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Funky Chicken got whooped!

Started by sixbird, May 09, 2014, 06:51:32 PM

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Bought a Funky Chicken 'cause I had Cabelas points and my interest was peaked by the whole concept. I've had chickens and domestic turkeys off and on for years and, as anyone who has had them knows, they'll kill any member who is weak. My thought process was, like the inventors, to take advantage of that natural trait. I used it a couple of times but hadn't had birds come to it so I more or less retired it. Well, today I thought I'd give it another shot. To make a long and interesting story short, I called a longbeard in and he proceeded to open a can of whoop a$$   on that little jacked up jake! He knocked the poor little fella down, beat him with his wings and pecked the life out of him! He worked that sorry little fella over for about 4 mins. straight! If you've ever been worked over, four minutes is a LONG time! He finally gave up both the beating and the ghost...I'm lovin' that little jacked up jake right now!


I had a gift card to Bass Pro burning up my pocket and ALMOST bought one today; but, I just could not get myself to do it. Haha. I keep thinking it would be easy to carry and stick in my vest rather than carrying another decoy sack with my strutter and hen. I just can't get over how stupid it looks and buy it. Good to hear that it works.
Got another headlamp instead.


Maybe he whooped him b/c of how goofy they look. In all seriousness, I know a couple guys who said that they love theirs...


He does look stupid...I have to laugh every time I look at him. Friends come in and I'll have him out and they always have a comment. Everybody chuckles when they see him. I guess he's worth it just for the entertainment! In all seriousness though, he really did work in a big way. That gobbler was so mad he just couldn't stop! I carry him in my decoy bag with my DSD hen...Only thing is, I don't know what I'll say if I'm set up and some hunter comes along...I can just see him pointing and howling and me embarrassed, hiding behind a tree...HAAAAH!




Uhm...Ahhh...Alrighty then...Well, maybe the same principle going on there. I couldn't stop watching so I guess...DID HE HAVE PINK SHORTS AND WHITE GO_GO BOOTS ON???!!!


Everyone hates on the funky chicken on here. I've read about guys with a fan and red tennis ball luring toms in... Why not the funky chicken? I'm not buying one but I couldn't imagine why it wouldn't work. One step better would be to just put a taxidermy head on a stake with a fan behind it. Bet it would work...

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Hoosier Hunt n Fish


No question they'd come to a fan and head. I used to use just a fan on a stick and I've had a number of gobblers come to it. They'd lose interest fairly quickly but they'd be there long enough for a shot. I think there are things that trigger an aggressive response from gobblers irrespective of associated stimuli. Fans do it as do red heads. No reason why a sickly looking bird with a red head wouldn't. I'm convinced by the display I witnessed that the funky chicken elicits that response...I guess everybody has an opinion and if you think it's a gimmick, well, o.k. Some really smart people thought the computer wouldn't fly (I'm talking REALLY smart people). I'll continue to use it as long as I get results like I did the other day...


I would never be able to get myself to stand in a check out line at cabelas with one of these, lol.

that said I killed my best bird to date using a fan on a stick and he pitched right too it so they aren't always as smart a bird as we make them out to be
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="l4hWuQU"><a href="//imgur.com/l4hWuQU"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Never heard of this before...

Anyone have a link, as a search on Cabelas proved ineffective?  Curiosity has the best of me now.
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.



If I recall, my buddy looked online at Cabelas and they didn't show it. I went to the catalog or a email notification and it was there. I'd suggest calling and speaking to customer service. They do have them. Or at least they did...


Long beard got funked this morning!
The "chicken" did his dirty work again this a.m.! Taking a few winks after some aggressive calling at flydown...After about 40 mins. of no calling, I opened up with some cackling and yelping...A few minutes of silence then another cackle and yelp sequence...GOBBLE! Just laid still and soon enough a long beard in full strut! He stood for a moment, then still in full strut, he started a fast walk to the decoys. When he arrived he turned to the hen for maybe 4 seconds. Just enough time for me to sit up and aim. He turned back and stared at the "decoy that's to stupid looking to work." He stood eye to eye with the chicken until I figured it best not to risk an eagle swooping down or a farmer showing up or some other such nonsense...I sent him to turkey Valhalla!
I gotta' say...I'm convinced! "Tiny Tim" will be in my vest from here on out...We're best buds now!  :love5:


im gonna get one of these for next year i hardly ever use dekes but i might use this guy because of how weird he looks plus i could use it as a lawn orniment