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Started by doublebarrel, May 06, 2013, 08:45:55 PM

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So my daughter is 7. She handled the t/c well with heavy field 2 3/4" #6's. On the Jake she shot the pellets didnt penetrate through the chest feathers. I dont doubt they will kill one hitting it in the head and neck. Now my dilema is this. Is it unfair to her to slip a 2 3/4" turkey load in there. I have mixed feelings on it. I saw something similar in another post but the posters son was 9. She will be 8 in two Weeks. What are your opinions?


 Don't rush it.

Wait until you get a bird at 25 or closer.


Don't know as I'd slip a heavy load in on her.  Matter of fact I may go the other way.  Find a 1 oz. load of 6's at 1300 feet per (same per-pellet energy as a 3 1/2 incher).  I've used even 7/8 oz. loads in initial sight-in shots.  The patterns through a turkey tube were impressive.  You may be limited to 30 yards or so.  But isn't "close" what it's all about ??

Slipping her a heavy could scar her in a way that could take a long time to fix.  She's got years and years to grow into bigger & better turkey loads. 
PA elitist since 1979

The good Lord ain't made a gobbler I can't kill.  I just gotta be there at the right time.....  on the day he wants to die.


Thanks guys! That was along my thinking but I had someone putting a bug in my ear.

Also should have mentioned its a 20 Ga NOT 12 ga.


I had your same dilemma last year with my 6yr old son. He had shot deer with his .243 and a few ducks with his 20ga (although he was cautious at times). After lots of encouragement (about shooting a 20ga) we set out during the youth turkey weekend. 2 toms came within 20 yards and he just wouldn't shoot. My mind was racing as to how to handle this.  I knew he didn't want to disappoint me, but I didn't want him to do it for that reason. We talked about it, ALOT. Leave it to the 6yr old to solve the problem when he asked, "why doesn't it hurt you when you shoot?"  "Well buddy, it does. Hurts a lot when I pattern different turkey loads".  I couldn't believe that had just come from my mouth, but what followed turned the tables. "But, you don't feel a thing when you shoot at a turkey"  He was more confused than ever, but I told him he just had to trust me. Well he did, and several gobblers have died since then. I remember a lot from his first turkey going down, but the one thing i'll NEVER forget was him saying on the way back to the truck  "you know dad, it was just like you said, I didn't feel a thing when I shot that turkey!"  We'll, that morning I had slipped in a 3" hevi 13, while he had only shot 8 field loads.  You'll know if she's ready when the time comes.  Kids first in life are very special, whatever they are. God just happen to give me two very good ones in the same moment!!   Good luck!!


I have a 410 i wish i could get to you in time, shoots the 3" 6 shot great, has put it's share of birds down in the hands of my son. Recoil is minimum. I would not slip the heavy load in myself.

va wingbone

Believe it or not it.takes alot of umph to penetrate breast feathers, I've seen gobblers tout 3 inch turkey loads
"around here, turkey hunting is more like a religion than a pastime.getting close to nature, getting back to where we most belong is something we hold sacred.when we do get to take one home, we do so with reverence"

va wingbone

When shot in the body, heavy field sixes will do the job at the right range and hit in the head. I know an old man who swears he uses low brass 8s, just waits till they're in his lap
"around here, turkey hunting is more like a religion than a pastime.getting close to nature, getting back to where we most belong is something we hold sacred.when we do get to take one home, we do so with reverence"

DeWayne Knight

DON'T DO IT!  I have a friend who single-handedly scared his son off hunting.  I put the boy on his first goose, and when he shot it with Dad's Benelli Super Black Eagle loaded with a 3.5" shell, I heard "OUCH!" and he literally dropped the gun when he shot because of the recoil.  Next spring, I put him on his first turkey.  Dad supplied him with a Mossberg 835 and another 3.5" shell.  To my knowledge he hasn't hunted since.