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turkeys for tomorrow


Started by agturkey, March 06, 2011, 11:41:43 PM

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Here's a link to the DurathonTM 10% Concentrate Permethrin that I saw mentioned in a previous post.  This is off of Amazon.





 i.ve looked arround for the permethrin  at tractor farm supply stores and tey have a permethrin-10 for cattle  is this the stuff you fellars are using ..i also saw some in a magazine there of a permethrin-40 ..i'm confused ,,i've seen powders  ,well alittle of everything .just want to get the right kind b4 turkey season.ticks here in ky was bad as heck last year and a few got me b4 i knew it and i was kinda worried about ime disease and the rocky mountain spotted fever ..a guy at the farm supply got lyme disease and said it dern near took him out.. help me out here ,,ok


The only thing we have found so far that is approved for use on your personal clothing other than the premixed ready to use stuff is the link in the post above yours.  It is a 10% concentrate called DurationTM that is water based and contains no additional chemicals.  You need to bring it down to a .5% solution if you want to use it as a spray on your clothing.  To do this, mix 1 ounce of the concentrate with 20 ounces of water.


FYI:  I was watching a show some time back about the problems with how bed bugs are spreading so fast through out the United States and at how expensive and difficult they are to get rid of.  One thing that was mentioned was that Permethrin was found to be an cost effective way to control and rid an area of bed bugs.


thank's skeeter for the hookup,,i just ordered mine ..now this year i can watch for turkeys instead of looking at what's crawling under my shirt on under my pants leg,,,,and thank's to the starter of this forum topic .very helpful


I have used the oil based agricultural product on pine trees around my home to eradicate pine beetles.  Soak the bark with a pump up sprayer as high as you can reach and it works well.  Probably as good as anything you can buy since they took lindane off the market.


Anybody know how many sets of clothes this SPRAY will treat?

old frank

hoyt, A little farther down on the page you selected, it says:

Product Features

   * For use on clothing, tents or netting.
   * Safe to use on natural or synthetic fibers.
   * Offers up to 2 weeks of protection and last through two launderings.
   * Comes in an 8oz. Trigger Spray which treats: 2 sets of clothing & 1 additional garment. (1 set of clothing = 1 long sleeved shirt, 1 pair of pants and 1 pair of socks).
   * Safe for childrens clothing.

(Whether store bought spray or home made solution, I have found a light mist on the clothing works fine)


Thanks old Frank, I didn't see that.

This is another .10.0% .non-petroleum based Permethrin. PEST RID

Doesn't say if it's okay to use on clothing..I may call and ask. I got to get something like it for my dog. The Advantix didn't faze the tics on him last yr. and looks like they are going to be as bad or worse this yr.


Went and listened yesterday..didn't hear but one and was so far off I couldn't tell which direction.

Got home and so far picked two more tics off. These things are real small not as big as a BB..but not seed tics and you know you got one cause they itch bad and leave an itchy bump that turns into a little open sore by the time I get through clawing it with my fingernails.

DurationTM Permethrin 10% Concentrate on the way.


One item to note about the DurathonTM is that it does say on the box that it contains petroleum distilates.  I just received mine in the mail today, and read the box.  It still carries the EPA rating for use on Clothing and the like, so I think its still good for our intended purpose.



Florida Marine

I got a 32oz bottle of DuMor Equine Fly Spray for $4.99, .10 Premetherin and it also has Pyretherin - no indication of petroleum base...

Anyone have have experience with it?
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Mike Honcho

This has been a very informative thread...I was in the agricultural chemical business for 11 years beginning in 1979...that is when the first synthetic pyrethroids came into use in US.  They are designed to simulate the action of natural pyrethrin.  The big advantage synthetic pyrethroids , like permethrin, have is their very, very  low toxicity to warm blooded animals...this was a big advantage over older insecticides that were mostly organo phospates which are highly toxic to humans.  I had not thought of using permethrin for ticks on my hunting clothes but it makes perfect sense.


Just ordered "brute pour on" from jeffers pet. 16 oz 10%$20.00  Also some cattle ear tags to put on the dogs collars. They work good for ticks and flies.


This is what I use, just mix 4 cups water to 1 cup of this stuff, stays on clothes and works up to a month


Quote from: Akish79 on March 15, 2011, 09:41:11 AM
Here's a link to the DurathonTM 10% Concentrate Permethrin that I saw mentioned in a previous post.  This is off of Amazon.




I just ordered a bottle of the Duration TM today off of Amazon.    :icon_thumright: