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My Daughter scores at the Honey Hole...w/ Video

Started by gophert, April 27, 2013, 05:49:54 PM

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Every time Leah goes hunting it is always an adventure and of course this one was no exception. The piece of property we call the "Honey Hole" is a 15 acre track of property right in the middle of some of the best turkey action I have ever seen. She has killed everyone of her turkeys from this property. We had gotten some good MRI (most recent info) from the land owner that the gobblers were moving through around 9-10, so Friday we decided to sleep in an extra hour and arrive around 7. We did, and wouldn't you know it, when we arrived there was a gobbler right on the property gobbling...DOH!!!!!!! We got set up on him, but making a move on him in such close quarters was impossible. He gobbled at my calls, but I think he was a little suspicious. He left and we decided to move to the back of the property to a little field where she killed her first bird.

I must tell you this because this adds to the story later. There are 5 cows on this little piece of property and they are like pets. They saw us putting out the decoys and came running. All of sudden, we are surrounded by these lovely cows. Like I said, we moved to the back of the property in hopes of getting away from the cows that kept surrounding us, BUT...NOOOO! The cows showed up and for the next 45 minutes we did everything we could to run those cows away from us, but was never successful. At about 8:45, Leah wasn't feeling to well so we decided to head home. We packed everything up and started the walk back through the woods to the truck. I clucked and purred as we walked and all of sudden GOBBLE!!!!!...and they were just in front of us no more than 75 yards. We hit the ground next to a cedar tree, no decoys, no blind, just me, Leah, a gun, and a video camera. I let out a soft yelp and then we saw them...4 long beards and one in full strut. Leah has never been on a bird in the woods before. "This should be interesting" I thought. The birds are moving right to us, but guess what is making up ground from the rear...THOSE COWS! My thoughts are that these cows are going to get in front of us before the birds are close enough. I told Leah that the cows were almost beside us and that she was going to have to decide to shoot on her own when she felt she had a shot.

Now you can watch the rest. The video is a little tough since we were in trees and I didn't have time to get on manual focus. And YES...There IS A NEW TURKEY DANCE!!!!

Enjoy:  http://youtu.be/WGK_BLX6qvY

9 1/2 in beard
1" spurs
18 lbs

1 1/4 oz TSS 8's
Shot: 38 yards (her furthest by far)


Congrats! I love the video, your daughter's reaction is priceless!  :icon_thumright:


I think she was just a little excited.   LOL!




Quote from: ILIKEHEVI-13 on April 27, 2013, 08:48:49 PM
I think she was just a little excited.   LOL!



You should have heard her crying by the tree when she thought she had missed.  I thought she had missed too, because I was not looking at the bird she shot. I heard a flop and that's why I got up and went up with the camera.  The bird flopped under that limb and couldn't flop anymore. She made a good shot because his head was all bloody.  I was very proud of her.  She is really evolving into a good turkey hunter. 


 :icon_thumright: I cant remember what she said exactly but "here's our friends who have been bothering us forever" LOL! Awesome video...


Quote from: MouthCaller on April 27, 2013, 10:12:33 PM
:icon_thumright: I cant remember what she said exactly but "here's our friends who have been bothering us forever" LOL! Awesome video...

Those cows were driving us crazy.  She was not as upset about them as I was.  She wanted to pet one so bad.  She quickly forgot about them however when that bird sounded off. 


That is awesome!  Congratulations to you both! There is nothing better then watching your kids kill turkeys, nothing!  And I loved the victory dance!!!


Uncle Bucky


Give Thanks Unto The Lord,For He Is Good,His Love Endures Forever!


Never Misses


Congrats to that young lady on a nice bird......


it's not the harvest,it's the chase


Congrats on a great hunt.

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