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It's about time

Started by Bob, January 05, 2016, 07:58:48 PM

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jed clampett

Cat daddy.....you got it right...


The president has never did anything to deserve a bravo ! Go back in your hole Bob !


Bob, I will not get on here and call you names or take pot shots at you but I truly feel you are seriously misinformed . You need to do some serious research of the existing guns laws both federal and state and not just take what you hear from the media and nightly news as being what is current and accurate. While what has occurred the last few years is both tragic and incomprehensible to most people, there is NOTHING in what was described by Mr. Obama's executive order that would have stopped or reduced any incidence of the violence that he professes to try and curb. Every incidence of gun violence that he has mention have at least one thing in common , ALL OF THE OFFENDERS WERE PROHIBITED FROM OWNING OR POSSESSING A GUN UNDER CURRENT EXISTING GUN LAWS. He has stated repeatedly that his biggest failure ( his words not mine as I strongly disagree) has been the inability to change gun laws and I feel this is one on his last gasp efforts to do something that is on HIS agenda(my fear is this the first of several that he will burden the country with). You are absolutely entitled to your opinion , thanks to USMC0311 and others like him , however I implore you to do more research on your own from reputable sources and not regurgitate what is fed to you from the mainstream media before forming your final opinion.


This country has a heart problem, and no legislation will fix that. Hate is what is killing people.

Sent from the Strut Zone
"A turkey hen speaks when she needs to speak, and says what she needs to say, when she needs to say it. So every word a turkey speaks is for a reason." - Rev Zach Farmer


Quote from: Bob on January 06, 2016, 02:42:11 PM
First of all I'm not anti gun.  I own guns that I use for hunting and sport shooting.  I also believe that I as a gun owner need to look at the reality of the situation.  Not all people should have firearms. 
If there are laws that are not being enforced I'd like to know why not. 
As for making friends, I could care less if a person that owns guns doesn't like me for my position.
I also believe that there are others on this sight that believe in responsible gun control.
Think all the guys on here are responsible. In fact responsible enough to follow the only law we need. Do not murder. The liberal agenda is so flawed, tilted n spun anyone believes it is either a brainwashed teacher, or a person who gets hand outs.

By no means do I want to disrespect your opinion but to be frank it's nuts.
How bout since most murders happen in cities they raid the gang bangers hang outs? They shouldn't be allowed to have guns. How bout not protecting the politicians. Lots of libs want equality. So unarm the security details. Talking nice might work to a criminal. Ugh I ain't getting started. No one is gonna agree w you


No gun law has or ever will prevent someone hell bent on murder or destruction from carrying out there act. The very definition of the word "criminal" should make it very clear that no amount of laws will prevent these things from happening.

No I am not saying everybody should be able to own a gun,but this so called "president" wants all your guns make no mistake about it. He tries to hide his agenda behind tears and lies appealing to the idiots and low information voters,also known as liberal democrats.

Remember this is the same guy who looked America in the eye on TV and promised that "If you like your doctor you can keep him" and that your health care premiums would go down and be much more affordable. Ya we see how that worked out.

As far as i'm concerned the NRA is the only reason we still have what gun rights we have left today.

"There are turkey hunters and people who hunt turkeys.I hope I am remembered as a turkey hunter"


Quote from: VaBoy on January 06, 2016, 04:20:57 PM
Bob, I will not get on here and call you names or take pot shots at you but I truly feel you are seriously misinformed . You need to do some serious research of the existing guns laws both federal and state and not just take what you hear from the media and nightly news as being what is current and accurate. While what has occurred the last few years is both tragic and incomprehensible to most people, there is NOTHING in what was described by Mr. Obama's executive order that would have stopped or reduced any incidence of the violence that he professes to try and curb. Every incidence of gun violence that he has mention have at least one thing in common , ALL OF THE OFFENDERS WERE PROHIBITED FROM OWNING OR POSSESSING A GUN UNDER CURRENT EXISTING GUN LAWS. He has stated repeatedly that his biggest failure ( his words not mine as I strongly disagree) has been the inability to change gun laws and I feel this is one on his last gasp efforts to do something that is on HIS agenda(my fear is this the first of several that he will burden the country with). You are absolutely entitled to your opinion , thanks to USMC0311 and others like him , however I implore you to do more research on your own from reputable sources and not regurgitate what is fed to you from the mainstream media before forming your final opinion.
Thanks Vaboy for not attacking me personally for my opinions.  I like to think that I am informed and I do not get my information from any one source but try and consider all points of view.  I don't take my stance lightly and without considering many things.
The fact of the matter is that innocent people lose their lives everyday to gun violence in the US.  Can laws Illiminate that totally.  No.  Drunk driving laws haven't illuminated drunk driving, that doesn't stop us from trying.  I do believe that reasonable people should at least try. 
If laws on the book aren't being enforced then demanding that they are enforced would be a good start.  Obama asked congress to fund more ATF agents.  That's a good start.
Background checks, why not.  If you get pulled over for speeding they do a background check.
The real problem is the gun industry and the NRA's unwillingness to discuss the problem.  The NRA declined Obama's invitation to join the upcoming town hall meeting.  Why. 
If we as gun owners continue to fight the windmill with unreasonable rhetoric we will lose and the anti gun crowd will make the rules.  I don't want that


Guns are not the issue in these horrendous crimes anymore than cars are responsible for the murders that were committed recently in Oklahoma and Las Vegas. Should there be an executive order to make a car sale between two individuals be registered because it involves a potentially lethal weapon if it is misused by a criminal? In addition, our country's government was put in place by some incredibly wise men who understood the need for checks and balances with a legislative, judicial, and executive branch to keep each other in check. Executive orders that potentially take away the constitutional rights of the citizens without the review of the other two branches should not be allowed or tolerated.


I firmly believe Obama invite to the NRA was nothing more than a ploy to set them up in a situation where no matter what they said they'd be made to look like the root of the problem. You can guarantee a townhall meeting set up by Obama would have a loaded crowd of bleeding heart libs and media in the crowd. I completely agree the strict enforcement of current laws is what is needed. As far as the background check remember that driving is a priviledge,owning a firearm is a constitutional right.
It's funny how these liberals are all about saving innocent lives thru gun control but they're all in favor of murdering babies thru abortions.that alone should tell you where their motives really lie.

"There are turkey hunters and people who hunt turkeys.I hope I am remembered as a turkey hunter"


Quote from: jakesdad on January 06, 2016, 07:26:14 PM
I firmly believe Obama invite to the NRA was nothing more than a ploy to set them up in a situation where no matter what they said they'd be made to look like the root of the problem. You can guarantee a townhall meeting set up by Obama would have a loaded crowd of bleeding heart libs and media in the crowd. I completely agree the strict enforcement of current laws is what is needed. As far as the background check remember that driving is a priviledge,owning a firearm is a constitutional right.
It's funny how these liberals are all about saving innocent lives thru gun control but they're all in favor of murdering babies thru abortions.that alone should tell you where their motives really lie.
The right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a constitutional right also.  How are the victims of gun violence making out with their rights
The 2nd amendment mentions a well regulated militia along with the right to bear arms.  It does not say anything about firearms.


Quote from: vaturkey on January 06, 2016, 04:02:53 PM

The president has never did anything to deserve a bravo ! Go back in your hole Bob !
How about you put me in my hole


Quote from: Bob on January 06, 2016, 08:05:04 PM
Quote from: jakesdad on January 06, 2016, 07:26:14 PM
I firmly believe Obama invite to the NRA was nothing more than a ploy to set them up in a situation where no matter what they said they'd be made to look like the root of the problem. You can guarantee a townhall meeting set up by Obama would have a loaded crowd of bleeding heart libs and media in the crowd. I completely agree the strict enforcement of current laws is what is needed. As far as the background check remember that driving is a priviledge,owning a firearm is a constitutional right.
It's funny how these liberals are all about saving innocent lives thru gun control but they're all in favor of murdering babies thru abortions.that alone should tell you where their motives really lie.
The right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a constitutional right also.  How are the victims of gun violence making out with their rights
The 2nd amendment mentions a well regulated militia along with the right to bear arms.  It does not say anything about firearms.

What is the 2nd amendment referring to as arms if it says nothing about firearms?

Sent from the Strut Zone
"A turkey hen speaks when she needs to speak, and says what she needs to say, when she needs to say it. So every word a turkey speaks is for a reason." - Rev Zach Farmer



                            Hey Bob while we are at it, more people are killed by cars every year why not require background checks before you get a driver's license or buy cars, people are killed by knives let's permit them,people get killed by hammers let's require permits and background checks for hammers. And by the way the President does not write laws, he's in the wrong branch, Congress writes the law, the Executive branch enforces them. Mr Obama has violated the Constitution. He is trampling on our rights. Read the histories about the Framers of the Constitution, almost to a man they framed the 2nd amendment in the Bill of Rights it is that important. The safety of yourself and your family is up to you and your responsibility, period. Look what happened in Australia, they started with only assault weapons, they ended up taking all firearms except double barrel shotguns and bolt action rifles, 870's 1100's, lever guns and all their like they seized and destroyed. I don't trust government to act in my interest. As Charlton Heston said, " from my cold dead hands...."  What I'm trying to say is it is our duty watch out for our rights. This country's judicial system leaves much to be desired. They coddle criminals and harass the law abiding. Every time they tighten gun laws who are they targeting and hurting, the law abiding citizen and they do nothing to the criminal. Just read the paper every day.........
We wait all year,why not enjoy the longbeard coming in hunting for a hen, let 'em' in close !!!


Sure lets make more laws and punish the law abiding citizens....makes alot of sense to me!!  Why were at it lets make crack, heroin, meth and other hard core drugs illegal to I'm sure it will fix our drug problem....since more laws will fix things!  I've worked in law enforcement since I was 18....simple fact...law abiding citizens follow the laws...criminals do not...I know that is so hard to figure out!  That is why I will always have a job and job security.  Chicago has the strictest gun laws in the country and they have the highest gun related crimes....3 hours into the new year they had there first homicide with a firearm!  There is plenty of laws on the book to crack down on criminals and thugs...stop handing out hugs and second chances and enforce and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law....the LAWS we have!!  Will that happen why no....lets punish the ones that do follow the law.  Nothing Obama passed would have stopped any of the mass shootings....and a funny thing is all of the mass shootings were in GUN FREE ZONES!!!  I'm just a hillbilly  (or as our fearless leaders says I'm a religious nut that clings to my guns and Bible)....and I can figure this out and they pay these stooges 6 figures and they cant even tie there shoes and figure out the issues at hand.  The second amendment is the gateway to our freedom that is why its the second amendment it meant that much to our founding fathers.  Since the President does not write the law and congress does...and while he stomps all over our rights all the clowns in Washington will do nothing!   What a joke!
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens


The 2nd amendment mentions a well regulated militia along with the right to bear arms.  It does not say anything about firearms.
[/quote]Hard to argue with someone that doesn't even understand 2nd amendment curious to what you think  "  the right to bear arms means " and your really just not getting it if you think anything that nut of president passes as far as gun laws will stop any violence