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THe houdini Jake

Started by bowmike, May 06, 2015, 10:08:01 AM

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The girls woke up early today so I figured I would take advantage and go out for a little. IF you all have read my reports you know that the public land I have been hunting has not been very kind to me. I have been cut off, set up on, you name it.

I took the advice that was given to me today and went out away from any crowds. I was out of my truck at 5 and started my walk. I went to a few areas that had birds in the past and couldn't buy a gobble. I was have afraid my gobble tube wouldn't even work.

After walking from 5:00 to 6:30 I finally heard a bird about 400 yards or farther out. I was on an opposite side of the hollow. At the top is a powerline and I figured it I could get to the powerline and beat feet in that direction I could close the distance. I figured the bird was at the end of a trail with a field on it. This is probably the hardest hit area for pressure, so my game plan was to walk out the powerline and see if anyone was there. There was a trail that would connect me right to my vehicle if I saw any one and it would only add about 5 minutes, so I figured lets give it a go.

I got out to the power line off of the small field at the end of the trail and I sit and listen for calling as I did not see any vehicles. After not hearing anything i decided to give out 3-4 yelps and see if my hypothesis was correct.

"Yelp, yelp, yelp"......GOBBLE-OBBLE-OBBLE about 80 yards out


I jumped  into the woods about 50 yards. Sit down check the phone and it is 6:45. I check the area over and sit down. I decided to let out some excited cuts with a few yelps.

"yelp yelp yelp, cut cut yelp yelp yep"


4 answer and are coming in hot. I can tell they are coming in a bit different and quickly change my position.

After about 30 seconds I start seeing white heads coming. THe bird on the left has a swinging beard and is on a Bee- line for me.

THen they hang up on a brush pile at about 50 yards. They kept pacing back and fourth. I am about ready to choke on my mouth call I am so pumped.

I do a few soft yelps and the pop over the brush pile.

I see the long beard hopethe brush pile and start strutting. There is a large diameter oak tree out in front about 35 yards. He gos right behind it. I am set up with crosshairs on the opposite side of the big oak.

"When he comes out I am wacking him" I think.

I see a red white and blue head come strutting out behind the oak.


the 870 and hevi shot ring out. I see some birds running and see one has a rope. I see my bird flopping. I run up and put my foot on his head and check the phone. 6:48. MY whole hunt took 3 minutes. I flip the bird over and don't see my long beard.

Here the jake cut in front of the long beard. "WHat the heck is this? Really?"

I was a bit bummed but still elated with how everything laid out. I called in 4 turkeys right to me. I learned from last year though and didn't want to wait for the 20 yard shot. I was a bit exposed on the tree so I decided to take him.

His stats are probably .25" spurs, 4.875" beard,  and 16# Definetly not what I was expecting but my son was just as happy to see the turkey.

I filled out my tag and took off back to the escape. I snagged a few in the woods pics.

I snagged a in the back of the escape pic as well. LOL I don't have a tail gate.

notice the mandatory fly rod and spot light in there.

I flew home, and ran in the house. MY wife was up with the twins and Corbin was still in bed. I went in his room and he woke up crabby and hid under his buck pillow pet.


HE Pops up full of excitement.

"You got a turkey daddy? I go see him"

I grabbed him and ran out side.

Momma came and snapped  a few pictures.

"he's a jaked daddy, he's just a little guy"

This helped my ego, let me tell ya.

Here are a few other shots.

My wife would not let me get the twins in a picture with the jake ;)

I got the bird cut up, beard and such removed and hopped in the shower. I was a half hour late to work but let me boss know ahead of time. He had no issues with it.

I love turkey hunting and it is part of my soul. After my first day fiasco my mind has been drained. I am thankful so many of you on here did not let me get down, and gave me solid advice for public land hunting.  In a way even a jake on public land is an accomplishment. I had not intensions of shooting a jake but have no regrets either. MY son is so happy and will be talking about daddy's turkey all day. I have really put the miles in this season, and may take a break tomorrow and sleep in. Lord knows I need it.

I have been very blessed with a great family, loving and "supportive" wife, a new job, and even twin girls. I was unsure how much I would get out this year and feel blessed to have had such an exciting and quick hunt. I have worked hard at my calling and listening to advice that is given on this site. I want to thank you all for being a part of this bird.

WIll be going long beard or bust now. Good luck everyone and thanks for the read.



 Congrats! On the turkey


Alive only by the Grace Of God


What a story! Dang birds pulled a switcharoo on you behind that tree.  That old gobbler knew what he was doing.  Congrats on the bird.  :icon_thumright:


                       CONGRADULATION   :icon_thumright:
Sun Shine State { Osceola }

noisy box call that seems to sound like a flock of juvenile hens pecking their way through a wheat field


Tail Feathers

Congrats on the bird!
If you've turkey hunted much you can understand how that can happen.  Multiple birds, weaving and bobbing thru cover...it's bound to happen sometime.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


I know that next time multiple birds are coming in I will double check  :funnyturkey:

first time ever calling in that many birds at once.


Well, that's a bummer. But, you aren't the first, nor will you be the last to make that mistake. Congrats anyway on your bird!! :icon_thumright:


About the same thing happened to my Dad this season when I called in several birds in some thick tall ferns. Even I was totally surprised to see him pick up that jake . Dad was pretty bumbed too but you just gotta take it in stride and keep on keeping on.
Congrats on a public land kill none the less. The way I see it, if you had the long beard in range then you won the hunt regardless, he just got a lucky pass.
Genesis 1:26
   Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."


Very nice going,congrats big time!
Give Thanks Unto The Lord,For He Is Good,His Love Endures Forever!


Never Misses


Quote from: RutnNStrutn on May 06, 2015, 05:32:24 PM
Well, that's a bummer. But, you aren't the first, nor will you be the last to make that mistake. Congrats anyway on your bird!! :icon_thumright:
^^^This. Congrats on your bird and I love that you got your boy out there to see it.....


Great story.  I know your son is ready to bag his first bird.


it's not the harvest,it's the chase