YOU GUYS .......are what make this site so dang good !!!!!
I'll share a private conservation I had with Dr. Lovett Williams some years ago , and in that conversation we were talking about how good the folks here are , and how Lovett loved answering all the questions , I mean he enjoyed it greatly , be said "turkey hunters are a cut above" and he explained out of all the hunting groups out there the turkey hunters themselves as a group were the best , that's coming from a person I respected greatly
I could write a small book about my experiences with making and maintaining the forum , all I can say is THANK YOU !! Because you folks are first class , you talk online as if you were talking to someone face to face !! Your good folks
I have however had some run ins with some idiots on here , (now elsewhere ....=) but I got thick skin .... Only on the Internet can fools become the wise .....where teenage kids can pass themselves off as world renown experts on everything, I've seen it all -
anyways , enough of that thank you for being such good folks !
Btw .....we just passed 10,000 registered members yesterday , because of folks like you Oldgobbler is what it is
-- Shannon