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What to do?

Started by Furtaker, April 17, 2016, 04:45:26 PM

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How do you guys (if you do at all) alter your tactics when the weather becomes warm...75-85*?  It seems to me when it starts hitting 75 by 10am the birds go silent from then on.


Most gobblers in my experience will go quiet around 10 or before because they go with hens not so much because of weather. Setting up in areas where you know they are or hitting strutting areas and calling is always worth while. Most birds will pick back up in the afternoon as far as gobbling. Unfortunately here in VA our season allows hunting til 12 only until the last two weeks then it goes to all day.

Greg Massey

Look for places that have a lot of shade in the afternoons like didn't parts of woods edges and fields. A lot of the time those strutting zone will be in the shady parts of these areas. As a hunter in those hot days after lunch if you can and want to hunt most of the day you have to find those shady spots for yourself..Just setup and do some lite calling and sometime hit you call more aggressive every so often again these all day hunts take a lot of patience's ...


Strut zones down in cool creek bottoms and hollows. When it gets hot getting them fired up is tough and the bugs can make a hunt rough

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I like to stay In shady areas and hollows around here. When trying to locate I get pretty aggressive on the call. Sometimes it seems almost impossible to get one to fire off but it happens every once in a while.

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


Thanks for the feedback everyone