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Started by OldSchool, February 27, 2016, 09:11:53 AM

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What brand of Pemethrin do you buy and where from?

Last year I just used regular bug spray like "off" and I'd didn't do much.
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."--Thomas Jefferson


Quote from: 357MAGNOLE on February 27, 2016, 11:24:50 AM
What brand of Pemethrin do you buy and where from?

Last year I just used regular bug spray like "off" and I'd didn't do much.
I use Sawyer's. They have it in the camping section at Walmart.


Quote from: 357MAGNOLE on February 27, 2016, 11:24:50 AM
What brand of Pemethrin do you buy and where from?

Last year I just used regular bug spray like "off" and I'd didn't do much.

DEET based products are not effective for ticks.  Got to use permethrin based treatments like Sawyers, or mix your own solution.

Also don't forget - tuck your pants cuffs into your boots before you tie them up, and tuck your shirt into your pants.  Keeps them out of the sensitive areas!
A quality paddle caller will most run itself.  It just needs someone to carry it around the woods. Yoder409
Over time...they come to learn how little air a good yelper actually requires. ChesterCopperpot


drink vinegar daily


Here in Eastern NC we hunt pine plantations and we definitely have ticks.  I hunted central Wisconsin last spring and they have them even worse then we do.  With permethrin, no problems at all.  In Wisconsin, my hunting buddy was covered but I didn't have a one and we set side by side for 4 days.  I mix my own by taking 1 oz of a 10% solution and mixing it with 20 ozs of water.  Spray your vest, seat, hat, mask, gloves, all clothing, including boots and let dry.  Repeat as needed.  You can get 10% permethrin on the internet or go to any farm supply that sells dog food and supplies and they should have it.   


Good tips on the permethrin, I went out and bought some today.  Last year I would have so many ticks on me they would get off in the car and it was not uncommon to see them walking around the dash/steering wheel... little bastards.  Them along with Ants, mosquitos, gnats I think god could have done without putting here on earth.
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."--Thomas Jefferson


Mid Tn ticks are everywhere. You have to use a spray or you will have several ticks if you spend time in the woods. One of my worst Experiances was I stepped in a nest of seed ticks. Wife spent over an our with tweezers and I had hundreds of bites for nearly a month. Bad deal right there. I was bank fishing when u had that experiance.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk


I never saw one in 48 years on the planet & then 3 years ago they started turning up everywhere here in Michigan.

That first summer we picked up dozens on our cloths while out scouting with my 2 kids. A few weeks later I was feeling something crawling on my body in bed at night. I woke up several times freaking out & my wife was like "what the hell is wrong with you?!!" I was getting bites under my arms, that nastiest bites I've ever had. I thought it was nasty spider! Anyways, I finally woke up with something crawling on my leg & I happened to catch him in the dark with my finger and thumb, went to the bathroom to find it was a Tick. HUGE sucker!

I put him in a ziplock bag & went to the Dr the next morning. ALL the Drs staff was all very interested to see him! I've got MS bad, so I can't fool around with Lime Disease, as my nervous system is already falling apart. So, I was put on 1 months dose of Anti Biotics.

I have since stopped scouting in the warmer months, as I can't take that chance. However, I belive I picked up another while working in the yard last summer. He was inbedded into my skull this time! Grabbed him, not thinking about Ticks & pulled it/him out with a good sized chunk of my skull! BACK onto Anti Biotics again, as my Dr said it just wasn't worth the risk with my MS.

All the warm weather in winters has allowed them to flourish. SWEET!
I am going to bag my first Turkey this spring if it is the last thing I do!

Rio Fan

I've used Sawyers for the last 3 spring turkey seasons and haven't found a single tick on me. I spray it on all of my hunting clothes, boots, gloves, hats, and vest. I highly recommend it.

Double B

I used to not take tick prevention seriously and got Rocky Mt spotted fever about 5 years ago.  Not good, 104 temp and nasty body aches for awhile in May after season.  Now I do the permithrin and soak clothes then dry.  Serious stuff! 
Followed by buzzards

Spitten and drummen

Down here in Mississippi we have always had that problem. Spray my clothes with Sawyers perethian repellant. If you don't,  I guarantee you they will be on you and in some very unwanted places lol.


I don't wear OFF, or anything with DEET, or use permethrin because of the likely effects on my body and nervous system. Unfortunately for me, I'm very sensitive to those types of things. Some humans aren't, lucky them! My MS is so bad, I get sick almost instantly, headaches, shaking, and twitching if I come in contact with DEET anymore...I haven't used DEET in so long that Mosquitoe bites don't bother me much anymore, just about zero inching. BUT THOSE Ticks are nasty!

I wear my head nets and body netting while I'm fishing.

Quote from: Rio Fan on February 27, 2016, 07:55:15 PM
I've used Sawyers for the last 3 spring turkey seasons and haven't found a single tick on me. I spray it on all of my hunting clothes, boots, gloves, hats, and vest. I highly recommend it.
I am going to bag my first Turkey this spring if it is the last thing I do!


Quote from: southern_leo on February 27, 2016, 04:19:20 PM
Mid Tn ticks are everywhere. You have to use a spray or you will have several ticks if you spend time in the woods. One of my worst Experiances was I stepped in a nest of seed ticks. Wife spent over an our with tweezers and I had hundreds of bites for nearly a month. Bad deal right there. I was bank fishing when u had that experiance.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

Those seed ticks drive me nuts. Ticks seem to be patchy here in Fl but I hunted an area this fall that was nothing but a breeding ground for them. I scouted the place the first time with out treated clothes and I lost count of the seed ticks I picked off. These things were like grains on pepper and found places to get where the sun don't shine if you know what I mean. Even with sawyers I got a few on my neck and hands but nothing like the first time. I swear by Sawyers.
Genesis 1:26
   Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."


Quote from: 357MAGNOLE on February 27, 2016, 11:24:50 AM
What brand of Pemethrin do you buy and where from?

Last year I just used regular bug spray like "off" and I'd didn't do much.

This is what I use:  http://www.amazon.com/Martins-Permethrin-10%25-32oz-Quart/dp/B00061MSS0/ref=sr_1_cc_2?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1456633208&sr=1-2-catcorr&keywords=Martin%27s+Permethrin+10%25

I mix 1oz of concentrate to 19oz of water. You can use it as a spray or as a soak. I prefer the soak method. Mix up the concentrate, roll up your clothes and put them in a big ziplock bag(2gallon or bigger). Pour the mixed solution into the bag and let them soak for a couple of hours. Then just hang them up to dry. I always mix up a double batch, just make sure all the clothes were completely treated.

Just a word of caution to anybody using permethrin that has cats. Permethrin is HIGHLY toxic to cats!! Be very careful with the mixed solution around your pets.I believe, but I'm not 100% sure, that once it is dry it is safe for cats...you will have to decide that for yourself.


Not going to lie, this stuff sounds sketchy!

I am reading the directions and warning labels on this stuff I picked up today. It says to spray the outside of the clothing only and if you get it on your skin rinse immediately and contact poison control centers....

What the hell happens if you sweat? Am I going to crap my pants and piss myself or something?
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."--Thomas Jefferson