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Boy Have We Strayed From What We Had...

Started by ctwny1, February 15, 2013, 07:05:01 AM

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Quote from: Old Gobbler on February 15, 2013, 11:47:59 PM
Mike Huckabee is a good man as you will ever have the privilege of meeting -I wish...I pray he was our president ....

Sen. Marco Rubio....everyone is placing their chips on that guy , He is Republican and Hispanic  , Hispanics account for a much grater percentage than Africans 8.8%

look at these maps and think of the electorial possibilities in swing states like Florida , California etc.... red is latino in this map

blue is latino in this one

Rand Paul is in it somewhat but I just don't think enough diversity lies in the tea party. 

It sounds good in concept, with its main chant being "liberty" but as much as a republican candidate can distance himself from that extreme group the better chance of election he/she has at being elected.

As stated above both GOP and democrat party are so similar now we should give the libertarian party a chance.
"Was that a gobble?":gobble:


I agree with everything you've said. But to get these corrupt politicians out I truly believe it will be with a gun. They will not leave because their lining their pockets at our expense. I do not believe in violence and will try to avoid it but there comes a time when you have to stand up and put the fear of God in them. We need put the fear of God in all of these politicians NOW. This Socialist Muslim in the White House and his Socialist friends need to go one way or another and if it was up to me...I have them all go at the end of a rope. Enough of this junk on TV. Look at it, it's always Ghost or celebrities ghost stories, walking dead, murder and glorify murder, lying News reporters etc. I truly believe we need to put God back in our lives and back in our schools and we need this now.

Turkey Trot

Quote from: Spring_Woods on February 15, 2013, 01:25:18 PM
Yes. He is different but you can't throw him under the bus for one comment. They are politicians, they all say stupid things at any given time.

As far as moving the country did he not win Florida? He won a couple of other states too if I'm not mistaken?

Do you really believe Mitt Romney was qualified to run this country? Or did you do like most (including myself) and vote for the lesser of two evils?

It's not one comment (I presume that you are talking about his most recent kookery pertaining to Chris Kyle), it's all of them.  Even when he talks about fiscal policy and monetary policy, which are serious issues, he comes across as a kook.  he cannot formulate ideas, persuade, form a coalition, and move people.  Therefore, he is not a movement figure and is not the great hope for the country that you stated him to be.  It's that simple in politics, you do the things that I mentioned or you are nothing.

I was not and I am not a Romney man.  He was a slightly less offensive liberal that Barry Sotero, and people stayed home because of it.  A northeast RINO is not the answer.
Until The Turkeys Have Their Historians, Tales Of The Hunt Shall Always Glorify The Hunter


Quote from: Huntress on February 16, 2013, 08:02:38 AM
You can't discount a man on one comment--he's human.  However, it's getting to the point where I can't stand to look at these politicians!  Liars and thieves the whole lot of them.

We NEED term limits on everyone in Government.  That includes the Supreme Court justices.  Too much power = corruption.

Yesterday I was out for hours at Best Buy looking at one of those new fangled iPad tablet things.  The technology is truly frightening.  Turn on the TV or the radio and the wickedness that pours out is mind blowing.  I just don't see a way to right this ship as I believe it would entail getting rid of alot of the garbage that's out there!  How:

-  get rid of ALL reality TV.  Instead, show stories and news that inspires us to have better character!  i.e.  shows about folks like Dr. Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin...  people who done wonderous things for society or overcame overwhelming odds to succeed.  Patriotic stories about this GREAT country!

-  shut down every news outlet that tells lies.  The American people are being lied to plain and simple.  WE HAVE A HUGE "Spending Problem"... and anyone whose balanced a checkbook knows it!

-  get rid of frivolous internet stuff like Facebook, Twitter, APPs and games.  Pick up any good books lately.

-  Shut down the public Schools.  Privatize them all and put the Bible back where it belongs.  The public schools are indoctrinating our children with socialism, communism and (I shudder) political correctness.

That's just the start of my wish list for America, however, I realize that can't happen EXCEPT through PERSONAL Choice!   Like I said, it's all about the Constitution!  That framework brought us the freesoms we have today...God given freedoms!  It's REALLY up to us parents and grandparents to help guide the younger ones...  We do not watch network TV in this house.  If it's not a positive influence on our character, it's not allowed.  Commericals are muted.  Conservative radio (limited to a few select shows.)  No horrid music...  we brought our boys up on Classical, church music, even some bluegrass...  words matter!  We home school...  no garbage in from liberal influences or hooligan peers.  We read the Bible...  we go outside and have fun outdoors.  Will it be enough to combat those wrong influences as our boys grow?  I just don't know. 

In my heart, I believe Jesus is coming soon!  But until He does, I'm going to keep working at making a differnce for our country in whatever ways I can--especially in prayer. 

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

Very nice Huntress. I commend you on you on your outlook and the raising of your boys.  :jesus-cross:


Quote from: Spring_Woods on February 15, 2013, 08:22:17 AM
Our best shot at restoration is sen. Marco Rubio.
Rand Paul is okay.
We let the only GOP candidate retire that could have saved us and that was Ron Paul.
I'm still not sure about Rubio. He's too hard core GOP, which equates to anti-working class for me. Plus, he's young and inexperienced to be president, IMO.
I like what I am hearing from Rand Paul so far. He is a Constitutionalist, and is about the only one standing up to Obama.
I wish this country would have given Ron Paul a chance. He may not have been the entire answer, but he would have put America back on the right track.

Quote from: lightsoutcalls on February 15, 2013, 11:32:33 AM
If I could select a candidate for president, it would be Dr. Benjamin Carson.  If you haven't heard of that last gentleman, take a look...


Dr. Carson laid it all on the table... with president obama sitting right there at the table.
Absolutely LOVED what Doc Carson had to say, and the fact that he didn't back down to Obummer. That was awesome!! :icon_thumright: :you_rock: :smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an

Quote from: quackaddict on February 15, 2013, 09:13:40 PM
I haven't done a ton of looking into the libertarian party, but everything I have learned about it, I like. The problem with GOP vs Democraps, is they they are mostly one and the same. Government needs to get SMALLER, not bigger.
I've been doing more and more looking into the Libertarians. I like what they stand for! :icon_thumright: Frankly though, if I had my way, I would abolish ALL political parties. Let them all run as Independents. Term limits, end lifetime retirement & medical after 1 term, and no more voting on their own raises & benefits. Also, politicians should NOT be exempt from the crap they stick us with!!

Quote from: lmbhngr on February 15, 2013, 10:10:56 PM
I can count the number of politicians on one hand who have an ounce of integrity! 99% of them are liars,& crooks. :TrainWreck1:
:agreed: Vote them all out would be a GREAT start!! Send the politicians a message, then send it again and again and again until they get the message and understand. The power MUST be restored to WE the people. :smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an


Rut- just in what you typed and your generalities you sound libertarian. ;)

America is ready for a new political atmosphere and libertarians are going to be it. Dems & repubs have had their shot at ruining the country, time for real change! I have long considered myself as a conservative libertarian.
"Was that a gobble?":gobble:

Old Gobbler

Quote from: RutnNStrutn on February 18, 2013, 11:05:23 PM
Quote from: Spring_Woods on February 15, 2013, 08:22:17 AM
Our best shot at restoration is sen. Marco Rubio.
Rand Paul is okay.
We let the only GOP candidate retire that could have saved us and that was Ron Paul.
I'm still not sure about Rubio. He's too hard core GOP, which equates to anti-working class for me. Plus, he's young and inexperienced to be president, IMO.
I like what I am hearing from Rand Paul so far. He is a Constitutionalist, and is about the only one standing up to Obama.
I wish this country would have given Ron Paul a chance. He may not have been the entire answer, but he would have put America back on the right track.

nobody is sure about Rubio - but I feel this is the horse the GOP is going to put all their money on - they are grooming this guy cause they think he can take a few Dem states because he is Latino

Many in the GOP feel there is no viable way way because of the growing ethnic diversity in distribution of BIG electoral votes in urban states CA ,Fl , NY, PA  - that they can Run a white male candidate for job  the POTUS anymore 
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



Quote from: Old Gobbler on February 18, 2013, 11:26:29 PM
Quote from: RutnNStrutn on February 18, 2013, 11:05:23 PM
Quote from: Spring_Woods on February 15, 2013, 08:22:17 AM
Our best shot at restoration is sen. Marco Rubio.
Rand Paul is okay.
We let the only GOP candidate retire that could have saved us and that was Ron Paul.
I'm still not sure about Rubio. He's too hard core GOP, which equates to anti-working class for me. Plus, he's young and inexperienced to be president, IMO.
I like what I am hearing from Rand Paul so far. He is a Constitutionalist, and is about the only one standing up to Obama.
I wish this country would have given Ron Paul a chance. He may not have been the entire answer, but he would have put America back on the right track.

nobody is sure about Rubio - but I feel this is the horse the GOP is going to put all their money on - they are grooming this guy cause they think he can take a few Dem states because he is Latino

Many in the GOP feel there is no viable way way because of the growing ethnic diversity in distribution of BIG electoral votes in urban states CA ,Fl , NY, PA  - that they can Run a white male candidate for job  the POTUS anymore 