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Hard lessons learned on a youth hunt.

Started by born2hunt, March 17, 2015, 02:54:04 PM

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Well as I've heard said before, sometimes the best lessons are the hardest learned.
This past weekend was my 9 year old daughter's first spring hunt. She has never been nor harvested a turkey and was as exited as a kid could be. We spent hours each weekend practicing her shooting for the past month and a half and she was ready. She had drawn a 2 day permit for a WMA that I had a good deal of history hunting so I was feeling pretty decent about our chances.
Well the opening morning came and there we were set up on my plan A. We had a big mature bird come of the limb and really give us a show but for the life of me I just couldn't get him any closer than 75 yards before he just gave it up and walked off. Oh well...spirits were high and she was on cloud 9 after hearing and seeing that gobbler do his thing.
With no luck striking another bird we adjusted our setup on that bird and planned for the next morning. When daylight came on day 2 that bird gobbled once on the limb and again going the other way. I knew we would never move fast enough to get a head of him and I was scrambling to make the best of our time left with having to quit at 1:00. So we hustled the mile walk out to the truck and the quest for a mid morning bird was on. After trying a few spots with no luck we pulled in to my last spot with exactly 1 hour and 15 min to hunt. We made or way down the road which bordered some private on our left side. About 1000 yards in I made a few cuts and he fired off about 300 yards down the road. The road was kinda curvy and I wasn't sure witch side of the line he was on but all we could do was try. We quickly cut the distance in half, gave him a soft yelp and he gobbled again. The woods on our side were super thick so all I could do was set up about 10 yards off the road on the right, point her in his direction and hope he was on our side of the fence. Well it didn't take 5 min and here he came. My heart  just sunk when I saw him on the other side. We had him strutting and gobbling at 30 yards and less. Every thing had fell into place, she was on the gun with a clear shot and ready to kill her first bird but he was 10 feet across a hog wire fence and I just knew he wasn't gonna fly over. We sat there pinned down till 1:00 with no blind or chairs, watching that bird strut and gobble at 30 yards just praying he would hop across. At first she didn't understand why I wouldn't let her shoot him but once I explained it she quickly understood and handled it well. What made me the proudest was when we got up to leave she was smiling from ear to ear and told me  (in her words) "Daddy, at least we got to hear another turkey gobble and see him poof his feathers out, thank you, that was so awesome" ;D
She didn't get her first turkey on that hunt but for her to say that to me was total success without a kill and I was one proud Daddy. 
Genesis 1:26
   Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

turkey buster

Glad your teaching her the right way. Not many men would let him walk, and she just learned a good lesson


Outstanding!!!! Great sportsmanship and I think you are going to have a hunting buddy for a long time.


Mike Honcho

Nice story, that will make the time when she does harvest her first bird a real memory for both of you!


Sounds like a great hunt!  Great job! She will get one!
Alive only by the Grace Of God


Sounds like a fantastic young lady and a lifelong hunting partner! Awesome!!



Quote from: turkey buster on March 17, 2015, 03:04:27 PM
Glad your teaching her the right way. Not many men would let him walk, and she just learned a good lesson
:agreed: Got yourself the best hunting partner rite there. Good luck to you both next time you go out.....


Sorry she didn't get her first bird. But it's great you are teaching her the right way to do things. Sounds like she had a great time. Looks like you made a great hunting buddy. Thanks for sharing.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6


Congrats on a great hunt with your daughter!  Bird or not, you will both remember that one forever.


At least you had a great hunt!!!! Good on ya


Gotta love seeing there feathers "poofed out"


Thanks fellas for letting me share that with yall.
And I think yall are right about a the lifetime hunting buddy thing. When my wife was pregnant the first time, like most guys all I wanted was a boy, a little "Mini Me". I just couldn't see myself having any fun with a little girl, but man was I wrong.
Now my youngest is a 4 year old boy and he's all about anything outdoors and all I could ever ask for but his big sister is gonna give him a run for his money cause she knows she loves the woods. The good Lord has blessed me well. And I'm just eating it up.
Genesis 1:26
   Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."


 :drool: :thanks: Great story, you should be proud. Memory that will not fade., Al Baker

Triple Gobble

Great story, glad to here about people still
Teaching kids the right way to do things,
And respecting the laws.  I'm sure she had
Just of a good time being with her daddy
And knowing he wants to spend time with
Her. Hunting buddy for life I'm sure.
Live your life through Jesus, and life begins!!!!