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Confederate flag

Started by lmbhngr, July 04, 2015, 09:12:40 AM

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So.... Just saw on the news that they are entertaining the idea of removing the flag  from the battlegrounds. What would've happened if the shooter were holding an American flag?


Nothing,They would be trying to ban the guns.


This is an issue that's getting out of hand. There is a bill before the TN State Senate to change the name of Nathan Bedford State Park. There is also another round of public outcry to have his statue taken down from a park in Memphis. Obviously slavery is the greatest injustice in our history.  Most of these people have don't realize the majority of Cobfederate soldiers didn't own slaves. They were mostly fighting because they felt they were being invaded by a government that had totally forgotten the concept of states' rights, which was extremely important to most of the Founding Fathers. A concept which seems to have been forgotten by the Supreme Court also!  Happy 4th of July!  As bad as it seems, we still are blessed to live in the greatest nation on Earth.


Quote from: 29810434 on July 04, 2015, 09:16:17 AM
Nothing,They would be trying to ban the guns.
They ARE trying to ban the guns.
It will happen in the next few years.

how many " it's not the end of the world" will we see then


The confederate flag and the American flag are the same in what they represented. They were/are symbols of a fight against what was seen as tyranny and a government that was invasive and no longer represented them the way they wanted it to. The confederate flag did not and does not mean slavery is good or that someone who flies one hates another race of people. There are some who do fly it and do hate others but there are also those same types that fly a USA flag and hate others. The flag it self doesn't represent hatred. People seem to forget the American flag flew for 80 years with slavery in place. On top of that let's not forget who (blacks) sold blacks into slavery. But I guess that was just their form of black on black crime back then and it is completely ok andeveryone should just ignore it and act like it did not happen.
This has went to far with the flag and it is bullshat that this crap is being forced just because some people do not like the confederate flag.


I don't like baggy pant's that droop down past ones arse that requires crotch grabbing to hold them up.  It's a thug symbol and I find it offensive.   And if it's not to much to ask can we throw in flat billed sideways ball caps and any public display of the FUBU brand.  Don't close them down just pass a bill where "FUBU" can't be displayed publicly.  I find all of this racially offensive and don't want to have to see it in public.  Can we please ban these symbols along with the Confederate Flag all in one pen stroke. 
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
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Quote from: snapper1982 on July 04, 2015, 10:01:27 AM
The confederate flag and the American flag are the same in what they represented. They were/are symbols of a fight against what was seen as tyranny and a government that was invasive and no longer represented them the way they wanted it to. The confederate flag did not and does not mean slavery is good or that someone who flies one hates another race of people. There are some who do fly it and do hate others but there are also those same types that fly a USA flag and hate others. The flag it self doesn't represent hatred. People seem to forget the American flag flew for 80 years with slavery in place. On top of that let's not forget who (blacks) sold blacks into slavery. But I guess that was just their form of black on black crime back then and it is completely ok andeveryone should just ignore it and act like it did not happen.
This has went to far with the flag and it is bullshat that this crap is being forced just because some people do not like the confederate flag.

:agreed: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:


Most people who are "offended" or have issues that they feel need to be aired and addressed, seem to forget that other people have rights and preferences also. This political correctness is getting so far out of hand that, if it weren't for loss of liberties, would be laughable...Seems as though conservatives more or less just want to be left alone. Liberals seem to want to change the way you think and the things you do because, well, it makes them more "comfortable..."
Makes you kind of long for the days when people said what they thought and if you didn't like it you just had to get over it...
I'm the antithesis of a politically correct person. I don't tiptoe around race/politics/religion. I try to stick to facts and call a spade a spade...If it walks like a duck...You know...
Why can't all these race baiters and touchy feely "progressives" just move to California and close and lock the gates!   :begging: :begging:


Idk if most people realize it but the KKK flew the American flag not the confederate flag. Does that mean we should ban it also?  I think not!! All this hoopla over a flag is dumb!! People need to read up on history a lil before they go condemning something


The so called confederate flag was created for one purpose and it's not slavery. On the battlefield during America's Civil War, the south had a similar flag to the Union's (stripes and stars. To avoid confusion during battles when two sides had great amounts of smoke rising from their muskets and cannons, men would often get confused on both sides and fire on their own. Soon after the Battle of Bull Run, the south adopted the stars and bars to avoid this from continuing to happen. The flag does not mean slavery as almost 98% of the fighting soldiers in the south never owned slavery. They were fighting for states rights and from being invaded. I was born in the north and still live here and never quite understood the comparisons of the southern flag being associated with slavery. I'm dead set against slavery and always have been but to associate that flag with slavery is just wrong. It was simply a battlefield issue!



I think it's time this country stops playing the slavery card for everything.
I am 50 years old and I have never seen or known of any slaves.
My Grandmother is 96 and says she hasn't either.

Show your slave papers and get what is owed. All others PAID IN FULL


Quote from: Bennett on July 04, 2015, 09:35:22 AM
This is an issue that's getting out of hand. There is a bill before the TN State Senate to change the name of Nathan Bedford State Park. There is also another round of public outcry to have his statue taken down from a park in Memphis. Obviously slavery is the greatest injustice in our history.  Most of these people have don't realize the majority of Cobfederate soldiers didn't own slaves. They were mostly fighting because they felt they were being invaded by a government that had totally forgotten the concept of states' rights, which was extremely important to most of the Founding Fathers. A concept which seems to have been forgotten by the Supreme Court also!  Happy 4th of July!  As bad as it seems, we still are blessed to live in the greatest  on Earth.
Ridiculous.  I better just keep my thoughts to myself on this one cuz if I get started there will probably be a few folks laughing their  off, a couple that would be very offended and I would probably get kicked off this forum.

Enough is enough though. My goodness, they nitpick at every little thing and every thing is offended some damn body. It's almost  enough to make man wanna give them something sure enough reason to be offended.


I agree that this is going way to far ,I watched the new three part show last night called the SONS of liberty ,as a Canadian how do the guys from the USA feel about the british flag today ,,,should it be banned from all places in the USA  as I am sure it may offend some folks ..and whats next ,,,Dutch

M Sharpe

Quote from: Buzzkiller on July 04, 2015, 05:18:47 PM
I think it's time this country stops playing the slavery card for everything.
I am 50 years old and I have never seen or known of any slaves.
My Grandmother is 96 and says she hasn't either.

Show your slave papers and get what is owed. All others PAID IN FULL

I'm not a Christian because I'm strong and have it all together. I'm a Christian because I'm weak and admit I need a Saviour!


Quote from: Onpoint on July 04, 2015, 07:54:16 PM
Quote from: Bennett on July 04, 2015, 09:35:22 AM
This is an issue that's getting out of hand. There is a bill before the TN State Senate to change the name of Nathan Bedford State Park. There is also another round of public outcry to have his statue taken down from a park in Memphis. Obviously slavery is the greatest injustice in our history.  Most of these people have don't realize the majority of Cobfederate soldiers didn't own slaves. They were mostly fighting because they felt they were being invaded by a government that had totally forgotten the concept of states' rights, which was extremely important to most of the Founding Fathers. A concept which seems to have been forgotten by the Supreme Court also!  Happy 4th of July!  As bad as it seems, we still are blessed to live in the greatest  on Earth.
Ridiculous.  I better just keep my thoughts to myself on this one cuz if I get started there will probably be a few folks laughing their  off, a couple that would be very offended and I would probably get kicked off this forum.

Enough is enough though. My goodness, they nitpick at every little thing and every thing is offended some damn body. It's almost  enough to make man wanna give them something sure enough reason to be offended.