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Muck Boots Supports HSUS

Started by gatrapper, August 04, 2014, 09:06:31 PM

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"Champions don't make excuses, they make plays." - Richard Seymour.


my money will never go to them now.
Georgia Boy

Deputy 14

Yup, no Muck for me. I'd say they'll stop selling camo boots soon.


After this pair goes bad, I won't be buying from Muck again.


Thanks for the info, no more mucks for me


"A turkey hen speaks when she needs to speak, and says what she needs to say, when she needs to say it. So every word a turkey speaks is for a reason." - Rev Zach Farmer


Well that makes me feel better. I love my muck boots and am glad the company cleared this up.


Heck that doesn't clear it up. Looks like they lied more. The local humane shelter says they didn't get any money.
Georgia Boy


The event was only last Friday, taking them at their word I'll assume for now that the money just hasn't been delivered to the local shelter yet. According to the statement the donation isn't coming from Muck anyway, the family collecting the money may be waiting until they are sure that all donations have come in.

I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, although I would like to see some more follow up. It doesn't make any sense that a company whose customer base is probably 90% farmers and hunters would have anything to do with HSUS. This seems exactly like the sort of thing that could happen if the wrong person has the ability to post to your social media page. This could literally just be the result of some uninformed teenager posting incorrect information. This is exactly why the bottom feeders at HSUS chose the name that they did in the first place, to confuse and trick well meaning people into giving them money in the belief that it is going to help animal shelters.

Go G.W.

If you read all the posts on their facebook page you will not be confused. They did indeed donate money to the HSUS and then tried to lie to cover it up by saying it was sent to the Human Association of Northwester Rhode Island (http://www.hanri.org/contact-us.html) with numerous people contacting Rhode Island H.S. and being told no such donation was made.


The entire situation seems way to fishy to me. I'm going to stick with my Cabelas' boots or BOGS.
"Champions don't make excuses, they make plays." - Richard Seymour.

Tail Feathers

Give 'em a break.  They posted, incorrectly, that they gave the the Humane Society.  What they did was collect money in memory of a deceased co=worker to a local cat shelter.
We used to call them the Humane Society, it was a commonly used term for animal shelter.  Like saying Kleenex for tissue or Coke for a soda.  They just misused a phrase.

And the company didn't give the money, it went in the name of a deceased co-worker, hence the shelter's post.  Don't ruin a company over internet rumor.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Actually the Humane Association of Northwestern Rhode Island now says they did receive money from Muck Boots and they do not know why so many people of a different mindset are like their page because they agree with the objective of HSUS.
"A turkey hen speaks when she needs to speak, and says what she needs to say, when she needs to say it. So every word a turkey speaks is for a reason." - Rev Zach Farmer


Sounds like HS found a way to throw dirt on a hunting friendly company. They steped into a perfect situation to use rumor to attack muck. I don't believe a thing the HS says.
Certified Wildlife Biologist


I don't care what anyone says I love my mucks!!