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new and dont know where to start

Started by sparelink, March 23, 2011, 08:59:14 PM

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so this is my first year i am going to try this whole turkey scene and i have no clue where to start in the field. i have access to about 2000 acres of land. half is farm land or ther half is forest/open plain down to a river bed.

my season doesnt start until april 15 and i want to get out and scout the nest few weekend. where do i start? is there a certain type of tree that i should look for roosting in? do they follow the same game trails as the deer/elk?

i have my gun patterned and been working on turkey calls for the last few months. now i just need to find the birds.

any help would be great.


watch for them in the fields, look for sign (tracks, strut marks, turkey sh@t etc...) on the dirt roads on the property and start getting out there and listening for them in the mornings and evenings. Power lines, food plots etc. are all good areas to check also.   

If you got some higher elevations on the place that you can see and hear for a little ways, go there and listen at first light and right before dark- hopefully you'll be able to find out where they like to roost by doing that. 

I'd get a topo map and google earth the property if I were you also.  The more you can learn about it, the better off you'll be.


This thread could go on for 100 pages.. MY best advice to you is get a copy of Ray Eyes "Practical turkey Hunting strategies" it is the best comprehensive book I have seen for a beginner.. Read it and ask questions after reading.

You can read it free on google books as well a quick google search will bring it up


First off, you came to the right place here. There is tons of knowledge and know how shared by members on this forum and most if not all will be more than willing to help you out in any way they can. If you don't know, just ask. No shame in that. We've all been there at some point and time and new lessons in turkey 101 are learned every year. Good Luck.


Reading a book will really help with all the basics and give great info.

my Best tip is don't be afraid to make mistake. You got 2000 acres to play with bump a bird, get busted. Go find another one and come back another day. It's not lie a big buck that might be gone forever after a mistake that bird will settle down a lot soon than you think.

Have fun and good luck!
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Quote from: shootumindaface on March 23, 2011, 11:46:17 PM
This thread could go on for 100 pages.. MY best advice to you is get a copy of Ray Eyes "Practical turkey Hunting strategies" it is the best comprehensive book I have seen for a beginner.. Read it and ask questions after reading.

:agreed: .....It's the best Turkey hunting book I've ever read  :icon_thumright:
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