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Doctors asking about guns

Started by Spring_Woods, April 19, 2014, 07:36:59 PM

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Cut N Run

Find a doctor who hunts.  There's plenty out there.

Luck counts, good or bad.


I could only see this being a relevant question if you are at the doctor for suicidal ideation or homicidal ideation. Other than that....NOYFB!!


Quote from: Cut N Run on April 20, 2014, 08:53:52 AM
Find a doctor who hunts.  There's plenty out there.


Yah not many around here. It's in the town of ohio university.

Like most college towns, mostly liberal idiots.
"Was that a gobble?":gobble:


Yeah I'd really like to know who requires them to ask.


Institutions that received Fed Medicare dollars are subject to Fed requirements.  Joint Commission comes in and surveys these places and can fine $ if they are not following what they reccommend and can also lose Medicare reimbursement $'s. 

The issue I see with it, most of these places are going to all electronic documentation.  If the health care workers collect this info according to the ACA rules.  It would be very easy for the Feds to then just run a 'query' through the system to 'collect' all of that specific info.  Just another way to 'find' the gun owners in this country.  They are definitely trying to back door the gun registration issue that they want and using health care as a front.

I personally REFUSE to ask that questions for them.  I will ask about violence/forced sexual acts etc, et, but not about their guns...

Old Gobbler

If it is true that obamacare requires the doctors to ask if you have guns , this is nothing more than a precursor for gun control - they slip it on you ever so gradual , before long there is a institutionalized process of determining if someone is mentally competent to possess a firearm

In 1930's Germany the nazi party wanted to register Jews too - they started small with government ID cards , that progressed into mandatory  Star of David arm bands , and having to place signs in the front of your businesses --and eventually became more and more aggressive , expelled many , moved the rest into ghettos , then work camps and concentration death camps  - people would have never thought they would have done it.....but they did , they wiped out millions of them and in the process tens of millions of others - the lesson learned never let one person have that kind of power - I bet if the Jews in Europe were allowed to bear arms there would have never been a ww2

The point being ..... Big policies like these start out small then they advance them step by step until their fraudulent policy is fully deployed

Looks like they are asking pediatricians to ask people with small children if they have firearms in the home ( the angle being child safety ) I'm sure the folks in the mental health profession would likely be next to in some way and some day be a tool in the policy to determine is someone is mentally competent to own a firearm -- if they thought they could get away with it they would , the only thing stopping them is you and the NRA 
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....


the Ward

This is precisely why we need to make these mid-term elections count!  These people have to go, and go now! I think even any incumbents with 3 or more terms should probably be voted out, unless they have a REALLY good track record. The longer they are in office the less they care about the people, and the more they care about holding on to their own power and making "deals". They like to say "it's just politics," but if someone doesn't have personal convictions and morals they live and stand by, how can we keep putting them in charge of us? So let's talk to neighbors, friends and strangers and get out the vote, let's not  fear getting in an argument with someone who may not share our views. This has been the most corrupt administration in history, and I truly fear for our Country and our freedoms. And don't forget about your local and state elections, as they have a significant impact on the direction our Country is headed!       :smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an


Agreed Shannon...here in the ER we are supposed to ask those same questions and I do believe that it is all about a back door way of documenting firearms....PERIOD.  All under the guise of health care, with the questions have NOTHING to do with.  Complete crap, but as mentioned, these institutions are a creating left wing sheep that will just follow along....I however, prefere to be the wolf.

L.F. Cox

It's part of the liberal demo'rats plan to take away guns....the gent that Obama tried to appoint to Surgeon General was planning on declaring guns a national heath risk.


I dont think this is an Obummer Care issue, I heard this question asked many years ago when my first son was born. I did the same thing many of you did, I asked why? Got the same thing to educate me about gun safety etc,Ha like i would ask my doctor,nurse etc about how to handle a gun safely in my own home.


Do you think refusing to answer gets you off "the list"? IMHO, The correct answer is zero.
I love golf.  It keeps a lot of people out of the turkey woods.


We just had this discussion at a Oathkeepers.org local meeting. Do not tell them anything. I live behind the "iron curtain" in New York state. As you have heard are governor "King Andrew Cuomo" has enacted the NY Safe Act. He says it will save lives. If the governor was so interested in saving lives then why are there, on average, 400 un-born children killed a day in New York State. New York state capital, Albany, murder capital of the world... I will not comply to any politician that swore a oath, on a Bible, to protect the constitution of the Untied States and then breaks there oath... your doctor also took an oath.


It's part of Obama Care and I just don't answer.
NWTF Booth 1623
One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.

turkey john

Coming down from the government. A nurse told me that. I've been asked by not only VA Dr's but civilian Dr's as well. ...Always say no.... Just a matter of time with the idiot in control that they try to take our guns... with try be the key word..


All orders for shells,by caliber, gauge, number ordered can be traced to the house. There are many questions being asked under Obamacare that have nothing to do with a cold or check up. The populous voted for all this under the promise of affordable care. Right! We asked how could Germany have such things happen to them and yet our country is being duped by tactics that give instant feed back.

Remember all the bullet orders for Homeland Security ? APC's for HS? Think about it.

I have some water guns and rubber band guns , is that what you are talking about? Oh, that kind. Do you have any?  Reply- Oh skip it, next question. They think we are that stupid so act it!!!