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What Got You Hooked?

Started by PEPPERHEAD, April 17, 2014, 08:34:04 PM

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Just wondering what got all of you hooked on chasing these thunder chickens. I was a long time deer hunter. Then a friend talked me into going turkey hunting.... and I killed one. That got me started but its not what sealed the deal. The next year I starting hunting turkeys by myself. That year I got on a bird that I just couldn't outwit. I took time off work just to chase him. I sat in the rain. Got there early. Stayed late. Never killed him . When the season was over I tipped my hat to him and vowed to chase him again the next year. Needless to say I was hooked. There's just nothing like the chase.

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When we first started so have seasons in northern WI, it was cool to get out and hunt.  I got to take time from school and be in the woods.  I was young and had NO clue what to do in the turkey woods.  It took 7 springs to kill a bird!!!!  What hooked me at first was the gobble but what made is sink deep was when my uncle put a tom in my lap one afternoon.  He strutted, gobbled and put on a show.  I am guessing he was 5 yards from me and I never took the safety off.  I was in awe of him.  He finally turned around and went back over the hill.  I just sat there and smiled.  My uncle was mad that I didn't shoot but to this day, it is one of my favorite turkey hunting moments.  I still go back to that spot and hope for it to happen again. (this time, I will shoot)


The first gobble I ever heard in the spring woods, hammered me in a way I could never explain. It changed and molded the rest of my life. I was very young when I heard that bird but I remember thinking "this is for me". Little did I know where that one gobble would lead me. One bird, one gobble. That's what did it.
Momma said "Kill that turkey"


I was addicted the moment I heard my first gobble and its been a wild and crazy ride ever since with many ups and downs. Nothing like it!!


First time I heard one gobble, I was intrigued.  The next year I called in and killed a nice 2 year old.  Hooked ever since!
Gooserbat Games Calls Staff Member


Genesis 27:3 - Now then, get your weapons—your quiver and bow—and go out to the open country to hunt some wild game for me.


Motive: dad always wanted to.
What got me hooked: sneaky turkey terrorists that haunt my dreams all year. I love sneaky birds.
A shot not taken,is a shot missed!
Juan Galindo-Last Light Taxidermy



Hunted deer when I was a kid, then stopped after HS. Three years ago my best friend talked me into bow hunting for deer. After the second bow season for deer, I started reading about turkeys. I talked him into going turkey hunting.

We decided to stick with our bows (no idea what we were getting into). The first Saturday of the season we headed to our deer woods where we knew there were turkeys. On our walk in to a field on a snowmobile trail thru the woods, a tom sounded off directly above us in a stand of tall pines. We froze, staring at each, as several birds started gobbling. Neither one of us knew what the hell to do!

That first season was a learning experience, but that first day had me hooked. We traded wits with a few birds that day, and as I learned more, it was the chance to be in the spring woods, hunting a truly challenging quarry. I have gone to the Mossberg 500 for my first tom last season, and I reserve the bow for my 2nd tag.

I will never ever stop turkey hunting. That gobble just sets me off.


When I was already hunting all other animals we have a season for I figured I mine as well pick up hunting the only thing I didn hunt at the time, turkey. Bought some calls, watched some videos n researched some how to stuff on the net, opening day came so I went out blindly not knowing what to expect. Walked to a food plot at daybreak, gave out some yelps and was cut off. Scrambled to get seated and two gobblers came running in. In a matter of 10 min of hunting I had my first bird and was instantly hooked. Took all of that season n the next before I ever killed another, that's when I realized it wasn't always easy


The challenge of trying outwit a gobbler, and they taste good!


For me, it goes back to my college days. A good friend tried to get me to go for two years and I finally gave in one day just to quiet him. Like many of you, I heard my first gobble in the spring woods and it struck something in me. He called in two nice gobblers that day and we doubled up. Not bad for a first turkey hunt. Been hooked ever since.


Being in woods during spring and seeing it come to life. And hearing a gobble of course.
The addiction will cost you time and money and alienate those close to you. I can give you the names of a dozen addicts — myself included — whose wives begin to get their hackles up a week before turkey season starts and stay mad until a week after it closes.

—Charlie Elliott


When I carried my first one out I realized this is a heck of a lot easier than dragging a deer out, and a lot more fun!
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
Calls Prostaff


All the above!  The spring woods, the weather, the hiking, scenery, things you see & hear, spending time with friends & family, THE CHASE and last but not least the GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE!!  I cannot wait for season to begin 4/26 for the kids and 5/3 for us adults!  Good luck everyone!  :turkey2:


 I was young and dumb! LOL. It was spring of 1984 and I wanted something to do in the spring. The closest place to hunt turkeys at the time was over 50 miles away. Nobody around here turkey hunted, when folks saw you in camo back then they thought you were in the national guard. LOL. These turkeys I was hunting back then were put there by God, not by man. Catoosa was one of the few places in the whole state that still had a remnant population and was never successfully restocked. In fact a large portion of the rest of the state has turkeys now due to trapping efforts there. I remember like it was yesterday, the first time I EVER owl hooted in the woods in the predawn light. 2 turkeys hammered just down the ridge from me! I was hooked right then and there. It took me 4 years to kill my first one, but theres been a ton of em hit the dirt since then!