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New Winchester Longbeards, 1125 fps ? Is that right?

Started by owlhoot, January 18, 2014, 09:36:49 AM

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 1125 fps instead of 1200?               OG commented on other post. But not sure.
Doesn't that load with 6's run out of juice at 40 according to penetration and ft lbs. tests?
Didn't the 1300 fps lead loads of a few years back seem to kill better that the slower loads at that time?

My group thought so.
If indeed they did 1300.
maybe nothing , but i like the higher velocity loads and will buy accordingly.


Box says 1200 fps. Plenty of penetration at 40 to kill a turkey.


I like the winchester high velocity loads as much as anyone but in my opinion the extra velocity doesn't make that big a difference.  I watched my buddy wax a bird a 45 yards with the standard xx 3.5in #6's. Counted several holes on the opposite side of the birds head from which he shot it meaning they exited. Not to mention I've killed my share of birds back in the day with the old federal 3 in 2oz #6's. If your talking 40 yds and in, I don't think it really matters. And considering I'm talking #6's here, it should be even less of a factor with #5's. I shoot the hv winchester loads these days but mainly because my gun patterns them better. Just my opinion.


OutdoorLife's February 2014 issue did some field testing/reveiws of 3" 4s, 5s and 6s of the new Longbeard loads (Mossberg 835 THUG 18" barrel XX full choke)

No. 6 shot at 70 yards showed 1.75" penetration in ballistic gel.

It's no fun living so far from good turkey woods!

Old Gobbler

I'm not saying its true , just repeating what I have heard from anonymous sources - you have to take into consideration it is a widely held fact that some ammo companies test their ammo in 30 inch barrels to achieve those higher velocities , many companies do this it's a common practice , - if someone has a chrono and they have the time , have at it

I can probably buy a box of the longboard ammo and cleanly kill a gobbler at 40 yards no problem , that's not the issue ..... The issue is making ridiculous claims and misleading the general public into thinking they can kill gobblers at 66 yards - oh I'm sure someone will pop up here come April time and claim this stuff got them a gobbler at a distance " they mistakenly took but after pacing it off they were amazed to realize they shot it at "X" yards " - let me ask you how many people will proudly make a " longest miss" thread , I've had this forum for 7 spring seasons now , and have yet to see someone make a longest miss thread

- there is all kinds of hype popping up about it , people are posting up patterns that they feel are incredible , I've seen a few #6 patterns that shoot good , but nothing yet to write home to mom about

As your shot string exits your barrel it will start to decelerate , the heavier the projectile the more KE it will have,  but as distance adds to the shot the slower and slower it will travel ,you would be surprised to know that a # 4 "lead" pellet  with a muzzle velocity of 1200 fps will be traveling at around 650 fps at 40 yards that's if it's actually departing the barrel at 1200 fps - if it's a smaller /lighter projectile it will travel slower - basic physics - that's why turkey hunters rave about htl ammo like hevishot and the like

what we are seeing in 2014 , is that people have become accustomed to htl ammo and the fantastic performance of it , and now that it is financially unviable for many companies to produce it with a profit margin  , it looks like ammo companies have found it more financially viable to spend money on celebrities , and pricey marketing than actually invest it into the product , believe it or not if you make a fantastic product these days that product will sell itself !!! Who needs to hire a Billy Mays when your stuff is good already

Nothing wrong with the ammo , there is something wrong with the marketing campaign , what's next ? Next year or the year after another rival ammo company goes out and hires Tiffany Lakowski to push repackaged mediocre ammo , and claim they bopped a gobbler at 76 yards ?  When does all this marketing stop
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



Another statement out there is that the 1 3/4 ounces of shot is not 1 3/4 oz of shot but also includes the weight of the resin column. 2 oz the same. This would be an easy weigh and count exercise for someone.


Yes i believe the patterns i have seen with 4's are good. But don't seem to be any better than loads shot 15 years or so . I have seen quite a few 125 to 140 patterns with Fed. grand slams, 3 1/2" 4's with 835 and 935 stardots. X2 win with stardot did 130-140 with same load.  1300 fps loads that patterned and killed well. Never polished no barrels or cleaned that deep then. don't remember any 65 yard claims then.
Do appreciate Winchester R&D for their new innovation. :icon_thumright:
marketing dept. needs a swift kick in the pants, they fell and bumped their heads :z-dizzy:
if someone gets Tiffany on the box of shells, they can load them with pretty colored  air soft pellets and  i will get a box anyway. :drool:


I can honestly say that I have tried almost every choke and lead shot combo through the guns that I have and nothing, pattern wise, has compared to the Win. LB XRs.  Winchester has came out with a load that everyone can afford and now people want to starting talking bad about it.  I do not understand.  I am in no means agreeing with their marketing schemes, even though I haven't seen any of them, but I am glad that they came up with an alternative to the ridiculously priced "heavier than lead" loads.  I say cheers to Winchester, and thanks for a turkey shell that will not break the bank. 


Quote from: Punisher on January 19, 2014, 01:41:04 AM
I can honestly say that I have tried almost every choke and lead shot combo through the guns that I have and nothing, pattern wise, has compared to the Win. LB XRs.  Winchester has came out with a load that everyone can afford and now people want to starting talking bad about it.  I do not understand.  I am in no means agreeing with their marketing schemes, even though I haven't seen any of them, but I am glad that they came up with an alternative to the ridiculously priced "heavier than lead" loads.  I say cheers to Winchester, and thanks for a turkey shell that will not break the bank.

Whoa here. I do not consider that my post is talking bad about the shell as such and neither does Old Gobblers from what I read ; it is more in the advertising claims that give concern. This shell has very good use at longer distances such as 35-45 yards perhaps but nobody should be talking #6 lead at 65-70 yards regardless. Also if the pellet count is low per ounce stated then that should be known to the user. I believe Win has tried to oversell the attributes of this new shell since it got out of the HTL realm. They will get a lot of business based on the merits of the shell alone and word of mouth  without making such claims that could draw some hunters to perhaps wounding game and taking what I consider pot shots at long distances. This shell may even  be too tight at the old normal 25-30 yard and under shots as well.  It does appear to be the tightest lead load ever for commercial loads and I applaud Winchester for providing alternative shells to the consumer at a more affordable price. If my comments seem offensive to you then I apologize.


I agree Mr. Robert.. I don't plan on shooting them anyway. Most all my shots are under 25 yards, with a majority of those 10-15.. So they will probably be a little tighter than I like. But only time will tell, I haven't saw any 20 yard patterns yet..


I have a good supply of Winchester's "Supreme" 12 ga. 3 1/2"  HV 2 oz. #6 to last quite a while. I also have a  supply of the same load and shot size in 10 Ga. I'll be using these loads until I run out.
Deer see you and think you are a stump. The Old Gobbler sees a stump and thinks it is YOU!


First thing. Not saying this is a bad shell.
In fact the patterns are amazing with 6's, 200-250 already posted. With 4 shot near 140's already with not much trouble.
It is a new  shell and concept. Subject to evaluation.
If the velocity is lower than 1200 or the weight of load is less than advertised than some might like to know that. These things matter to some.
As others use the patterns to judge a good load, lead or htl. All are important to me . Just my opinion.
Heck i have 60 bucks in 3 boxes of these sitting in front of me.
I too would like to apologize if that posted seems offensive.
thanks to those who have patterned and posted result already.


I too am sorry if my post offended anyone in any way.  That was not my intent.  I probably took the other previous posts wrong.  As far as the claims being made to advertise these shells I am hearing about, I agree, those kind of shots should not be encouraged.  Once again, sorry if I offended anyone.


Sun Shine State { Osceola }

noisy box call that seems to sound like a flock of juvenile hens pecking their way through a wheat field

Old Gobbler

Again , nothing wrong with the shell , it's fantastic stuff - all the ruffled feathers we are seeing is the exaggerated marketing

I hope Winchester/Olin scales back on the flashy claims - there has been some low brow and suggestive adds in the past from other companies , but  this ...... has to be without a doubt the most controversial add campaign for turkey ammunition EVER -  the other ammo companies may follow suit , with all the money being thrown into TV shows and commercials it could stand a good chance of having a detrimental effect on turkeys , via crippling etc....

Many turkey hunters feel the same way , and have strong reservations with the marketing
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....
