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Republican Primary Nomination poll

Started by Old Gobbler, February 14, 2016, 03:51:54 PM

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Who will you vote for for the Republican Nomination

John Kasich
Donald Trump
Jeb Bush
Ben Carson
Marco Rubio
Ted Cruz


I really like Ben Carson the best but he doesn't have a chance. So I am going with Cruz

Tail Feathers

Quote from: ElkTurkMan on February 16, 2016, 07:20:26 PM
I really like Ben Carson the best but he doesn't have a chance. So I am going with Cruz
I don't doubt Carson's intelligence or his integrity.  He may the one I would most want as a neighbor, but he hasn't shined in the debates.  He too, is an outsider, but he's not getting the love from voters that his early poll numbers showed.  I would guess it's his more docile demeanor and lack of experience in the political realm.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Carson acts like an adult and that does not help ratings.

Sent from the Strut Zone
"A turkey hen speaks when she needs to speak, and says what she needs to say, when she needs to say it. So every word a turkey speaks is for a reason." - Rev Zach Farmer


I honestly feel that the man best suited for the job as far as conservative ideology and knowledge of foreign affairs go is, sadly, out of the running.

I really think Rick Santorum is/was the most Reagan-esque Republican candidate since Reagan.
PA elitist since 1979

The good Lord ain't made a gobbler I can't kill.  I just gotta be there at the right time.....  on the day he wants to die.

Old Gobbler

Anyone of the Republican candidates is better that hillary , but some aree quite better than others

Trump has some good a tributes and many detractors,  I would not consider him a right wing conservative , he pulls ahead in the polls due to his Archie Bunker antics that seem like a breath of fresh air to people sick of the PC pandering

The one guy I really liked was Huckabee,  but he pulled out , candidates keep dropping but trump keeps floating around 35% give or take,  I feel as though all he will get is 35-40 of the Republican support , so where is the other 60-65% ...scattered amongst about 6 folks ...as they drop one by one Cruz or rubio will pop up in numbers , if they are lucky the field will clear out by super Tuesday , so all trump has to do is sit by and watch these guys take shots at each other an he has a good chance of winning

I don't know if trump can win in Florida in the general election,  but folks down here HATE Hillary
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



us hillbillys in kentucky hate hillary too.


I will carefully watch the Florida polls and the national polls.  I do not want to waste my vote.  I will vote for Rubio - for several reasons.  The latest poll that I showed had him having the best chance vs Hilary.  But I can be very easily persuaded to vote Cruz, depending on the polls.  I love his Constitutional base.  What else is really the President's job?  In a poll I took I agreed with Rubio 94% and Cruz 93%, so I can flip a coin with either. Trump came in at 83% and Hilary at 42%

If Trump faces Hilary, as someone that has voted Republican ever since I could vote (missed the Carter - Reagan election by 4 days), I do not know who I will vote for.  I do not believe he is a fiscal conservative, nor a head of state.  But neither is Hilary. I will probably vote for him, go home, pour a glass of rum and be depressed. 
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


Quote from: g8rvet on February 16, 2016, 10:19:05 PM
I will carefully watch the Florida polls and the national polls.  I do not want to waste my vote.  I will vote for Rubio - for several reasons.  The latest poll that I showed had him having the best chance vs Hilary.  But I can be very easily persuaded to vote Cruz, depending on the polls.  I love his Constitutional base.  What else is really the President's job?  In a poll I took I agreed with Rubio 94% and Cruz 93%, so I can flip a coin with either. Trump came in at 83% and Hilary at 42%

If Trump faces Hilary, as someone that has voted Republican ever since I could vote (missed the Carter - Reagan election by 4 days), I do not know who I will vote for.  I do not believe he is a fiscal conservative, nor a head of state.  But neither is Hilary. I will probably vote for him, go home, pour a glass of rum and be depressed.
As much as I like Rubio's self presentation and believe he carries himself well and speaks well my hang up in him is his very weak immigration history. Now he is trying to speak tough against it but his record shows different. I believe no one will ever find a candidate they agree with 100% but you have to look at "no go" issues. My #1 no go issue is immigration. If your weak on immigration I cannot support you. Now if he is our candidate in the general he obviously is head over heels better than the dems, but for the primary I vote my beliefs and can't support him. If he did have a strong history on being against illegals immigration I think he would be a strong contender. Cruz does not violate any of my big beliefs such as strong immigration enforcement, pro life, pro family values, pro consitution, pro firearms etc. You know all that constitutional rhetoric us crazy right wingers believe in who clutch to our guns and bibles. :D

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I think that perhaps the most important factor is culture.  Ours has been described as possessing what has been called the Judeo-Christian ethic.   Our country's immigration policy until the "immigration Act of 1965" (driven by that Lion of the Senate, Ted Kennedy) was proportional.  That is that if 7% of the population was Chinese, then 7% of the annual immigrants to this  country would be Chinese.  All other classes were likewise proportional.  This essentially preserved the long standing culture of this country.  With the passage of the above mentioned immigration act, this was changed to give a preference to those coming from third world countries which is quickly changing this  country into a Tower of Babel.  Call me a racist if you choose for my recognition of this fact, but facts are facts.  One only has to look at the bird kingdom to see that "birds of a feather flock together" and I much preferred this  country when there were not so many different birds who absolutely refused to assimilate into our existing culture.

Race relations were so much better before the current divider-in-chief was elected and began to stir the pot.  The anger he has fomented among much of the black population is unconscionable.  He has raised the specter of slavery from the dead and pointed a gun at the head of every citizen of this country of European descent.  Slavery was and is an abomination but every descendant of an African slave should get on his or her knees and thank God for slavery for without slavery, none of them would exist.  There are approximately 300 million sperm in the average ejaculation.  If you assume that there was no African slave trade, what are the odds that even one descendant of an African slave could have existed had they stayed in Africa  As wrong as the War Between the States was, I personally am thrilled that it occurred because it brought my great-great grandfather south with the Union army where he met my great-great grandmother, and I am glad that they had relations on the night that they did instead of the night before or after and that my great grandmother beat the one in three hundred million odds.  But, I digress.  I pray that in a few years we can return to the harmonization of the black and white races that we were experiencing before the election of the divider-in-chief.

I took a course in logic in college.  All Muslims are not terrorists; most terrorists are Muslims..................You may properly vet a peaceful Muslim couple, but when their offspring attend the Mosque and study the jihadist teachings of the Koran, San Bernardino is subject to occur.

Only a return to a sane, logical immigration policy can preserve what little culture we have left.  To do otherwise is cultural, if not actual, suicide.  I believe that this issue is most important in choosing our next President.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


 am curious about the relevance of socio-economics to this conversation and I am very certain there is no positive outcome to a debate with a narcissist southern litigator indoctrinated and drunk off his Bob Jones education.


Swather, I'm very surprised you aren't a Trump supporter, because your self-righteous bragging about how much you make sounds just like him, along with your "if you don't believe just like me, you're wrong" attitude about it.

I'm tired of politicians and the continued way they pollute our society through their back handed politics.  Cruz's record shows he can be bought and that he will bow down to the money.  Trump has already been bought, and aside from his economical advantage, I think he would fail as president.

They all fall short to me, because people forget that the #1 job of the President of the United States is Commander-In-Chief of the US Military. I don't think any candidate on either side has shown they have the capacity and experience to take this on.

I'm voting for Ben Carson, because I believe he would be the best President of all the candidates.  I just wish people would stop looking at poll results to determine who they are voting for, because poll results can be skewed easily.  Plus, I'd like to see more people looking into candidates more and understanding their records and what they stand for.
A veteran is someone who, at one point, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'up to and including their life.'
That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.


Quote from: greentag on February 16, 2016, 09:49:40 PM
us hillbillys in kentucky hate hillary too.

You can add this NY hillbilly to the list too. ;D I'm leaning toward Cruz at the present time.

No reference to anything posted, but do you remember Obama saying that he was pro 2nd amendment at one time and that he wouldn't try to take our guns away from us? I do. It would be so refreshing to have a candidate stand behind what they say while they're campaigning after they're sworn in, and not just tell us what we want to hear for the votes. A lifetime of watching this stuff has left me a little skeptical to say the least. :z-twocents:


Call 'em close, It's the most fun you'll ever have doing the right thing.


Quote from: chcltlabz on February 17, 2016, 10:09:09 AM
Swather, I'm very surprised you aren't a Trump supporter, because your self-righteous bragging about how much you make sounds just like him, along with your "if you don't believe just like me, you're wrong" attitude about it.

I'm tired of politicians and the continued way they pollute our society through their back handed politics.  Cruz's record shows he can be bought and that he will bow down to the money.  Trump has already been bought, and aside from his economical advantage, I think he would fail as president.

They all fall short to me, because people forget that the #1 job of the President of the United States is Commander-In-Chief of the US Military. I don't think any candidate on either side has shown they have the capacity and experience to take this on.

I'm voting for Ben Carson, because I believe he would be the best President of all the candidates.  I just wish people would stop looking at poll results to determine who they are voting for, because poll results can be skewed easily.  Plus, I'd like to see more people looking into candidates more and understanding their records and what they stand for.
Not trying to argue because I'm not here for that, but could you please advise when Cruz was paid for and cite reference. I'm unfamiliar with the incident.

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Quote from: greentag on February 16, 2016, 09:49:40 PM
us hillbillys in kentucky hate hillary too.

Hillary and Trump have the highest composite negatives of any candidates.  The potentially significant fact about that is that those two against one another may chill voter turnout and something weird and unpredictable might come out of it.

Bloomberg is talking with a lot of people about a run as an independent.  We know he will not be popular among southerners and particularly southern males that care about guns and small government. 


Quote from: VaTuRkStOmPeR on February 16, 2016, 07:16:11 PM
You might want to re-read my last post. It addresses a myriad of things such as your understanding of history, the constitution, the racist tenets you espouse in your response to my initial post and your narcissistic, fundamentalist, conservative orientation.

I do not deny being a millennial, actually acknowledged my faith in God (Paragraph 3, sentences 1 and 2. Are you a illiterate or just too used to legal jargon and speed-reading?), am curious about the relevance of socio-economics to this conversation and I am very certain there is no positive outcome to a debate with a narcissist southern litigator indoctrinated and drunk off his Bob Jones education.

There is absolutely no "racist tenets" in anything that I have posted.  You have only falsely imputed that in your repetitive, obtuse posts because you are an indoctrinated millenial drone.  What you know has come from people that are not smart enough to make outside the school yard.  If I had a "Bob Jones education," it would still be more than you have.

Socio-economics?  Remember interjecting that insult and look up the meaning of the word "conceit"?   

I made one even-handed post about how immigration is a difficult issue for the candidates.  I also mentioned that allowing immigration of muslims and granting asylum is risky because of the potential for self-inflicted injury.  You cannot understand this, but islam is not a race.  But you are programmed to call everyone with whom you disagree a racist, so you fit the millenial mold well and it is expected from you. 

Because this country needs physical access to muslim dominated countries to fight terrorism and need their intelligence assistance, the US does not need to take a chainsaw approach like Trump suggested and single out muslims.  Instead, the country should impose a moratorium on all immigration, or a lesser step would be to foreclose immigration from  the countries with substantial terror activity.  The latter was proposed in recent legislation and should have been passed.