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Started by OldSchool, February 27, 2016, 09:11:53 AM

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Quote from: captpete on February 27, 2016, 11:36:35 PM
Quote from: 357MAGNOLE on February 27, 2016, 11:24:50 AM
What brand of Pemethrin do you buy and where from?

Last year I just used regular bug spray like "off" and I'd didn't do much.

This is what I use:  http://www.amazon.com/Martins-Permethrin-10%25-32oz-Quart/dp/B00061MSS0/ref=sr_1_cc_2?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1456633208&sr=1-2-catcorr&keywords=Martin%27s+Permethrin+10%25

I mix 1oz of concentrate to 19oz of water. You can use it as a spray or as a soak. I prefer the soak method. Mix up the concentrate, roll up your clothes and put them in a big ziplock bag(2gallon or bigger). Pour the mixed solution into the bag and let them soak for a couple of hours. Then just hang them up to dry. I always mix up a double batch, just make sure all the clothes were completely treated.

Just a word of caution to anybody using permethrin that has cats. Permethrin is HIGHLY toxic to cats!! Be very careful with the mixed solution around your pets.I believe, but I'm not 100% sure, that once it is dry it is safe for cats...you will have to decide that for yourself.

Glad to know its toxic for cats. Guess I'll have to keep some on hand at all times. Lol


Quote from: spurman on February 27, 2016, 09:29:56 AM
Ticks are bad here in West KY. From early spring until frost I can not walk in grass or leaves without spraying around my ankles.

My in-laws live there too. Last spring I hunted there and literally had hundreds of tiny little ones on me in one week. I use Sawyers Tick Spray on my clothes now


I get a few ticks...  Something about them is unsettling.

Anyone know if the permethrin spray works on red ants?  They are my worst problem as far as critters while turkey hunting.  Sitting against a tree with a bird coming in, and suddenly start getting assaulted by them things can make it difficult to sit still...
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


Quote from: Marc on March 01, 2016, 10:22:34 PM
I get a few ticks...  Something about them is unsettling.

Anyone know if the permethrin spray works on red ants?  They are my worst problem as far as critters while turkey hunting.  Sitting against a tree with a bird coming in, and suddenly start getting assaulted by them things can make it difficult to sit still...
My permethrin bottle in the garage says it will kill ants.  I would say you would have to spray it on them.  If it is dry on your clothing, it probably won't.  Red ants, as your aware, are very aggressive and if they attack you, in force, on the ground, your probably at their mercy with the dry permethrin.


Quote from: Treerooster on February 27, 2016, 11:12:52 AM
Yes been real familiar with ticks for many years, mostly from Wis. Got birdsl dogs I hunt with up there.

Ticks are in Colo too, usually only in the spring and in the river bottoms. Nebraska is the same, at least where I have hunted it.

The permethrin spray on clothes does work but from what I read and IME 3 weeks is about what it lasts. You can mix your own or buy it at a sporting goods store. Sawyer's is one brand.

Ticks seem to cycle somewhat although I don't really know what drives it. They do prefer moisture which is why we only see bunches in the spring out west here.

Just remember nothing is 100% and you still need to check for ticks at the end of every day/hunt.

x2 for the permethrin. Started using it two seasons ago and I haven't found a tick on me since. Sawyers is a great option, Repel also makes permethrin in an aerosol can. I'd pay double if I had to.

Parrot Head

Anyone ever use a tick key to remove ticks.  I saw it used on TV and it was pretty slick for humans and animals.

Greg Massey

What i do is take a pump up sprayer mix with permethrin and spray my turkey blinds a few days before season opens to help with keeps ticks off me.. i do this every year and i have no problem with ticks..i just use the Deet around my boot's and legs..

tha bugman

You know its turkey season when you are sitting in a staff conference...suit and tie...and a big ole lone star tick comes crawling up your face...only to look to your right to see a co-worker with a combo horror/blank/wordless stare


Quote from: tha bugman on March 02, 2016, 11:03:56 AM
You know its turkey season when you are sitting in a staff conference...suit and tie...and a big ole lone star tick comes crawling up your face...only to look to your right to see a co-worker with a combo horror/blank/wordless stare
:TooFunny: :TooFunny: This happened to me once only it was during a 1 on 1 with my boss and it was on my neck. She just about had a heart attack....


Quote from: zombiewoof on February 29, 2016, 04:05:59 PM
Advice: Get your clothes permanently treated w/ Permethrin and don't look back. You can send your clothes to a little company in Greensboro, NC, and they will treat them and send back to you at relatively cheap cost. It's around $8/garment + shipping back if you send 3 or more pieces, and it is supposed to work through the life of the garment (70 washings). This is the same company that GameHide uses to treat their clothes before selling $70 a pop, so it's much cheaper this way. Also, they treat clothes for US military which is a solid endorsement as well. I sent 5 pieces last year and had them back on my doorstep within the week. I am in Raleigh, so it may be a little longer if you live further away. I called them and they walked me through process, and were super nice to boot. I am confident in them and haven't found the first tick on me since treating my clothes. It's also a lot easier (and much cheaper in long run) than re-applying Sawyers every few hunts.


Btw- long time site reader, first time poster. And love the site!

Awesome!  Thanks for posting this.  I will definitely send some clothes over to them.
People who don't get it, don't get that they don't get it.


I use the Permethrin quart from Amazon, it's a 36.8% concentrate. One part concentrate mixed with 72 parts water dilutes to .5%, thus equates to the spray cans e.g. Sawyers. I've been doing this for several years and just had to buy another quart this year. I hang all my clothes, including head nets, gloves and hats, on the line and wet thoroughly with my tank sprayer. Let dry and you're all set.

The container has a handy booklet attached which tells you what concentration to use for just about any crawling insect in existence. Plus it gives you the formula for any dilution percentage.

Dr Juice

Last Spring Gobbler and this past Fall Deer season were horrible with ticks in southern NY. I have noticed over the years that the ticks are bad following wet seasons. Is it coincidence? Who knows?