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PA Bird #1 Down with footage

Started by teamkeystonecountry, May 08, 2013, 11:45:07 AM

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Bird #1 bit the dust this morning.  Got setup this morning in a different spot, shortly after daylight and a hot bird coming on a string, a guy moved into my calling and his gobbling, and shot at my decoy, after reading him the riot act about stalking turkeys being illegal and how unsafe he was i moved on, phew.
Got to my parking lane on my 14 acres and decided to take a walk up the skid road, get to the top and a bird gobbles about 400 yards away, i called and he answered, we did this back and forth for about 45 minutes, i was running short on time, so i decided to give him the silent treatment, after 10 minutes of silence he thundered the wet leaves with a gobble at about 200 yards, so i unpacked the dekes and setup the video camera.  After about 5 minutes he gobbled and was closer, thinking this entire time that he was going to work straight out the ridge to me i faced directly the way he was coming, and his gobbles were confirming that i was set up right, after 5 minutes of silence and no sight of the bird i gave a few yelps and quickly found out that in fact i was wrong, he gobbles off my 9 o clock at about 50 yards, so with no chance to get the camera turned, and being left handed i had to come up with a plan quick as he was circling behind me, so i switched the gun to my right shoulder and as he came out from behind the tree he had enough of not seeing his girlyfriend and putted, put the green dot on the red waddles and at 54 yards, he crumbled and never flopped, now the video you see the bird once and hear a ton of great, up close gobbling as well as the after footage. great hunt and a great day just wish the video was a bit better, not my best work for sure.  Bird weighed 23.56 Pounds 11 inch beard and his spurs are 1 inch long even after he broke them both off would have been some great hooks.



It says the video is "being processed", but congrats on your bird!! :icon_thumright:
Man, I've been furious at the idiot that shot your deke!! >:(
I've had a few idiots stalk them, but never shot them. Had 2 guys stalk in together one time, and raise their guns at my deke. Needless to say, I gave them an earful!!! ;D

Gold Spur

Woo Pig Sooie!!!





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