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Turkey vest

Started by Hook hanger, August 29, 2013, 02:36:23 AM

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Hook hanger

Is there anybody out there that does not wear one? I guess its nice to have all the pockets to hold all kinds of stuff. Me i personally carry very little compared to guys i have taken to get thier birds. Two calls and a gun a snickers bar and sometimes a decoy or two. I had one guy I took that must have had like 30 different calls in his vest and rattled every time he took a step. To the guys that wear vests what do you think is the number one benefit of the vest is?

Deputy 14

Carrying 30 different calls and other gear lol.  I'm not sure why I do because I usually use one mouth call and one slate. I guess being prepared for any situation would be the best answer.


I carry calls, decoys, food, water, blind and chair in some cases, toilet paper, rain gear. I don't always carry that much, but when I need to, I have the gear to carry it comfortably.

"I don't hunt turkeys because I want to. I hunt turkeys because I have to."


I rarely hunt further than 1/2 mile from my truck. However i usually carry far more than I need.So I wear a vest. Ideally cargo pant would suit me better except I would need to downsize and I would still need a cushion.I normally carry 3-4 pot calls with at least 6 strikers,3 extra shells,knife,compass,binocs,meds (asthma inhalers)moon floss,flashlight,cell phone,2 pair of gloves,2 face masks,bug juice,2-3 scotchbrite pads,snacks,water,coffee thermos(sometimes) loppers,dang I do need to downsize.


I'm one of those guys that carries the kitchen sink. You just never know what your going to need when your chasing turkeys. The more pockets the better and I think the biggest thing for me is the padded seat.

RIP Marvin Robbins



Up until last year I also wore a vest and carried a ton of stuff.  Last year I downsized went to a fanny pack and was just as successful.  I kept my vest though.  Just in case!   :icon_thumright:


Quote from: Hook hanger on August 29, 2013, 02:36:23 AM
To the guys that wear vests what do you think is the number one benefit of the vest is?
I carry very little as far as calls and gadgets, and I sure ain't carrying any dekes.  I hunt all day if needed so the vest comes in handy for carrying food and water.  Plus early season can be cool and sometimes cold in the mornings, then heat up mid day.  It's nice to be able to shed some clothes and just throw them in the vest.  Also rain showers are a constant possibility, so a poncho is always in the vest.  Then the cushion seat and back is nice for a shade tree nap. 
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
Calls Prostaff


I wear a vest I like the seat and ease of getting the seat out and back up because setting still and being comfortable kills turkeys

Hook hanger

If i would buy one I think the cushion seat would be the biggest benifit of me having one but then i look at the cost of a vest and have to ask myself why not just carry a cushion in with me. Also ask myself if i have all those pockets would i eventually fill them with crap that i would never use and just weight myself down and make me more bulkier? 


Quote from: guesswho on August 29, 2013, 07:54:00 PM
Quote from: Hook hanger on August 29, 2013, 02:36:23 AM
To the guys that wear vests what do you think is the number one benefit of the vest is?
I carry very little as far as calls and gadgets, and I sure ain't carrying any dekes.  I hunt all day if needed so the vest comes in handy for carrying food and water.  Plus early season can be cool and sometimes cold in the mornings, then heat up mid day.  It's nice to be able to shed some clothes and just throw them in the vest.  Also rain showers are a constant possibility, so a poncho is always in the vest.  Then the cushion seat and back is nice for a shade tree nap.
About the same for me and I usually have a green hunter with me so I carry those extra things they never bring and I do carry one decoy and it is not pink!


Sun Shine State { Osceola }

noisy box call that seems to sound like a flock of juvenile hens pecking their way through a wheat field

Tail Feathers

I've tried to go without but keep winding back up carrying it.  On some hunts at my local spots I'll but a bottle of water in the gobbler lounger sack and carry my mouth calls and gun and go.
When I travel I want to be prepared for all eventualities...so I tote more stuff.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


I just started wearing one 2 years ago.  I may go back to a little fanny pack with a butt pad.  Other than water, I can carry everything I NEED without a vest.


It depends entirely upon what kind of turkey hunting I'm doing.  If I am hunting small properties where I will be mostly staying in one place, I will use the vest because it has a comfortable seat with backrest.  If I am hunting a large area where I can cover lots of ground looking for a responsive gobbler, I will generally carry a daypack because that is much more comfortable to walk great distances.  ...And most recently, I have streamlined the vest so that I can wear it (so I'll have the comfort of the seat/backrest if I need it), and the backpack (so I can carry a lot of stuff comfortably while hiking), together.   


i have too much stuff in mine, but if i need it i got it. that being said i usually carry 2 pots 1 box and a trumpet call but the other junk is where i have the weight. 2 years ago i added a back rest to my vest. sewed it in to have some comfort leaning against trees. i took the padded seat off of my old one to use it. 3 or 4 years ago i knew my vest was heavy but didnt really know it was that bad until i took out about 15 lbs of rocks out of the game bag. crazy woman wanted some rocks from where i hunted so every time i went i would put some in the vest as i was coming out of the woods. guess what i forgot them for about a week.
