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Be Wary of Scam Artists

Started by Old Gobbler, March 12, 2013, 09:06:44 PM

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Old Gobbler

   I want to make you guys aware there are con artists out there preying upon good people , I had to shake down a 8 post member for a refund , and when it was obvious he would not make good on a deal -- He was removed from the site  - I am not going to have jerks ripping off my good members here

All members are to give a complete description of the item , with good pictures of the actual item - if any item has no picture it will be deleted - be wary of very low post members , in fact avoid them like the plague - shipping options are up the to seller/buyer to hash out

BLACK LISTS are a common practice on forums   - Any member from this day forward that has been determined to have engaged in a fraudulent transaction and ripped off any member here , or not made good on a deal , I reserve the right to publicly post your email and contact information BLACK LIST so that other people on this site or the internet do not fall prey to them -and/or forward your information to the governing law enforcement- regulatory body .   It is unfortunate that it has to come down to this but people are abusing aspects of internet anonymity to conduct fraud  -


:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....


Clif Owen

Would it be possible to have some type of a feedback thing set up like on Archery Talk? I understand what you mean and why but it may not be completely fair to a guy just becayuse he doesn't have a bunch of posts. Speaking for myself..a bunch of times I don't even log in unless I have something to say that I feel might be of benefit to someone or have a question. Maybe a section that someone could start a thread in..particularly if its good feedback

Mike Honcho

It is sad that a very few people can tarnish a very good thing.  I just commented to a co-worker and fellow turkey hunter today how much I enjoy buying , selling and trading with other OG members.
I have never been disappointed with any item purchased from another OG member and usually find the item to be even better than they had described. I try to conduct my transactions in the same way. 99%+ of the folks on OG are ccompletely honest, hard working outdoorsman that share a common affliction.

Thank you for the warning and heads up on this issue.

Mike Honcho


I agree with Cliff.  On duckhuntingchat I could look up to see if any had positive or negative feedback about a person before I made a purchase from them.  They had two sticky's set up, one for positive feedback and one for negative.  This would also help weed out some of the riffraff.

Ded Goblr

Thanks for looking out for us Shannon!!


A buyer/seller feedback system like Archerytalk would be great . It works pretty good . Its not perfect . Still a few crooks there .


I've always had smooth transactions with other members on here, lets keep a good thing going folks!  :icon_thumright:


Been good to me so far on here. It thanks for the heads up


I've never had anything but good dealings with the folks on here but I have gotten the run around on a few other sites. I try to avoid the people who join a site and their only post was to sell an item...


Thanks for the heads up.  I am a low volume poster but simply because I have so much to learn with not much to say. Having a place to go to share experiences and camaraderie is a special treat.  As I learn more and I feel I have something to offer, I will definitely have a "louder" voice.  My limited experience with other members has been nothing less than excellent and positive.  It's too bad that there are those that prey on others.  I guess it just speaks to the deteriorating human condition.  I'm just glad that there are more good ol' boys than rotten ones...


Another way to avoid this is to have a minimum number of posts like say 50 or 100 before a person can sale stuff here.  That in itself will protect a lot of us members here.  Scammers won't waste their time doing that because of their motive to sign up was to start ripping people off immediately.  And members who are legit will have to make their contributions to Old Gobbler prior to posting items for sale.  It's a win-win situation. 


I'm a member on another site, and the way that they do it is. In order to sell you first must become a paid member, the fee is only a one time $10 fee that must be paid through paypal. This way if someone does some shady stuff the administrator has all of he or shes info and address. Any of the true members shouldn't have a problem putting out $10, besides it only helps out the site. The post count thing is ok but some guys just dont post a lot which screws them, but it don't mean that they're not trustworthy guys. The best way to cover yourself is only pay through paypal and DON"T send it as a gift unless you positively know the person. I see guys on sites selling something for $50 and saying they'll only take payment as a gift, come on it's only $1.50 charge on fifty bucks. If the $1.50 hurts your pocket that much raise the price to $55 and you'll get enough to cover the paypal fees...


I was the one who got scammed.
I bought what was advertised as a stock 835/935 IC BDS, which was in reality, a .650 custom restriction. No where in his post did he indicate this was custom. Everything eluded to it being stock, with the exception of a paint job.
I'm looking to see if Mike from IC can bore it out to a stock. 675.
Now I should have made sure of I bought before I pulled the trigger, but I didn't.
My point is, be careful, and don't let that happen to you. When I list an item, I ALWAYS give complete disclosure. This is why I still have this choke. Everyone knows .650 is quite tight for the 835. I will say this choke shoots lead very well, and I bet it will be lights out with the turkey thug ammo, but I can't say it with any conviction, since I haven't shot that load through this choke.
Just be careful out there.