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Ocellated hunt...

Started by sixbird, June 08, 2015, 09:17:45 PM

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Anybody have any experience or know of anybody who has hunted with Balam Mexico for Ocellated turkeys?
Is his operation safe? Is he trustworthy? Quality of hunting?
Appreciate anybody who might have some input... ???

LI Outdoorsman

I have hunted with Balam to complete the world slam.
They are very organized and trustworthy.
Hunting in the jungle is nothing like hunting for turkeys anywhere else in the world.
I mean howler monkeys waking you up every morning and jaguar sightings?..pretty cool stuff.
Be prepared for extremely hot and buggy conditions.even though we stayed in screened in huts we slept in full bugsuits and not much else..It is oppressivley hot all day and night.
You will experience things there you will remember forever.
You can also hunt other species while there which you must pay for extra tags
Alfredo will let you know everything.
Its a good idea to speak to your doctor about a malaria shot before you go.(we didnt ..my Dr. said we were crazy and gave us ours as soon as we got home)
also be prepared to have no contact with the outside world for around 5 days..not easy for everyone to accept.
although we all got turkeys in camp (me,my wife and 1 other hunter) its no slam dunk..it was all roost shooting at long ranges with any kind of ammo they can lay there hands on.They do everything they can to make it enjoyable but when you get home you will never take your AC and your bathroom for granted again!!
You will eat basically what everyone shoots and that was pretty cool..The cooks and guides were awesome but speak very little or no english..Its amazing what they can do with a bird breast and tortilla and some beans and vegetables on an open fire!! All washed down with Cerveza of course...Alfredo stayed in camp with us and did all the translating.

LI Outdoorsman

I just recently taped a 2 part episode of Destination Xtreme from the sportsmans channel.
They hunted turkeys and other game in the jungle.It looked to be almost the exact camp we stayed at and the way they hunted was how we did it.We got up in the early morning and went listening for turkeys singing on the roost and then snuck into position for a shot.Nobody shot a bird on the ground on my hunt but I know it can be done in fact on this show they do get a shot on a bird walking.Where we were the jungle was very thick and once they hit the ground its almost impossible to locate a bird.If you get to see this show you will get a sense of the hunt.I have heard of other places that are not as far into the jungle and you hunt around agriculture areas. With Balam you will go on a true jungle adventure with everything you eat and drink brought in coolers strapped onto jeeps.Its about an 8 hour ride from Campeche with stops along the way in the jungle to cut downed trees that blocked the roads...you actually hack your way in and out...incredible..
One other tip...try not to handle the birds too much after you've bagged one...Ours were full of ticks...litterally hundreds of teeny tiny ticks...that ended up in places where you DEFINITELY dont want ticks if you know what I mean..We were picking them off of each other for days..


What a fantastic looking bird ,,do thy have a beard and do thy gobble like are birds do ,,would be something I would love to try one day ..Dutch


No beard but can grow huge spurs. The do not gobble like a turkey.



Thanks LI...That's some great info. To be honest, I booked this hunt a couple of years ago and postponed once for health reasons and a second time 'cause I'm more than a little uneasy about traveling in Mexico, with all the stuff you hear about cartels, etc.
It certainly sounds like a life experience!

LI Outdoorsman

If you do alot of research you will find many different outfits there and they all seem to hunt a different way. I was recommended Balam by someone I knew who completed his slam there. From what I experienced they do it the "old" traditional way...Travelling waaay back into the wild jungle and hunting out of very spartan camps.Roosting birds in the trees early morning and late afternoon and shooting them off the limb.They rotate the camps every year to keep the pressure light on the game.There is alot of animals there not just turkeys,Guans,Curasows,brocket deer,peccaries ( the cooks killed one and that was first nights dinner!)Jaguars,forest pumas,monkeys,toucans,etc.Now I'm starting to see camps much closer to civilization that look more resort like and you hunt over Ag fields from blinds.Here the birds are waited out as they come to the fields and also some type of calling is used.This would be good if you want to kill one with the bow.Some have pools,full bars,gyms,cable TV and even air conditioning!!There was none of that deep in the jungle of Silvituc where we hunted.You crapped in a hole in the ground while sitting in a little thatched hut and threw a can of lime over it and the only electric was provided by generators which ran continuously the whole time to keep the camp lights on.All Bathing and cleaning was done in the cool river waters which ran through camp which was loaded with tropical fish and beautiful little birds,I asked my wife today if we ever went back would she like the newer more modern camps and she said no way thats not the right jungle experience.!Its more like going to a resort in Cancun and killing a chicken!
As far as safety i have to say we never really felt in danger as we always had someone with us and the town of Campeche (your starting point) is a charming town full of friendly people and great places to shop,eat and drink.We got lucky when we were there they had a festival going on and we walked around and drank and ate all night with the locals who were all colorfully dressed and partying and little kids running around having a great time...it was awesome..This is more of an adventure like you read in old novels than a conventional turkey hunt.If you have time I heard the tarpon fishing in Campeche is fantastic and you could make it a Mexican cast & blast.


Is there any time that's better than others?
Did you hunt other species of birds?


Quote from: sixbird on June 09, 2015, 09:37:48 PM
Is there any time that's better than others?
Did you hunt other species of birds?

1st two weeks of April.


Thanks slamman...Why do you say that? Is it weather or birds more active?


Quote from: sixbird on June 09, 2015, 10:45:41 PM
Thanks slamman...Why do you say that? Is it weather or birds more active?

the weather is usually hot and humid but that is when the birds are usually at their peak calling.


Thanks man...That's just before our season here in N.J. so that would work out just fine...

LI Outdoorsman

I did hunt for other species unfortunately I didnt do well shooting through the thick canopy. I really wanted a male Curasow and that is what i focused on but I didnt get one.Before you book just speak to your outfitter and he will provide you with tag prices.Theres alot of game you can take so it can get pretty pricey for a trip that is already setting you back some but you have have to ask yourself how many times will you be able to do this trip? for many people its a once in a lifetime excursion so youll want to make the most of it while your there.


Thanks LI...I did check about other species. I think my main focus will be on ocellated, then some of the other birds...I'll be happy if I get only one or two...