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Ferguson Missouri how do we resolve this?

Started by pappy, August 12, 2015, 10:20:16 AM

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I am waking up this morning with a burden on my heart. Ferguson Missouri has erupted again...progress towards peaceful living within the city's limit have been set on fire again by a group of folks that cannot accept the peaceful progress, this is in my mind an attack on the citizens who really do care. I am not taking up for placing a thief on a pedestal nor am I in favor of looting and destruction, what I do favor is peace amongst the populaces.  And it is not isolated in Ferguson, as throughout the country we are seeing so much fanning of the flame of hatred towards authority.
Something has to break, is 15 minutes of fame worth it? Imagine if we had no authority at all...no concept of order...you would be looking at the same type of results as if it were the Great Tribulation described in Revelations. It is time to exercise authority, both physically and spiritually, starting with our prayers, and then our efforts to make a change within our own community, and let that change ripple out to cities like Ferguson. 
my new email is paw.paw.jack@sbcglobal.net



It amazes me how they like to trash and burn their own town every time something happens.  Genius idea....idiots.

You have to feel sorry for the small business owners in these neighborhoods..... the few NOT living off the government and actually trying to make it.. 



Quote from: ccleroy on August 12, 2015, 12:24:55 PM
Start cracking skulls and it ceases.
OR,hangings in the town green for the guilty!!


Hopefully the fellas toting the AK's will keep things in order !  :icon_thumright:

Spitten and drummen

If they would start culling the vermin , only then can this country return to it's greatness. Political correctness and the liberal way of thinking , no longer teaches personal responsibility. Anyone who believes that these demonstrations were for a peaceful remembrance is living in a fantasy land. The whole thing is causing un necessary civil unrest. If I happened to live there , I would be in jail , because the first one of these wild animals that tried to loot , damage or cause personal harm would be immediately dispatched like a rabid dog. I hate  things like this are common now days. The law abiding citizen needs to be prepared to defend themselves and their property.


Step 1: Put cameras on all law enforcement officers. Require them to be on at all times. Require the video to be immediately available to the public. If any illegal activity is recorded, put the officer, his supervisors and probably their supervisors under the jail. (Getting the one that did it does no good if you don't also get the ones that implied he should do it.)

Step 2: Tell everyone to stock up on arms and ammunition, because hungry, desperate, violent people will be coming soon.

Step 3: Stop feeding anyone unwilling to work.


The biggest problem is that onion headed SOB that lives in that big white house in Washington D.C.  Before he was elected, the white and black races were finally becoming accepting of one another.  The onion head has made every incident involving black and white into a racial situation.  However, all of that is changing rapidly:

IMMIGRATION: Facts from the July 23, 2015 Mark Levin Show

Legal Immigration:

1901-1910 – 8.8M
1910-1920 – 5.7M
1921-1930 – 4M
1931-1940 - .5M
1941-1950 – 1M
1951-1960 – 2.5M
1961-1970 – 3.3M

All of the above basically assimilated into the United States culture, keeping only the best of the cultures they left behind.

Then the effects of The Immigration Act of 1965 started to take effect.  You should study this law and the previous immigration laws on Wikipedia.  The answers to the cause of our immigration problems and culture loss lie there.

1971-2010 – 14M legal immigrants.

In 2010, there were 41.3M illegal immigrants in the United States, 13% of the total U.S. population.
28% of immigrants in the United States today are illegal.

From 1970 to 2013, the foreign born in this country rose 324% from 9.7M to 41.35M.

In 2010, illegal households received an average of $24,000 in government benefits while contributing only $10,000 per household.

ELECTIONS: Percent of Latino vote received by presidential candidates

1980   Carter – 56%
   Reagan -35%
A net loss to Republicans of 21%

1984   Mondale – 61%
   Reagan -     37%
A net loss to Republicans of 24%

1988   Dukakis –     69%
   GHW Bush – 30%
A net loss to Republicans 39%

1992   Clinton –       61%
   GHW Bush – 25%
A net loss to Republicans of 36%

1996   Clinton –  72%
   Dole -        27%
A net loss to Republicaans of 51%

2000   Gore –       62%
   GW Bush – 35%
A net loss to Republicans of 27%

2004   Kerry –       58%
   GW Bush – 40%
A net loss to Republicans of 18%

2008   Obama – 67%
   McCain – 31%
A net loss to Republicans of 36%

2012   Obama –  71%
   Romney – 27%
A net loss to Republicans of 44%

And what does this spell for the future of the United States?  Well, I will leave the math to you.  The impact on black and white is obvious to anyone who looks at the prison gang population in California.  The Latinos don't like the blacks.  While the blacks were allowing the onion head to divert their attention, the immigration situation has sealed their fate.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game



It's hard to reason with savages.  Not even an animal will destroy its own nest when angry, but that's exactly what they do when they don't get their demands which most of the rioters don't even know what they are rioting about.  At some point the residents of Ferguson has to fix it internally and hold the individual person accountable instead of pointing fingers at the same authority that governs the rest of the country.  It's called obeing the rule of law and those who don't are called criminals.
NWTF Booth 1623
One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.

Tail Feathers

It's a complete loss of respect for the rule of law.  Folks don't want to accept the judgment of the courts, authorities or anyone who represents the "system". 
There is a clerk in MO who refuses to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.  I didn't like that decision one bit, but the matter was settled by the highest court in the land and I have to respect that and abide by it.  I have the option of championing a constitutional amendment but in the meantime, I have to live with it.
The folks protesting don't like the grand jury's decision, are frustrated at their perceived lack of power and have no regard for others, or the rule of law.  They've made huge strides in minorities in authority in Ferguson but still are angry and don't think it's enough.  I'm not sure they know what they want out of this.  They got everything they demanded and it's not enough.
I know there is a fine line between being a citizen and being a subject.  Sometimes a full on revolution is required.  I sure don't think we are close to needing that.
These folks think they are oppressed, when in fact they have so much more wealth and freedom than 90% of the world.
God can fix it, but I'm at a loss how to.  Used to, we could pray for it as a nation.  But now that our president decided we aren't a Christian nation, I guess no one in authority will call for that nationwide prayer.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!

Tail Feathers

^ and for some reason it takes the word N A T I O N out of the last two sentences?
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


It's a lot easier to support submitting to rule of law when you can expect such rule to be in your favor. I wonder how many who tout rule of law would feel the same after their home got no-knocked and torn to pieces due to the police visiting the wrong address? Or how about the having a loved one killed in such a raid and seeing that the officer was not indicted because the grand jury was pressured?

The fact is that our legal system is as corrupt as the political system that governs it. We have a responsibility to resist the rule of unjust law. Is such resistance not how this country began? I disagree with a lot of what these people do, but the fact is they are responding to injustice. If you want to avoid these problems, you have to address the root causes.


Quote from: dejake on August 13, 2015, 12:08:23 PM
And your popint is what?

The point is that this beloved country we and our forefathers were bequeathed ain't gonna be around much longer.  I remember how great it was to be raised in the 50s and 60s.  Our  posterity won't experience that feeling.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game