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Folks please please vote on this poll

Started by NECKRINGER, January 30, 2015, 10:23:01 PM

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We are having a major problem. Like the wolves are causing.
The 20 year projection for the Panther is to be in all southeast US
Trust me
Yall don't want em.

There is plent of info in the article to so that you can come up with your own opinion.
However, I can tell you all the other wildlife in South florida needs a yes.
Please pass to anyone you know
Thank you!


Old Gobbler

Thanks for posting this ! I was about to do the same then noticed it

Serious.....serious problem down here in south Florida , to much to say about it other than it is just a matter of time before some small child or jogger is killed -i think 33 panthers were killed by vehicles or other panthers this last year just to give you a idea of what the real numbers are like

There are way too many panthers down here , they have wiped out the hogs , and deer and have just about eliminated the raccoons etc....

The fwc is doing everything in it's powered to keep this under the wraps and keep the gravy train going with revenue , also whip out the panther card and deny hunter access for political reasons
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



Quote from: Old Gobbler on January 31, 2015, 05:48:55 PMThere are way too many panthers down here , they have wiped out the hogs , and deer and have just about eliminated the raccoons etc....
The fwc is doing everything in it's powered to keep this under the wraps and keep the gravy train going with revenue , also whip out the panther card and deny hunter access for political reasons
Totally agree Shannon. I live in central FLA, and I have seen 3 panthers. A friend of mine found a deer killed and covered up with grass like panthers do. In all 4 cases we reported it to FWC. In each case, FWC told us that there are no panthers in central FLA. They told me I saw a bobcat. ::)
They do the same thing with bald eagles up here. Bald eagles endangered? Please!! It's all about getting the feds money, and controlling land.


Looks like the tree huggers got the word out to their people.

NBC2 Poll
Should the Florida panther be removed from the endangered species list?
Thank you for participating in our poll. Here are the results so far:
Yes 34%
No  66%


Although I live in NY, I voted YES for you. Good luck

Old Gobbler

The panther is a unique animal , but ..... Panther is a fancy word for Florida cougar , the populations were dwindling at one time , but they introduced Texas cougars and cross bred them up and the populations have sky rocketed to unsustainable levels , worse part is that in all likely hood the Florida subspecies gene line could be watered down to the point we will be protecting Texas cougars in Florida , go figure

Male on male cougar attacks are very common , the end result is that one will end up dead and the other possibly seriously hurt , my buddy has a house inside of the panther preserve and found one such male cougar with the scull crushed from the mouth of another male - I can only speculate that the larger ....Texas cougars or offspring of the transplanted male cougars will have the upper hand in a conflict....so to day in Darwinism speak ......eventually the traits of the Texas cougars will kill off the male cougars  with Florida subspecies traits - given that one dominant male has such a large area the threat remains that in a short time span the genetic Florida pool could be eliminated

So there you have it , in my opinion , the people who were trying to help the Florida panther have done quite possible the most damage to animal

Wikipedia The status of the Florida panther remains uncertain. It is still regularly listed as subspecies P. c. coryi in research works, including those directly concerned with its conservation.[38] Culver et al. noted low microsatellite variation in the Florida panther, possibly due to inbreeding;[36] responding to the research, one conservation team suggests, "the degree to which the scientific community has accepted the results of Culver et al. and the proposed change in taxonomy is not resolved at this time."[39]

I find it amazing that they claim there is a figure of "x" out there for the population of cougars , and this is due in part to tagged and gps tracked animals , yet , time after time extra cougars keep popping up in residential areas, or on game cams, found dead from another cougar , or dead from a car strike

Matter of time before someone I'd killed
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....


Model 1300

I voted yes. We here in PA are having a slight problem with the coyotes. It's not as bad as the wolves or panthers but about 3-4 months ago we had a coyote come out by the Penn state Altoona campus and take a little dog from the owners back yard in the Middel of the day.
"Stop flinching it's just a 3 1/2 inch Magnum" said the old man.

Turkey and I have a love hate relationship.


In law lives just south of Orlando and he has posted a video of a panther close to his home. They are in Central Florida. Good luck with this. Al Baker


Its not the panthers you need to worry so much about in florida its the freaking BEARS,YOTES,& COONS. They are causing more damage. You know there is a problem when you go deer hunting and see more bear and yotes than deer.They need to open up more places to coon hunters and get them under control they are putting a hurting on them turk eggs.


I dont know much about the state of florida as far as their wildlife refuge goes, but it sounds like that the state is more overrun with predators and that the food chain is unbalanced. Is predator season a big event in Florida? It sounds if there needs to be more hunters involved to control the bear and yote population. But like I said im just going off of what im reading in this post.
Mueller Custom Calls

-Mark Mueller


No not very many people hunt predators in Florida. Not much land open to hunt them. Most public land is closed to hunting at night and private land you can forget that everything is posted or they want a big access fee.


 :TrainWreck1:Get rid of the alligators and Diamondbacks too, I was in Mobile Al in a pay to swim area of a small creek when a 12' aligator took the left arm off a child. It was taking the kid down the creek with adults in pursuit taking the kid away. It was a very close call they reached the kid in time. Not recent, happened in 86.  I can't but think an alligator is more of a threat to humans than a cougar. Now deer and other animal is another story. Good luck with this.

Forgot to add the Fish and Game Dept. Got permission to put an alligator in a pond we had on my military base. They had to stop us from fishing it due to that alligator wouldn't stay away from us. It would follow you around the lake, it stayed in the water except for the time I purposely hooked it. They can move fast.