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When is enough…enough?

Started by FL-Boss, May 15, 2013, 02:39:43 PM

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I just wanted to add my 2 cents.  I have been hunting birds since I was 16 and am now 25. I can say that I have it down for the most part and was able to tag out quickly this year.  For me, the hunt and the game of chasing long beards is more exciting than shooting them now.  My opening day i called in 5 Jakes that gobbled out of no where and watched them work across a huge field to my calling and put on a show. I enjoyed watching these guys at 10 yards and easily let them walk.  I had more excitement with them than killing either of my long beards i got the following two days.  For me, it is all about the dynamic aspect of the sport and admiring how intricate and amazing Gods creation is.  Being up early and watching the woods come alive is simply awesome.  For me that is what makes my hunt.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

M Sharpe

I'll add my .02 worth too!! I've been hunting turkeys now for 28 years. Back then it was green Dickie work pants and an army BDU shirt for camo, no blind nor decoys. These turkeys fell to #4 lead shot that where hurled down the 30" barrel of a Stevens side by side. I have, on occasion set out a decoy or two. Seems as if they have cost me as many birds as they have helped to call in. Have never sat in a comercial blind set up, but have made some pretty good ones out of what was at hand. Have set in many of bushes that you could hardly see into. The two afore mentioned aides are just not my style of hunting. Back to the gun, since those early years I have strived to shoot the best load that is going to get the job done the most efficiently. This is my first year of shooting heavy-shot. I like it and will continue to shot it. It patterns very well and has great penetration. I remember when folks around me started shooting lead # 6's. I was the sceptic. I later went to shooting those # 6's myself because I had started shooting a Mossberg 9200 with an aftermarket choke tube. That was the best load I could get to shoot the way I wanted. I don't put a lot of stock in that imaginary line that is between a gobbler and myself. If he is within mine and my gun's capability of killing him cleanly, I take the shot. Sure, I had rather shot him at 20 steps, and who wouldn't; but, I'm not spending 1 or 2 hours working a bird to let him walk off at 45 or 50. My gun can kill them stone cold dead at that distance and so can I.

Progression is a good thing, to a degree. If not, then we would be riding our horses to our favorite bushwacking spot like was mentioned before. Why do you think the turkey numbers dropped to an all time low. Those old timers killed for food and did not hesitate to shoot one from the roost, or a corn pile for that matter. We've all ready stories about how they would string the corn out on the ground and them and their buddies would lay in wait until a bunch gathered at the corn pile, then all shoot at once. Now, I'm not saying this was the only way folks turkey hunted back then. Heck people are still doing that today, according to a previous poster. I think all of us are against that!
What I'm against, is today mentallity that everyone gets a trophy. Read on another forum where a guy and his girl friend went, hunted from a blind so she could eat her snacks, text on her phone and not have to worry about getting busted for moving. She kills a bird and now she's a bonfied, dyed in the wool turkey hunter, just like those of us that get out there and sit in nature's camo with a gobbler 5 steps behind us, spitting and drumming and our eyes feel like they are about to pop out of our head from cutting our eyes to the side trying to see this gobbler. She has absolutely no idea about how "cheap" her hunt was. But, she got her trophy!

Let's continue on with the morals of turkey hunting. Competition is a good thing to a degree. But too much competition isn't good either. I've got to win that contest, I've got to win that contest, I've got to win that contest, so I can get those free turkey calls and feel like I'm the best turkey hunter. I have enough problems just competeing with the hen and nature it'self without factoring in 50 other guys. So what makes a guy that's hunting public land pull 50-75 yards past a guy then try to beat him to a gobbling bird? No ethics, no morals!! That's what! I don't care if it is PUBLIC LAND and you pay several thousand dollars in taxes and he only pays a few hundred. Has nothing to do with it!
So, I say, if it's legal, fine! But, let's strive to use a good code of ethics and morals. Killing was for putting food on the table. Hunting was a gentleman's sport......at one time.
I'm not a Christian because I'm strong and have it all together. I'm a Christian because I'm weak and admit I need a Saviour!


Quote from: wmd on May 17, 2013, 12:16:36 AM
Quote from: WildTigerTrout on May 15, 2013, 05:12:13 PM
IMO way too many hunters rely on blinds and decoys. I'm teaching my son to hunt turkeys "Old School" without the use of either one. I have shotguns in 10,12 and 20 gauge. At some point during the season I hunt with all of them. I do NOT however use HTL shot. I shoot good old lead. The way some guys talk I wonder how we ever killed turkeys before HTL. I wish I had a nickel for everytime I have heard "How many pellets in 10" at 40 yards"? I believe woodsmanship and calling ability are much more important than hauling all that junk to the woods. Too many guys hunt from blinds with decoys so they can drink coffee, talk, text their friends,make phone calls, move around and have a picnic. They do everything except hunt. I am proud to say my 14 year old son and I both bagged mature longbeards this spring and we did it "Old School". Sorry for the rant, just my opinion. You may agree or disagree with it. Either way that's fine.

I guess I don't understand the, "technology has improved but I am still going to make it as difficult as I can for me and my kid" philosophy when it comes to hunters.  I killed a bunch of turkeys with a 12 ga 1100, single bead fixed modified barrel, shooting 2 3/4" Remington Duplex 2x6 shells, because that is what I had to hunt with as a teenager & college kid.  I sure wouldn't think of going in the woods with it now.  I wanted to give my son every advantage I could when he started turkey hunting 2 season ago at the age of 10 and his first year he was able to kill 3 out of a blind shooting 20 ga Hevi-7s.  The closest kill was 12 yards and the furthest was 40 yards.  He killed 3 this year at the age of 11, one he was sitting in a Gobbler Lounger in the middle of a logging road, one he was sitting in a Gobbler Lounger in front of a big rock, and one from a blind.  All three were shot right at 40 (+/- a few) yards as soon as they presented him with a clear shot.  He and I were just as excited on the 6th one as we were with his first.  We go turkey hunting to kill turkeys not to prove we are superior hunters in comparison to anybody else in regards to how we kill them.    Keep doing what your doing if it makes you feel good.  I think we are going to shoot 18 g/cm3 shot next year.   :o
I want my son to experience the true essence of turkey hunting, not sitting in a blind and watching decoys! I want him to see the TRUE challenge.The way turkey hunting used to be.
Deer see you and think you are a stump. The Old Gobbler sees a stump and thinks it is YOU!


This discussion has reminded me of an incident that happened when I was 12 years old. Back in those days, the opening day of squirrel season was much anticipated, very similar to the excitement of the opening day of turkey season for many of us now.  Opening day's party was comprised of me, my younger brother, my dad and my brother in law.  Not to brag---but I always was and remain a proficient squirrel hunter. On this particular opening morning, I killed 12 squirrels with my side by side Stevens double barrel 12 gauge. My brother-in-law, by contrast, came back to the truck carrying two little squirrels in his left hand and a Ruger 10/22 rifle in his right.  Well, as you can probably expect, the whole group gave him a good ribbing on his two measly squirrels and lauded my sack of 12 squirrels.  Well—the brother-in-law got his feelings hurt and became defensive on being bested by a 12 year old kid.  He claimed he was being "sporting" by hunting with a 22 rifle with out a scope and the fact that I had used a 12 gauge was cheating.  My answer was a source of much humor and was repeated with around the community for several weeks. I told him—"Oh yeah—well--if you really wanted to be sporting you would have used a slingshot!!"

And so it goes here—deriding a person on the legal manner in which he chooses to hunt is—in my opinion—is a tad egotistical.


Quote from: VaTuRkStOmPeR on May 15, 2013, 04:10:45 PM
I think each tool has it's deserved place in the arsenal but i prefer to hunt decoyless and sans blinds.  It's just a more pure form of hunting them. 

The new generation of turkey hunters really concern me, though.

They rely exclusively on blinds, decoys and field set-ups.  Can't call, don't know turkeys, dont know how to think like a turkey and don't know much about turkey hunting in general.

That last paragraph is how I see things now a days.  I've been chasing em a little over 20 years and I'm only 32 now. Didn't need any of that stuff when I started out. Decoys and blinds have changed the game a ton. It has also been the cause of the explosion of the # of turkey hunters. They see how everyone on tv does it or even forums nowadays and think that's just how everyone hunts them. Rifles are legal here in Va but if I posted a rifle kill yall would want to grab the pitch forks. Everybody is so hung up on getting a kill instead of playing the game.  I don't care how anyone hunts but to really be able to kill em consistently by really hunting them one on one, learning how they think, how to kill them no matter the breeding phase, just really understanding them to me is what its all about. Pulling the trigger is fun but the game itself is what its all about. Heck I missed one at 4 steps this morning I've been chasing all week. I would be lying if I said I don't feel sick to my stomach but just finally getting that chance was awesome


Quote from: turkey_slayer on May 17, 2013, 10:17:24 AM
Quote from: VaTuRkStOmPeR on May 15, 2013, 04:10:45 PM
I think each tool has it's deserved place in the arsenal but i prefer to hunt decoyless and sans blinds.  It's just a more pure form of hunting them. 

The new generation of turkey hunters really concern me, though.

They rely exclusively on blinds, decoys and field set-ups.  Can't call, don't know turkeys, dont know how to think like a turkey and don't know much about turkey hunting in general.

That last paragraph is how I see things now a days.  I've been chasing em a little over 20 years and I'm only 32 now. Didn't need any of that stuff when I started out. Decoys and blinds have changed the game a ton. It has also been the cause of the explosion of the # of turkey hunters. They see how everyone on tv does it or even forums nowadays and think that's just how everyone hunts them. Rifles are legal here in Va but if I posted a rifle kill yall would want to grab the pitch forks. Everybody is so hung up on getting a kill instead of playing the game.  I don't care how anyone hunts but to really be able to kill em consistently by really hunting them one on one, learning how they think, how to kill them no matter the breeding phase, just really understanding them to me is what its all about. Pulling the trigger is fun but the game itself is what its all about. Heck I missed one at 4 steps this morning I've been chasing all week. I would be lying if I said I don't feel sick to my stomach but just finally getting that chance was awesome

True enough but if these yahoos want to set in a blind and hope they kill one then so be it.  I myself will go out and run and gun till I find a bird and kill him the way I always have...by being adaptable and giving him what he wants till I give him the BIG BANG!!!
NWTF Booth 1623
One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.


I prefer to run and gun, which mandates as light a load as possible.  I have, however, had to make concessions due to age and physical problems.  I use a red dot, since the eyes have a  real problem finding the bead in anything but bright light.  I also use a short blind which allows occasional movement of my legs and feet to keep my back from cramping.  After a rotator cuff surgery, and then tearing it again, I put a pistol grip stock on my shotgun.  I load only one shell in the gun, and won't take a shot past thirty yards.  That keeps a little bit of the challenge in the game.

busta biggun

Well here we go again with the dreaded, "what is considered fair chase" debate. I totally agree with catdaddy. I don't mean to offend anybody, but when somebody tries to look down on other hunters because they use a blind or a decoy, you sound insecure and act like you have something to prove. My dad is 82 years old. We hunt in a blind, and with decoys. When he shot his bird this year he had tears in his eyes, he was so happy. Try telling him he's not a "true" turkey hunter or that he's missing out. We all have our methods of hunting and enjoy the sport the way we all choose to. I have strong feelings against certain methods that many here use and you would find my thoughts offensive, so I don't bring them up. The way I look at it, we have enough things dividing us these days. We have a government that would like to take our guns away and make hunting illegal. We need to stand united and try our best to focus on things that we all agree upon instead of bringing up polarizing issues.


Quote from: WildTigerTrout on May 17, 2013, 08:18:22 AM
Quote from: wmd on May 17, 2013, 12:16:36 AM
Quote from: WildTigerTrout on May 15, 2013, 05:12:13 PM
IMO way too many hunters rely on blinds and decoys. I'm teaching my son to hunt turkeys "Old School" without the use of either one. I have shotguns in 10,12 and 20 gauge. At some point during the season I hunt with all of them. I do NOT however use HTL shot. I shoot good old lead. The way some guys talk I wonder how we ever killed turkeys before HTL. I wish I had a nickel for everytime I have heard "How many pellets in 10" at 40 yards"? I believe woodsmanship and calling ability are much more important than hauling all that junk to the woods. Too many guys hunt from blinds with decoys so they can drink coffee, talk, text their friends,make phone calls, move around and have a picnic. They do everything except hunt. I am proud to say my 14 year old son and I both bagged mature longbeards this spring and we did it "Old School". Sorry for the rant, just my opinion. You may agree or disagree with it. Either way that's fine.

I guess I don't understand the, "technology has improved but I am still going to make it as difficult as I can for me and my kid" philosophy when it comes to hunters.  I killed a bunch of turkeys with a 12 ga 1100, single bead fixed modified barrel, shooting 2 3/4" Remington Duplex 2x6 shells, because that is what I had to hunt with as a teenager & college kid.  I sure wouldn't think of going in the woods with it now.  I wanted to give my son every advantage I could when he started turkey hunting 2 season ago at the age of 10 and his first year he was able to kill 3 out of a blind shooting 20 ga Hevi-7s.  The closest kill was 12 yards and the furthest was 40 yards.  He killed 3 this year at the age of 11, one he was sitting in a Gobbler Lounger in the middle of a logging road, one he was sitting in a Gobbler Lounger in front of a big rock, and one from a blind.  All three were shot right at 40 (+/- a few) yards as soon as they presented him with a clear shot.  He and I were just as excited on the 6th one as we were with his first.  We go turkey hunting to kill turkeys not to prove we are superior hunters in comparison to anybody else in regards to how we kill them.    Keep doing what your doing if it makes you feel good.  I think we are going to shoot 18 g/cm3 shot next year.   :o
I want my son to experience the true essence of turkey hunting, not sitting in a blind and watching decoys! I want him to see the TRUE challenge.The way turkey hunting used to be.

So you guys are gonna walk to the woods instead of driving?


Quote from: VaTuRkStOmPeR on May 15, 2013, 04:10:45 PM

The new generation of turkey hunters really concern me, though.

They rely exclusively on blinds, decoys and field set-ups.  Can't call, don't know turkeys, dont know how to think like a turkey and don't know much about turkey hunting in general.

Well said Kyle!!!


Keep in mind there is no "right" or "wrong" here. I think we all agree as long as it's legal, more power to you. 

Some real interesting points have been brought up, one in particular about limited time to hunt.   I think if you can hunt 30 days per season and you are loaded with birds.. maybe you want to create more challenge.  However, if you can only hunt 1 or 2 times per season... or maybe don't have many birds.. you want to create the best possible opportunity.

Personally I have started taking a direction to less "stuff" But maybe I wouldn't if I could only hunt once per season or had very few birds.


By all means use what you want.  In fact I wish everyone but me hunted with blinds and decoy's.  I think everyone should have at least a dozen decoys and six blinds.
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
Calls Prostaff


It's not so much as looking down on anyone, at least from point of view, but to really see you don't need any of that stuff. Just a call and shotgun will work. To have a bird coming looking for you not have his attention on something fake. Knowing when to time it when he goes behind an obstacle to move the gun, back against a tree and he blows your cap off when he gobbles, to see him the same time he can see you levels the playing field. No doubt I could have killed more birds if I had something to distract their attention but I still wouldn't change it. Just a personal preference how we all choose how to hunt but everyone needs to try it one on one just to experience it. I tried decoys one time. Part curiousity and part cause the guy as I was with had always used em. It took the one on one out of it for me when he popped up left and his gun was facing the decoy but sure enough the bird beelined right to it without him ever having to move. No decoy he would have had to constantly think how he was gonna get his gun shifted and also worry that the turkey was still searching instead of zoned in on the decoy.


To each his own!

That being said, I do not use blinds when gun hunting.  To me, the rush is getting the bird close with only your skills in the woods between you and the bird.


Quote from: busta biggun on May 17, 2013, 11:14:18 AM
Well here we go again with the dreaded, "what is considered fair chase" debate. I totally agree with catdaddy. I don't mean to offend anybody, but when somebody tries to look down on other hunters because they use a blind or a decoy, you sound insecure and act like you have something to prove. My dad is 82 years old. We hunt in a blind, and with decoys. When he shot his bird this year he had tears in his eyes, he was so happy. Try telling him he's not a "true" turkey hunter or that he's missing out. We all have our methods of hunting and enjoy the sport the way we all choose to. I have strong feelings against certain methods that many here use and you would find my thoughts offensive, so I don't bring them up. The way I look at it, we have enough things dividing us these days. We have a government that would like to take our guns away and make hunting illegal. We need to stand united and try our best to focus on things that we all agree upon instead of bringing up polarizing issues.
Well said my brother.  Well said.