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what do like to see in a hunting show?

Started by wvlimbhanger, February 29, 2016, 01:02:36 PM

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The other thread helped open my eyes to a couple shows I had never watched before and I found that meateater is a classy show that's not over the top like many of the "annoying" ones mentioned in the other thread.

I'm not much for TV except watching the weather on the local news, College football or basketball, and hunting shows.

That leads me to ask a couple of questions:

What shows do you enjoy watching?


What makes them enjoyable to you?

I've always been a fan of Primos Truth About Hunting, especially shows that have Will, Jimmy, Brad and his daughter, and Troy Ruiz.  The family ribbing between Will and Jimmy is enjoyable and watching Brad hunt with his daughter gets me excited for when my now 2 year old son is big enough to tag along.  I think they have a great balance of good ol fashioned fun and respect for the game they are after.

Heartland Bowhunter is another one I like because of the quality of footage and the story that each episode tells.

One last one that's not on mainstream TV but Chad Claycomb's Fired Up series has some exceptional footage and again, tells the whole story of spring.  I feel like I just finished a hunting season myself the way he starts from the youth opener and goes to the last day.


When I turkey hunt I use a DSD decoy

tha bugman

something other than hunting field edges with decoys......

Dr Juice

tha bugman

My hearing aint what it used to be and the boss hen would always start cutting....saying "turn it down!"
Quote from: Treerooster on February 29, 2016, 02:21:02 PM
I agree with you 100% on the Fired Up series of DVD's from Claycomb. Fired Up 4 is the best turkey video out there that I have watched...bar none. I like the way he narrates the hunt and explains what is going on along with their strategy. Not a lot of music and none when the hunt really starts. Some GREAT footage of turkeys calling, fighting and interacting with each other and a caller etc. He doesn't show the beard, spurs, and tail fan of a bird, but respects the whole package about what the wild turkey is and the hunting of it.

As far as TV hunting shows;

The sound quality is just awful. Makes me want to spit on the ground just thinking about it. Guys talking while driving and the truck noise making it so you can hardly understand. Whispering...WTF did he say? Put some captioning up if you are going to whisper or better yet, narrate. And yes I can turn on the closed captioning, but then I really can't get into WATCHING the show because I am reading. SPIT!

Most of the shows are basically..."Hey look what I can kill". No education. No revealing the strategy of the hunt etc. Give me some sense of what is like to be there. I want to see the sights and hear the sounds, not music.

Tell me something about the biology of the animal, or the history of conserving it, the tradition of hunting it, how they clean or cook it. Or how to avoid pit falls of the area being hunted like ticks, snakes, weather etc.

Never push one of your sponsor products in the "tip section" of the show. If you are going to give a tip make it a real tip, not a commercial.

And for CRYING OUT LOUD...if you shoot a banded bird tell me about the history of that bird and the band. These days you can get the info on most bands the same day you get it. I admit I am a banded bird nut, but man that just drives me crazy. LOL The only show I have seen that told me about a band they got was Meat Eater when they shot a banded Sandhill Crane.


I cannot remember the name of it, but there was some corny show that had teams competing with each other in a given area...    Sometimes a team would be successful, and other times they would not.

They would discuss what happened and why they were or were not successful...  I picked up some pointers from that show...  I enjoyed the competitive nature of the show, and the fact that success was not always there...

Most of the time, on most shows, it is some host or yokel hunting some prime ranch that my 5 year old could call in a nice tom with a push-yelper...  Lots of high-fives and job well-done's...  Basically porn for turkey hunters...
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


There are few things that turn me away all the fanning crap the loud hyped music and all the hooping and hollaring that looks fake for the show take that away and I can enjoy the show



Another vote for Steve Rinella aka The Meateater. His passion for hunting and the outdoors comes across the tv very well. He hunts a lot of public land like most of us do also. He's not afraid to show his mistakes and admit to them either. Love his cookbooks. Lots of great recipes.


I would personally like to see average guys hunting average property. I personally don't care how well someone can raise animals and then shoot them. And yes, I am all for a healthy herd but if these guys weren't shooting monster trophies out of the deal then they wouldn't do it. Could do without Comercials as well. I want to see real hunting but it won't happen. To much work for to little reward for these modern times. Turkey hunting is slowly starting to head in that direction also in my opinion. Did like that show where they dropped the Kiefer brothers off in Alaska for a month. That and meat eater, hallowed ground isn't to bad either.

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


Quote from: Happy on February 29, 2016, 07:52:04 PM
I would personally like to see average guys hunting average property. I personally don't care how well someone can raise animals and then shoot them. And yes, I am all for a healthy herd but if these guys weren't shooting monster trophies out of the deal then they wouldn't do it. Could do without Comercials as well. I want to see real hunting but it won't happen. To much work for to little reward for these modern times. Turkey hunting is slowly starting to head in that direction also in my opinion. Did like that show where they dropped the Kiefer brothers off in Alaska for a month. That and meat eater, hallowed ground isn't to bad either.

Same here


So much of the hunting done on TV is inaccessible for us un-famous guys.
Steven Rinella and Randy Newburg both hunt alot of public ground that anyone can hunt, it may not be cheap or easy but it is accessible to anyone who wanted to put forth the effort and thats what I like to see. Iv'e seen Randy have elk and mule deer get bumped by other hunters and that is real world hunting that we can all relate to.
As far as turkey hunting goes, I cant stand watching decoy hunts. I like to see birds being worked by calling and there aint much of that on TV.
Genesis 1:26
   Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

Tennessee Lead

Quote from: tha bugman on February 29, 2016, 01:59:32 PM
something other than hunting field edges with decoys......

Sent from the barrel of a model 70 at 3300 fps


I want to see how and why they did what they did to get 'animal X' in front of them for a shot. I want good audio and less talking about you or your sponsor.
I could care less for seeing them land at the airport, check their guns or ride the latest quad.
I want to hear more about your equipment without feeling like I am at Daytona on pit road.
Cut down on the blaring rock music...accompanied by gaudy face paint and looking like you want to shoot your mother...as you cross your arms.
The kind of show I want to watch doesn't exist, outside of a few youtube guys because it doesn't sell junk. Hype sells junk. Normal guys like you and I are boring to the new crowd.

2015 Old Gobbler contest Champions


How about some everyday guys and gals that actually hunt... I would like to learn a little about what it took whether you got an animal or not. I'm most likely never going to get to hunt the "privileged" land you get to. I want to see real world not commercials. Sorry thing is it won't happen with 98% of these "shows" because if they ain't selling you their sponsors product they don't have a job...