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Dave Ramsey

Started by KYFrid, July 09, 2015, 12:14:21 PM

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Just curious how many of ya'll know about and follow Dave Ramsey? I will turn 35 this month and hope to be completely debt free by 40, Save up then and buy a house with some land.

I just wish I would have known about him sooner, so many stupid things I have blown money on in the past by not saving.


My wife and I follow him pretty close.  I disagree with a few things but overall his methods work.
"A turkey hen speaks when she needs to speak, and says what she needs to say, when she needs to say it. So every word a turkey speaks is for a reason." - Rev Zach Farmer


I like the advice my grandfather gave me when I was a little kid:  Watch your pennies, and the dollars will take care of themselves.


Hard to go on turkey killing sprees across the country listening to him!

Tail Feathers

Quote from: fountain2 on July 09, 2015, 07:39:26 PM
Hard to go on turkey killing sprees across the country listening to him!
I'm sure if we took him out turkey hunting, we could get him hooked and have him preaching about saving up in advance for your turkey hunting. :TooFunny: :toothy9:
Even his detractors say his way isn't bad.  Some say there are better ways but what he says is still pretty sound.  Who could argue with live within your means, pay off debts and save money?
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Not a fan of Dave Ramsey.  He prescribes the same financial solution to everyone which in reality is just not possible.  He speaks common sense (spend less than you make) which most people don't do.  Living here in Nashville we hear him more than most.  I have heard he is not pleasant to work for and what you hear is really not him at all. 

Sent from my typewriter


We follow the Ramsey ideas pretty closely.Like some have said dont agree with it all,but it helped us get turned around and in pretty good shape. Its a pretty basic concept;live on less than you make.I think the problem most people have with Ramsey is that they have that entitlement frame of mind and think they need to have the latest and greatest no matter what;i.e. borrowing more than you need to,credit cards,etc.  My grandpa who lived thru the depression had a saying very similar to one of Daves: Never buy a new car unless you pay cash.You know how you save that much cash? Never buy a new car. I think society as a whole could learn a lot by learning to live in a way our grandparents did.

"There are turkey hunters and people who hunt turkeys.I hope I am remembered as a turkey hunter"


From what I see his plan could work if you have enough cash to set it in motion.  Over all I think there is better options... Lile common sense.
NWTF Booth 1623
One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.

Greg Massey

I agree with somethings he has to say...I plan for years to retire at age 55 and thank the good lord I was able to do this because I work the same job for 35 yrs.. payed for my house and a 100 ac. Farm to hunt on and I always during those 35 yrs had a car or truck during most of that time. What help me the most was a great wife that has work the same job for 38 yrs and is still working at the same job in a Dr. Office... she plans to retire in 18 months... with 40 yrs. Of service.  If I had listen to all Dave had to say I would half what I have.. I also have a place on the Tenn river that's paid for also...my wife and I raised two kids in a 1600 sq. Ft house... so as I tell people live within your means....


We followed him closely for awhile. At age 30 I was debt free. Then we decided we wanted a house to live comfortably in. So now we are in the process of building a 1600 sq ft house with a full basement. We both make good money so its not a drain I just hate picking up a payment. I agree with a lot of what Dave Ramsey says, but there is a lot I don't agree with.


His advise can be worth what you pay for it.We try to follow his plan best to our abillity and most times it is dead on.

ferocious calls

I am curious as to which parts folks don't agree with Dave Ramsey on. I think he is the way he is due to having to deal with so many people who have not been careful with their loot. His plan has helped many. He pulls few punches and tells it like it is. I listen often.

Tail Feathers

His critics say there are better ways to manage your money.  Most say he doesn't stress investing enough.  Most of his critics are in the financial business who get paid per investment...

There is much conventional wisdom in his basic message.  I'm not intimately familiar with his entire "program" tho.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


I listened to Dave for years. We implemented some of what he said and it really worked well. The best advice he gave, that we have followed,is about cars and trucks. All of our vehicles are from 5-10 years old. I only buy a newer car or truck when it is necessary and have enough to pay for it in cash. Not having car payments is a big step in the right direction. I have taken the car payments and bought land with that. Cars are not worth much after a few years but the land will still be there. It is hard sometime when you see a new truck or car, and when your friends cars are all the new models, but it's a good feeling to lay down at night and not have to worry about money. The best advice I can give to someone on this subject it to buy used cars and don't go crazy on a huge house you don't need. If you have fallen in to that trap, work through it during the next few years. If you work at it, you will see the benefits within five or so years. It does take time but the benefits are worth it if financial freedom is your goal. It is not for everyone. It can be very difficult to change a standard of living you have grown accustomed to.


Quote from: ferocious calls on July 18, 2015, 07:32:33 AM
I am curious as to which parts folks don't agree with Dave Ramsey on. I think he is the way he is due to having to deal with so many people who have not been careful with their loot. His plan has helped many. He pulls few punches and tells it like it is. I listen often.
I have read his books. Everything he says is just common knowledge. Don't spend more than you earn. I love listening to his radio show. Guy called in the other day and had 6 vehicles repossessed in a row. That said his no debt thing is failing some folks. My cousin has paid cash for everything including a new car. He is a miser with his money. He wants to buy a house now. Nobody will touch him because he has no credit history. He is living in some shitty apartments because the nice ones run a credit check and see he has none.