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Mid season in the northern states

Started by Bowguy, May 13, 2016, 08:17:23 PM

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Hey guys I know many places are closed already n some guys are posting a rough season. I've had an ok one so far but stints of no action/gobbling made me remember it's just turkey hunting n that stuff happens.
It all changes. Hoping tomo is a good day for you all! Good luck boys


Hey thanks a bunch!  I need all the luck I can get!  Pretty rough so far for me. Only hunted 3 full mornings but only heard 2 birds!  Hunted or listened every morning this week before work and every evening till dark and haven't heard a single gobble!  One of those deals. You just have to keep on keeping on!


My past 2 outings in PA, I've been stung by the noon buzzer. Not sure if extra time would of sealed the deal, but had birds answering between 11:15 and noon, but holding. Birds have been with hens. Monday starts the all day. I'm not man enough to do a 15 hour hunt, but I will take advantage of a little extra time if necessary!


Good luck to everyone still hunting!!


Stick with them guys.  The birds we have been hunting here in NY have been very quiet and not doing much strutting.  Last night we only had 1 tom on our property with some hens and jakes when we roosted them.  Finally, this morning he was ready to put on a show.  He gobbled almost non stop for 3 hours and then on and off for the next 2 hours.  After multiple setups, I got him at 10:15 after working him for over 4 hours.

My point is, you never know when that switch will be flipped and they will be ready to play the game.  I was getting discouraged but mornings like I had this morning makes it all worth it.


Most of the birds here in Northern Iowa are acting right.  I have been really close to closing the deal on some hot birds this week and two of my buddies got it done this morning.  I didn't get a chance to hunt today but will be after them in the morning in a spot I am very confident it.


In Wisconsin May 18th to May 24th will be our 6th and final time period. I have hunted the 3rd, 4th, and 5th time periods on Public and private lands and was blessed to tag 3 gobblers so far. I am looking forward to hunting the final week and hope our weather warms and stabilizes. Some days you hear gobbling and some days zero. The birds are around because you see them moving about. Sunny afternoons seem to have the most activity for birds cruising field edges on the properties that I have hunted. Good luck to everyone.


JK Spurs

Hunting PA here...lots of action but haven't been able to seal the deal. I'm going to try to get out 4 days this week. Weather looks good in the forecast.
I like my turkey well peppered


Quote from: Bowguy on May 13, 2016, 08:17:23 PM
Hey guys I know many places are closed already n some guys are posting a rough season. I've had an ok one so far but stints of no action/gobbling made me remember it's just turkey hunting n that stuff happens.
It all changes. Hoping tomo is a good day for you all! Good luck boys

I agree, tuff season so far!! But, we have had other seasons like this is the past as well. Thinking the last two weeks things will pick up, including the weather!!!