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Alabama Turkey Hunters

Started by kmac, March 14, 2011, 01:25:04 PM

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Them SG&A boys are gonna wipe out the turkey population in the morning. Poor birds wont know what hit em.

Best of luck to all you boys. I hope all your beards are thick and your spurs are sharp.


good luck to all the Alabama hunters out there,and above all be safe
it's not the harvest,it's the chase


The rain should be gone in the western south alabama by midnight.


im not gonna be able to sleep tonight!!!!!!!!!!

i am going insain.

this evening ive cleaned all my guns. turkey gun 3x
re organized my turkey vest several times.
pulled out decoys. talked to em about tomarrow morning
called on every call i got.
acted like a strutting gobbler
gobbled my head off!
takled turkey huntn with my buddy on the phone about our game plan in the morning
watch turkey huntn dvds
get on here 76568 times

and repeat

yep ive lost it.... its on in the morning


good luck to all. It will be Saturday at the earliest, before I will be able to go, :'(.

He's big enough to ride in my truck!


I am ready.  All the stuff is in the truck and I just filled the tank.  Going to stay with them all day tomorrow.  I feel like a kid waiting on Santa.  Good Luck to everyone.


Amazing though we have no turkeys here, how hard it is to sleep. Gotta go try anyway, as there being no turkeys here, makes for a long day.

Good luck everyone!! Be safe, shoot straight, and shoot he strutters!!

God Bless,
David B.


good luck to all who get to go today :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:


All kidding a side, Be safe and Have fun, Hope the Rain gets out of there for all you Bama Hunters. And someone Invite me down next year so I can get this Started, I have to wait till April 27th, and I am about to Go Nuts, No wait I am nuts.....Have Fun......



It's clear and a crisp 40 degrees. Heard nary a sound yesterday. Nor were we able to roost one. Sitting here waiting for daylight to start breaking and looking forward to hearing some gobbling.
A man fires a rifle for many years, and he goes to war. And afterward he turns the rifle in at the armory, and he believes he's finished with the rifle. But no matter what else he might do with his hands, love a woman, build a house, change his son's diaper; his hands remember the rifle.


Didn't hear anything yesterday but I had two gobbling early this morning. Unfortunately they were intercepted by a group of hens after they flew down. I'm gonna try again in the morning.


I didn't hear a bird this morning. 


i saw a monster bird just couldnt get him in close enough and when i did i couldnt get a clean shot. oh well hell be there friday. ive been watching him for a while though and he likes to hang out in my spot in the afternoon. i might have to go out after work and see if i can get em....
"Good... Bad... Im the guy with the gun" Ash from army of darkness


Hunted my bow only spot this morning.  I was on the backside of the ridge he was roosted on, he quit gobbling after flying down with 3 hens.  I was able to call them close to me, with the hens crossing over about 80 yrds away, and the gobbler periscoped his head over the ridge about 25 yrds away; he did this for about two seconds then was gone following the hens.


i called in 2 jakes and a hen this morning and actually got the jakes to gobble a few time, but otheer than that that is all i have heard. i am going tonight to gordo and hunt with my step brother and try to call a couple in for him and his son. going to be there until sat morning.
  i have to be getting close to a long beard, i called in 2 jakes sat for a youth hunt and those 2 today so......
