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Funniest Thing That Happened on A Hunt

Started by tomstopper, February 05, 2016, 09:42:45 PM

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Ok guys after reading about skunks on the critter post, I am just wondering what is some of the things that has happened to you or another while you were hunting? Let's hear them, I am up for a good laugh.

One year I was hunting and had to drop immediately because a bird was coming in fast and not far away. When I dropped in the bushes, I sat on my foot wrong and it fell asleep without me knowing it. Minutes passed and I finally shot the bird and got up quickly to run over and put my boot on his head but when I stood up, my foot was numb and I fell flat on my face. I remember looking at that bird flopping as I laid there on the ground just stunned and numb. I had a huge bruise on my left cheek bone for days and my buddies got a good laugh out of it.

As for the skunks, I had my nephew out in the am and we were about 100 yards away from a pair of gobblers that I had roosted the night before and had just gotten sat down when he said "uncle nick there is a skunk". I told him to be quiet and he said it again because it was getting closer. Again I said be quiet because I didn't want him to spook the birds. After about three of these exchanges, he jumped over me and took off into the woods away from the skunk. Before I put it together, the skunk began to spray everywhere so I followed his lead but the whole area smelled so bad. To make matters worse, both birds flew off the roost due to all the racket and my nephew was like " what was that noise" and I just had to laugh as I told him that it was the gobblers that I had roosted for him the night before saying "so long you stinky fools".


Ok I'll participate in this one. :funnyturkey:

  A good while back...... I Once shot a good Tom he was about 30 yards out. He goes down like a ton of bricks.,I mean not a flop. So now I'm taking my time. I put it on safe,unload the gun. Lean it up against the tree. I get up and start to walk over to my bird (leaving the gun behind) Now I'm about 3/4 of the way to collect my prize. Then it happens, he jumps up! And he starts bookin! And now I'm bookin after him, in a last ditch effort I make diving tackle to subdue the beast. I'm able to latch on to one leg as he's spurring me with the other. Beating the snot outta me with his wings. Feathers were every where. Even my mouth. I wasn't letting go.

Big mistake... The gun comes with me from now on. Lolol!  :newmascot:
"If You Call Them,They Will Come."

The Woodsman

I was out on one of my baton death marches and a gobbler strikes hard from not far away, I am scrambling to get set up. Found a good tree and down I go.
He is hitting most any call but not budging, seductive purrs, gobble-obble-obble!! Gobble-obble-obble!! I can just see where I imagine he is gonna pop his head up. Purrrrrrrrrrr, gobble-obble, gobble-obble-obble!! I thought "man is he fired up but must have hens with him" I keep getting him more excited, Gobble-obble! Gobble-OBBLE-OBBLE! He is gobbling his head off and I am pouring it on.
Another hour passes and I am like, WTF, then it hits me, he wants the silent hen treatment thinking she is leaving. I make some calls like a hen tired of this crap, GOBBLE-OBBLE-OBBLE!! Sheesh.....
I flop my butt back down ready to wait him out gun in hand and no call.... a good 45 minutes pass and he's gobbling but a little more sporadic, I am still waiting but noon was coming. Again, WTF.....
Noon came, hunting done for the day. Gotta take a peek....
I belly crawl about 50 yds towards the gobbler, scratching leaves as I go like a real hen would feeding.
Started inching my head up, straining my eyes looking for him over the bench that had kept me from seeing him. Then I saw the most humiliating thing...... the roof of a camp and a Jake in a pen, still strutting!! I had to laugh at myself over this hunt!! The walk back to the truck was a long one.

Mike Honcho

My buddy and I set up about 100 yds  from a single roosted Tom.  My friend wanted to video rather than shoot so he set up a few yards from me ,further from the tom.

After he flew down I got him to about 40 yds an he hung up so I took the shot.

He's flopping on the ground like mad and I get up quickly and start running towards the tom not realizing one leg had gone to sleep.....my buddy got great video of the hunt and me doing a faceplant with my gun.

Very embarrassing.


Quote from: Mike Honcho on February 06, 2016, 11:55:49 AM
My buddy and I set up about 100 yds  from a single roosted Tom.  My friend wanted to video rather than shoot so he set up a few yards from me ,further from the tom.

After he flew down I got him to about 40 yds an he hung up so I took the shot.

He's flopping on the ground like mad and I get up quickly and start running towards the tom not realizing one leg had gone to sleep.....my buddy got great video of the hunt and me doing a faceplant with my gun.

Very embarrassing.
Glad I am not the only one this happened to but at least no one witnessed it...


Mine was a comprehensive study of comical errors. A buddy and I took out one morning to hunt some public land. He gave me one of his new 3" turkey shells and I found out that it would actually load into my shotgun chambered for 2 3/4" shells. How about that! Off we go.

Directly we hear one open up down through the woods and we ease in that direction. We sneak along and spot a large field through the trees. We ease up to the edge and spot him with his harem on the far side of this large field. We sit down at adjacent trees and start calling. He is so far away that we can see him stretch out to gobble and the sound would reach us a few seconds later. After a while we could see that the hens were heading towards us with Romeo bringing up the rear. About 30 minutes later my buddy says that his legs were killing him. For some unfathomable reason, he had decided to squat down next to his tree instead of sitting. With the birds coming in, he was stuck with hunkering there in agony. Eventually, the hens came right in to us and one finally made us at 5 yards and started putting. Romeo was still a ways out there, but we had to get this show on the road and right now. We both shot at R at the same time and flipped him over backwards. He was still with the living and riding the invisible bicycle out there. I tried to shuck in another shell and discovered that 3" shells will go into 2 3/4" guns, but they won't come out. I jumped up and tried running out to him but my feet were asleep as well. I switched over to the one-foot pogo hop and started closing the gap to him, not certain of what I was going to do when I got to him. As I am bouncing out to him, he flips over onto his feet and starts to stand up. I grab my shotgun by the barrel and give him the 12 wood swing like it's a par 5 tee shot at Augusta. I connected with his blue part and drove his head, beak first, into the dirt. One more bunny hop and I had a boot on his head.

I grabbed his legs and he started flopping proper, beating me like I was a rented mule. Didn't matter, I had him. I carried him back over to my buddy. We looked him over, high fived several times when he stopped, looked down and said, "Man, look at your gun."

The stock of my beloved Ithaca Model 37 was splintered almost into two pieces. Doh. Later, when I ate the flesh of this horny, hard-headed Romeo, I did so with an appreciation of his final act of defiance.


Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.

Double B

Only went to Missouri one time and I remember one now funny thing Very Vividly.    Near Ft Leonard Wood maybe 12 yrs ago when we were working a hung up gobbler.   Jet hit the sound barrier and I thought it was the end of the world.   It also freaked the bird out and he broke strut and ran right towards my buddy.  It was the end of the world for him.    :OGturkeyhead:

Followed by buzzards


Got out a little late one morning and hit one of my favorite publication land spots. A truck was parked there so I just sat and waited. At about ten three guys came out of the woods and I jumped out of my truck and started grabbing my gear. I asked how their morning went and all they had heard was a few roost gobbles. Heading into the woods I went about a mile and hit one of my favorite ridges. The very first set of yelps got a gobble and I booked to the nearest decent sized tree and set up. There was a sapling to my right and I snipped a few branches in case I had to swing the gun that way. The next set of calls brought another gobble and a few second later I could see a fan cresting the ridge. Four Tom's and a hen approached and they were angling to my right. I was nailed down and that hen was looking hard. By telephone time they were in to 30 yards they were almost 90 degrees to my right. It was now or never so in one quick move I swung the gun one handed , laying the barrel on one of those clipped branches and as soon as the dot landed on the closest and very alert Tom's neck I touched off the old mossy stoked with 3.5" mags. I felt that one! I ran up to the flopping tom and when I was standing on his neck I spit out my mouth call. I am not sure who was bleeding worse, me or the tom. When I got to the truck I looked in the mirror and fellows I looked like I had been punched in the mouth by Mike tyson. Both lips were busted and had a nice bruise forming under my lip. So fellows if you have ever get caught in a pickle like that make sure you want him really bad.

Sent from my SM-G800R4 using Tapatalk

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club

Clif Owen

About 4 years ago, a buddy and I hunted together several times in an area we found together. He is bad about never using a light in the dark but this morning was a full moon or nearly so and we could see to walk easily. Anyway, about a half in; "B" locks up because he realized "something" was in the logging road in front of us about 8 feet high. No idea what but we had been in there a bunch. He flips a light on to see what was there. What it was turned out to be a pine tree that had bent over for some reason. Kind of like they do after an ice storm. Kind of looked like Bigfoot in the dawn light! It's a good thing a rabbit didn't jump up and run off before we realized what it was! Probably would have given him a heart attack...as well as dirty underwear!

Spitten and drummen

I sat up on a logging road after striking a mid day bird. I was sitting in a gobbler lounger and tucked in tight waiting on him to strut around the curve 20 yards away. I had the 1187 on my knee and the safty off. As you would figure , he went silent. Ended up swinging wide right through a thicket. I caught a glimpse of him at about 30 yards. He went behind a big oak and I switched the gun to my left shoulder and put it in a basketball size opening he was headed for. The switch went smooth and the bird stepped in the opening and stopped. The pro diamond scope reticle was on his wattles and I squeezed the trigger. The bird flopped and I saw black. When I came to my senses , I layed there and the bird was stone dead. I had a cut on the bridge of my nose about 3 inches long and it bled pretty good. I learned when switching shoulders to shoot 3-1/2 turkey loads , keep your face back off the scope. It was a sight with me and the bird laying 30 yards apart , both on our backs and bleeding.


Was hunting a Wisconsin "Spring" morning snowstorm, decided to go in with a portable blind to keep out of the weather a bit and I got myself situated, about a hour of no birds all of a sudden WHAP, the snow was too heavy and popped the roof of the blind down and squarely on the top of my head, knocked me right of the tri-stool. LOL



I've had a hard time picking one, but I guess I'll go with the chip monk "episode" last spring. I was sitting on the ground with my back to a tree watching some birds out about a hundred yards in a field. They had me pinned down and I'd been sitting there for probably two hours.

During that time a chip monk was making trip after trip by me at just a couple feet. Once as he passed by, he decided to jump up on the toe of my boot which was pointed straight up, for a look around. I was enjoying the show, when a bird gobbled out in the field. I turned my head slowly to look at the birds, and when I did it scared the chip monk. Instead of jumping off my boot and running away, he opted to dive into the "hole" between my boot and my pant leg.

I've always thought chip monks were cute little buggers and I'm certainly not afraid of them, but the sight of it disappearing up my pant leg caused me to forget about the turkeys for a minute. I won't go into details for fear of being laughed of the forum, but in the short time it took me and the chip monk to part company, I spooked the birds and probably every other critter within a quarter mile. ;D

Call 'em close, It's the most fun you'll ever have doing the right thing.


Quote from: OldSchool on February 07, 2016, 10:05:32 AM
I've had a hard time picking one, but I guess I'll go with the chip monk "episode" last spring. I was sitting on the ground with my back to a tree watching some birds out about a hundred yards in a field. They had me pinned down and I'd been sitting there for probably two hours.

During that time a chip monk was making trip after trip by me at just a couple feet. Once as he passed by, he decided to jump up on the toe of my boot which was pointed straight up, for a look around. I was enjoying the show, when a bird gobbled out in the field. I turned my head slowly to look at the birds, and when I did it scared the chip monk. Instead of jumping off my boot and running away, he opted to dive into the "hole" between my boot and my pant leg.

I've always thought chip monks were cute little buggers and I'm certainly not afraid of them, but the sight of it disappearing up my pant leg caused me to forget about the turkeys for a minute. I won't go into details for fear of being laughed of the forum, but in the short time it took me and the chip monk to part company, I spooked the birds and probably every other critter within a quarter mile. ;D


If only you filmed your hunts, that would have been a great video I'm sure !!!
Genesis 1:26
   Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

TN Beard Buster

My funniest encounter was on a hunt on a new farm a buddy and I had just acquired. We were walking around learning the place when we heard a bird gobble. We proceeded to get closer and set up on him. After a few minutes of silence, we heard what sounded like a tree fall and roll. Next thing we knew, our gobbler flew off a ridge to our east side. A few minutes later, a large dog came running into the field we were watching and started straight toward us. We were in full camo and crouched down when the dog got to within 5 feet of us. We both raised up as the dog got upon us and hollered. That dog turned and ran at nearly a hundred miles an hour and covered 300 yards in no time. He finally stopped and looked back and barked and retreated away even faster this time. My buddy and I laid there laughing for the next 1/2 hour before resuming our hunt.


All on one 3 day hunt I fell in the crerk, fell off a log into greenbriers, got into a fire ant den, and all in front of other people who got to laugh. 
NWTF Booth 1623
One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.