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My son got his first bird!

Started by m7carroll, April 06, 2015, 11:11:44 AM

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My 7 year old got his first bird on Saturday. The morning started by hearing a roosted bird start to gobble right at fly down. We couldn't get close because of the field separating us from the bird. I called him about 400 yards and when he got to about 75 yards, he left us for a hen. 5 minutes later, another bird sounded off about 200 yards from us. He gobbled at every call so I stopped calling and let him work. We watched him come in for the last 5 minutes or so and my son jumped every time he gobbled. I told him to wait, (just to see and hear the excitement from my boy) until the bird got to 25 yards. He held right on his neck and the HW #7 killed the bird with barely a flop. The bird had a 10" beard and 7/8" spurs. He ran to his bird then ran right back to me and said " Dad, I just gotta give you a hug!". I have now been blessed to watch 2 of my 3 boys take their first turkey! To say they are hooked, is a HUGE understatement! At ages 7 & 9, I have watched as they took their first Turkey, Deer, Duck, Goose and hog! These boys will be great hunters as they get older and I pray the good lord lets me stay here to watch them for years to come!  :jesus-cross: Now, if I can just get this picture to load...............



Don't get any better than that.  Congrats to you all!
Can't kill'em from the couch!!!!



That thing is as big as he is.  I remember my daughters first bird like it was yesterday.  Congrats to the little man!!!!!



Awesome.  Nice bird and great story.


That's an awesome picture,  I never get tired of seeing kids that happy with their harvests.
Genesis 1:26
   Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."


busta biggun


Great to hear the fella smoked one!!  Congrats!!  Hunters for life is what you are making and I like it!

Beautiful Bird!!  Where did you get him?  What state?
Print by Madison, on Flickr



That is awesome.  I hope to call one in for my nephew who is 7 this year.

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"If You Call Them,They Will Come."

Rio Fan

Absolutely awesome.  Congrats to you and your son! :icon_thumright: