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Can this tree be cut & used for pot calls?

Started by TarheelTurk, February 08, 2011, 11:08:21 PM

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I was wondering if it is possible to use this White Oak for pot calls. Tree fell approx 2yrs ago i've used it for a tree stand a couple of times.It also broke a 8" maple over when it fell if i can cut it up too? Both trees are mostly off the ground.Im just getting into callmaking. wanted to get a head start on my wood supply since im currently waiting on a lathe. What do you guys think?? As always THANK YOU ahead for all your help! What do i need to do to get the pic on here ?? keeps telling me the file is too large? HELP!
Grandads Advice : "Sometimes its better to be quit and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubts" LOL


Those both will make a nice pot call. Make sure you get it cut and sealed so it won't split up on you too bad. I would take the maple and cut it into about 2 foot pieces and then leave it on the ground and cover it with some leaves or grass clippings for about 3 months. Then cut about 2 inches off the end and look for spalting. If it is getting some good spalt lines in it, take it in and cut it into pot call blanks and let it dry for about a year. It takes a long time to get wood built up, but well worth it when you can get some pots made and get a hang of what your doing, then you can get into the good stuff like spalted maple. Hope that helps you out. As far as pictures, you need to get a photobucket account, and use them to download pics. It's free and easy once you get the hang of it.


On the picture part, browse to it on your computer and then right click on it. Choose properties and see what the file size is.  I think 680 KB is the limit for uploading.  If it is too big, you can crop it if you don't have a photo bucket account. Open the pic then if you have the option (depending on your software) edit the pic and choose crop. Remove portions of the pic you do not need. Before starting that, copy the pic under a different name and edit that one so you don't perminantly alter the original if you want to keep it.

Hope this makes sense.
Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord
:gobble: :gobble:


Thanks so much Bonjour &Crutch on the picture ? & thanks for the info on the White Oak and Maple especially b/c i never thought/knew about putting the maple under leaves & grass to create the spalted wood.Thanks sooo much that's why i am glad i found this site. God willing i should have my lathe this Friday found a craftsman variable speed for sell locally w/ a few tools.
Grandads Advice : "Sometimes its better to be quit and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubts" LOL


So I could do this with some maple my FIL cuts as trash to burn on his property?  Would it be beneficial to any of you call makers?  I live in central WV.