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Finally connected

Started by uarobert, May 08, 2013, 10:09:25 PM

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After an AL season filled with great gobbling, but never getting more than close, I hopped over to GA for three of the last days of the season. I arrived this morning with that "might as well go sit in the woods and listen to squirrels" mentality. I heard one on the roost and the magic was back. Moving toward it, I was stopped dead in my tracks by a two year old practically on my head that didn't notice me. Sheer dumb, blind luck. Now I'm thinking I've won. Only problem was the ninja hen that suddenly flew down, with him in tow, out of range. Definitely feeling the "just missed him" pain again. I had a good idea where to relocate without being caught . Sure enough, he got lonely again and put on a gobbling clinic. Finally, he had enough of the Jake noises I was making and he got just close enough and showed just enough neck. Ain't it great when a long season finally pays off?



Congrats, glad your season is coming to a close on a high note



Good job!

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Cluck more, yelp less




Gold Spur

Woo Pig Sooie!!!


Never Misses


Thanks everyone.
I guess my drought this season was the birds keeping me humble.
Sure am glad they threw me a bone at the end.


Very nice going,congrats!
Give Thanks Unto The Lord,For He Is Good,His Love Endures Forever!


it's not the harvest,it's the chase