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Musings on Kansas...

Started by BowBendr, May 04, 2016, 09:53:01 AM

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Everybody wants to know about Kansas it seems...I had many questions too before my first trip. Here are some random musings, thoughts, concerns and truths. Feel free to add more !
- No, there is not a gobbler in every draw or woodlot.
- The locals here have been great to us.
- Can't comment on local cuisine, as there is none.
- If it rains, horrible is an understatement for the roads.
- If you see ruts on a wet road, stay off, you will be walking.
- If you get under a half tank of gas, buy some gas.
- If you need anything after 7 pm, you're waiting til tomorrow.
- Sooner or later, if you hunt long enough, you will sit something you own in cow poop.
- Don't belly crawl around prickly pear !
- Daylight comes early, dark comes late, you don't get much rest.
- If a woodline looks to be a mile away...it's actually 2.
- Poor optics would suck.
- Weather is fickle, turkeys don't mind so much, but you will.
- Deer can ruin a hunt.
- Turkeys don't care much for eagles.
- Have water on you when you leave the truck.
- Know how to run a quality box call and run it well.
- Don't get hurt, help is a long way off.
- Dang jakes......
- Barbed wire can suck also.
- Your choice of footwear is critical.
- A good cooler is your friend.
- Wind is...well, windy !
- Permithrin is worth it's weight in gold.
- The sun is your enemy about 3:30...it gets warm.
- Again, turkeys are not in every draw and creek bottom.
- A rio turkey never stops moving.
- Even though they gobble a ton, not every gobbler likes to be hammered with calls.
- Hunt all day, they will work all day.
- What they call a river out here, I call a creek.
- Mud gets on everything you own at some point.
- Wish there was a steak house close by...I see tons of beef cattle...
- Cold beer is cold beer, seems better after a hunt out here.
- Not much rock on local radio, been tears in my beer for 3 days now....

Just some random thoughts, never had a moments trouble. Having fun due to proper preparation. Just a little list of funny thoughts. Glad I came out here. Ready to hit another new state !

2015 Old Gobbler contest Champions


 :happy0064: :happy0064: :happy0064:

Congrats on what must have been a fun trip.

Rio Fan

Thanks for the information and congrats on a beautiful bird!  :icon_thumright:


Cool write up and congrats on the bird as well.



I loved this.  It's concise, informative and yet amusing all at the same time  :goofball:


NWTF Booth 1623
One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.


This is spot on. Especially needing things after 7 p.m. Stopped to get gas around 6:30 one day, and those folks were long gone!



-- small cornerside restarants seem to be the norm for lunches in the small towns and that's        nice...but take plenty of $$$..they are expensive

-- don't eat the bull fries

--tornado warnings out there really mean something...listen and take caution

-- turkeys aren't overly worried about distant coyotes

-- watch out for the osage thorns-- they hurt

-- have a fan handy and be ready to crawl


Awesome musings and congrats on your bird!

Well done.


If you are West of Wichita and need fuel or food look for a grain elevator. Good chance they have both. Have cash they don't do plastic.
Gobble Gobble Gobble.........BOOOM.....Gobble Gobble Gobble!!!



All of that sounds about right.  :)
