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What Kind of Hunter are you????

Started by redleg06, March 22, 2011, 08:27:25 AM

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Are you a "let it happen" turkey hunter or a "make it happen" kind of guy and why?

I like to let it happen...I'd rather play it safe than risk bumping a bird
21 (19.6%)
I'm going to mix it up and make it happen....you cant make an omelette without breaking some eggs..
86 (80.4%)

Total Members Voted: 100


I go for it! Waiting never works for me,so I try to make it work.
A shot not taken,is a shot missed!
Juan Galindo-Last Light Taxidermy


I do it both ways, depending on the bird and situation. On my bigger farms, I generally get more mobile and aggressive. On my smaller places, I tend to take it slower and wait them out a little more. Both ways have their pros and cons, and both ways will kill turkeys. I've killed birds both ways. I don't exactly have a preference, I just do whatever the current situation calls for.
John 3:16

"Fall hunting is maneuvers. Spring hunting is war"
Tom Kelly, Tenth Legion


When learning to turkey hunt, I'd always been told, you can't move because they'll see you, and also that can't go after turkeys, it's impossible to sneak up on them.
Finally, after a couple of tough years, I decided, what the heck? I started trying to see what I could get away with by slowly moving when they were in sight of me. I quickly realized that you can get away with a lot more movement than you think, especially if they are focused on a decoy. So I modified my hunting style.
Then, after several encounters with gobblers that wouldn't come in, I decided, what the heck do I have to lose? They aren't coming in anyway. So I started practicing stalking them when the opportunities arose. I honed my stealthiness, and soon enough I bushwhacked my first turkey. Since then, I've done it many times.
Now, do I prefer turkeys to come in strutting and gobbling? Of course I do!! But if it comes down to stalk or go home empty handed, I'm doing the bobcat!!
So yeah, I'm a make it happen guy.


This depends on the time of the season and what the birds are doing. I hunt a club with several large tracts of land, so it's mostly run and gun covering ground. Early in the season I can setup and blind call for an hour in one spot at the most, then it's off to the next spot. If they aren't responding, I tend to walk the woods scouting. It isn't a lot of fun to me to setup on a field for hours and hours and "deer hunt" turkeys. Just my $0.02


I'd have to say I'm aggressively patient. lol    I love to call and I call a lot but I give birds time.   I used to literally run and gun.  I'd stop- call and if no answer I was off to the next spot.   Nowadays  I do what I call a slow run and gun.   I'll set up before I call and I'll hit it pretty hard.  Lot's of times I'm running 2-3 calls on my first sequence and then I go silent.   I'll usually wait 5-10 min. to call again and the second sequence is usually when I get the most responses.   I think a lot of birds will start walking your way on that first sequence and they will answer to pinpoint you on the second one.   Just a theory.   If I don't get a response on my second series I usually wait another 5 min. or so and call again.  2-3 more min. and I'm off to the next spot.    This system has really been productive for me.  I came up with this system after having it happen time and time again where you call and then walk away only to have a bird answer you at the next spot you try and he's standing in the place you just left.  :angry9:


I am patiently aggressive, I don't run-n-gun, but I will make strategic moves. My favorite is leave a hunting partner where you are and back out circle and come in 90 degrees from where you were and start cutting really hard. Killed probably half a dozen birds the last 3 years doing this. Just simply working a different angle helps on some birds. I hate bumping a bird, but I have also been known to put the crawl on one.

I guess it all depends on the morning, the turkeys, and if I have my grandfather who we know each others every move or my little sister that I can't just walk off and leave. Just flat out depends on the situation, but I DO NOT deer hunt turkeys!



I don't understand this comparison to deer hunting.  Why make it?  You hunt deer the way you have to hunt deer.  You hunt turkeys the way they want to play the game.  Sometimes you can move on them, others you have to sit and wait them out. 


I voted let it happen as there was no both. I have to agree with sugarray that it depends on the situation at hand. If you have the time to scout and find birds or a bird fine if not than some sort of traveling is necessary.


I'm a belly crawling sneaking fool if I need to be, not afraid to slither in like a snake. I've had times where I've had to follow my trail of items back to where I started I start with everything on my back and end up with a mouth call, shotgun and camo a few hundred yards from where I started.
Hooks Custom Calls Prostaff member

NWTF Diamond life member, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Life Member, NWTF Nationals Hunting Call Competition Judge, Hooks custom calls striker builder, WI, MN & IA State Friction Calling Champion.


Unless I know where they are roosted I am gonna move around and try to find em


I'm a newbie and still feeling my way into this sport, but as I have a hearing problem, the run and gun is out as I can't hear them respond very well and I'm afraid I'll bust them.  I generally sit 2 - 3 hours, then move and sit  for 1 hour or so between sets for the rest of the morning.


I didn't select one of the two options that were provided because it is not that black and white--not for me anyway. I am what ever kind of hunter I feel I need to be based on the circumstances to be successfull. This is the art of turkey hunting--there are no absolutes.   


I agree with Catdaddy. You never know what the hunt will present. Some you sit and wait, and some you do the sneak, and some you sneak and then sit and wait.. Whatever it takes to get the job done.  :you_rock:
May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.


A lot depends on the time of the season,,,I hunt mountain birds in thick areas with little openings. The opener in Pa is on a Saturday so I tend to deal with people coming into camps...Some come in to hunt others I believe come in to be a pain in the behind making all kinds of noise.
I hunt a small area that that has an access road thru it., I stay in the area because birds roost there. There is a gas pipeline about 200 yards away and birds like to hang out there alot. I can't hunt the place because it is posted but I have killed birds I've called off it.
I move around but I seldom leave the area unless I get really bored...but I always come back before quitting time. I called in a gobbler on youth day for a boy and i killed 2 other birds later in the season there. I use to be the guy that would chase a gobbler but now that I'm older plus the fact I have a honey hole I sit more than anything. :gobble: :fud:


We've got a good percentage of guys on here that are aggressive minded...I'd toss my lot in there as well.

I guess my experience has taught me that turkey arent smart enough to stay boogered up for too long unless you're really really flagrant in how you bump them so in most cases, Im trying to pull out all the stops and push the envelop a little bit to get in a better position to make him have to do as little as possible to hop right on up in the back of my pickup truck bed....