbying TN for changes since we are experiencing turkey decline in many areas. I'm disappointed they aren't stepping up to the plate to address this.

I am also very disappointed they don't condemn the practice of fanning, remote control decoys, etc and lobby states to outlaw.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I've been a member for a very long time, almost since it began. I have volunteered many hundreds hours over those years and helped to start several new chapters. I've watched it grow from just a few members really into something over 250,000 paid adult members currently. The JAKES program, Wheelin' Sportsmen and WITO (Women in the outdoors) have brought many folks into the hunting and shooting fold.

I'm hunter who grew up without wild turkeys and one who witnessed the dramatic rescue and reintroduction of them to provide huntable populations. The NWTF played a large part in that reintroduction. Without the work and money of thousands of volunteers it would not have happened. Many state agencies were also supported by NWTF members and legislators were encouraged to support those efforts. State wildlife professionals are to be complimented for all that they did in this effort as well. It was a cooperative effort by many.

We are now witnessing a decline in the wild turkey population in many, maybe most parts of the U.S. The "Save the Habitat, Save the Hunt" initiative by the NWTF is a good one. Any of us who hunt, have children or grandchildren and want to preserve our hunting heritage should give serious thought to supporting that program. What past generations did for us, we need to do for the future generations.

Currently, an NWTF membership is $35.00 and they'll send you a $25.00 Bass Pro "Promo Card". You get the magazine for a year as well.

Lastly, like any other organization, you largely get out of it what you put into it.

"If he's out of range, it just means he has another day and so do you."

M Sharpe

How much does the NWTF actually contribute when you have a jakes day?

Where is this "Save the Habitat, Save the Hunt" going on at??

I'm not a Christian because I'm strong and have it all together. I'm a Christian because I'm weak and admit I need a Saviour!


^^^join and learn. Yes it's worth it. A voice in DC  for us. Right now you can join and you get a $25.00 Bass Pro gift card.
When I turkey hunt I use a DSD decoy


Do some research and draw your own conclusions.   See where the money is spent. Also research turkey restoration and see who did what.   You may or may not like what you see.   As for me, they won't ever see another penny of my money.   
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
Calls Prostaff


If you would like to know how the NWTF co-insides with your area check out the local chapters, how much effort is put forth by the NWTF in the chapter's work. Also ask the chapter's members about how much they raise and get to utilize within their own locale verses what the NWTF takes in from their fund raising banquets. I keep up with a lot of Missouri chapters through our state NWTF paper and to see their work ethics when it comes to serving their locale is amazing .... the countless hours that are spent by volunteers, the remarkable efforts taken to support the handicapped and wounded soldiers and the time spent helping the youth to learn hunting practices and safety, tells me that (on a local level) these folks are the heart of the organization, as far as being a member of the NWTF I am, and I attend the National Convention for free and the 25 bucks in Bass Pro gift card buys me a box of shells every year. I wish the National Organization would pat more attention to its smaller chapters that are struggling to survive, and that the nationals would tender to the call maker / hunter as a whole instead of looking for sponsorship from the "Big 3" but...that is just my 2cents worth.
my new email is paw.paw.jack@sbcglobal.net

Greg Massey

Yes, it's worth joining NWTF.. investigate and read what all they do and check with you local charter, you will  meet a lot's of guy's who enjoy turkey hunting and supporting our youth and learning about the wild turkey. The youth are the future of our hunting....

M Sharpe

Quote from: fallhnt on July 06, 2016, 01:38:31 PM
^^^join and learn. Yes it's worth it. A voice in DC  for us. Right now you can join and you get a $25.00 Bass Pro gift card.

Been one for a long, long time!! Mainly because I attend Nashville every year; and, for members admission is free. Otherwise, it is $10/day. I've donated a many a call for their banquets, then when you go to find out how many dollars worth you've donated, you get informed, "Oh, we don't keep up with that unless you signed an in-kind donation slip". You know, I probably would have if someone had a mentioned that when I was donating!!!

My question still remains....maybe my local chapter isn't doing something right!!

I'm not a Christian because I'm strong and have it all together. I'm a Christian because I'm weak and admit I need a Saviour!