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Every U.S. citizen should be aware!!!

Started by sixbird, July 18, 2012, 10:36:24 AM

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Ladies and gentlemen...We have a treaty!!!
The U.N. General Assembly voted 154 to 3 in favor of the arms treaty (23 abstentions)...Next for us (the U.S.) it goes to the U.S. Senate...If you value U.S. sovereignty and your right to bear arms, I would suggest an email to your Senator demanding that he/she vote against adopting it...This is HUGE stuff!!!


This has nothing to do with your right to bear arms.  This has to do with the sale of arms, and not to individual US citizens.

Loosen the straps on the tinfoil hat.


Keep the pressure on them or you will wish you had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember Obummer care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quote from: spaightlabs on April 02, 2013, 05:28:57 PM
This has nothing to do with your right to bear arms.  This has to do with the sale of arms, and not to individual US citizens.

Loosen the straps on the tinfoil hat.

There is nothing in the treaty that excludes small arms or specifically protects our  constitutional rights. The preamble mentions but has no force of law...The treaty specifically requires signatories  to develop a national record keeping system to track the trade in conventional arms. Does this sound something like gun registration?
As for the tin foil comment...You might want to keep up with what your Reps. are doing to you and in your name... jealously guard your second amendment rights as the forefathers advised.
I'm guessing you trust and believe your Pres. and Reps.? The same ones who engineered the demise of Glass Stegal and took us off the gold standard, leading directly to our present economic situation...The ones that promoted free trade and sent our jobs to third world countries? The same ones who allowed a group of bankers to commandeer our entire financial system via the Federal Reserve Act...The same gov't reps. who sent Kermit Roosevelt to Iran in the 1950's to defeat by disinformation and murder and threats of murder, a freely elected democratic gov't and caused the eventual rise of the Ayatollahs that we deal with today?
Look bud, I'm not stupid and I don't lend my thinking to unwarranted alarm. I look at these things with a distrusting eye in view of facts and an informed knowledge of history...I don't wear a "tin foil hat" but I do "think" and I can "see."


Quote from: sixbird on April 02, 2013, 09:10:25 PM
Quote from: spaightlabs on April 02, 2013, 05:28:57 PM
This has nothing to do with your right to bear arms.  This has to do with the sale of arms, and not to individual US citizens.

Loosen the straps on the tinfoil hat.

There is nothing in the treaty that excludes small arms or specifically protects our  constitutional rights. The preamble mentions but has no force of law...The treaty specifically requires signatories  to develop a national record keeping system to track the trade in conventional arms. Does this sound something like gun registration?
As for the tin foil comment...You might want to keep up with what your Reps. are doing to you and in your name... jealously guard your second amendment rights as the forefathers advised.
I'm guessing you trust and believe your Pres. and Reps.? The same ones who engineered the demise of Glass Stegal and took us off the gold standard, leading directly to our present economic situation...The ones that promoted free trade and sent our jobs to third world countries? The same ones who allowed a group of bankers to commandeer our entire financial system via the Federal Reserve Act...The same gov't reps. who sent Kermit Roosevelt to Iran in the 1950's to defeat by disinformation and murder and threats of murder, a freely elected democratic gov't and caused the eventual rise of the Ayatollahs that we deal with today?
Look bud, I'm not stupid and I don't lend my thinking to unwarranted alarm. I look at these things with a distrusting eye in view of facts and an informed knowledge of history...I don't wear a "tin foil hat" but I do "think" and I can "see."
Very well said. This is not paranoia. It is very real. We are a sovereign country with our own Constitution and Bill of Rights.  We have no business entering into agreements with a group that give control of our freedom (any freedom) away.  This can only end poorly for us. We need to pull out now. 

Sent from my Motorola RAZR MAXX using Tapatalk 2


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Apparently a few Senators have reservations...

Home ยป Mike Lee Hammers the Final Nail in The UN Small Arms Treaty Coffin
6 hours ago by Dean Garrison
Mike Lee Hammers the Final Nail in The UN Small Arms Treaty Coffin


molon labe

Since March Madness is in full swing and Obama was able to completely fill out his tournament brackets, I believe a basketball visual is in order. Barack Obama is galloping loose on a fast break with the wonderful athletic grace that only "The Big O" can display. There is a quickening of his stride and growing determination in his eyes. As he powers toward the rack, from out of nowhere, Mike Lee rises like the Kraken and towers like Godzilla to slap the ball 20 rows up into the stands. Rejected Mr. President. A quick taunt from Mike Lee is in order as he waves his index finger to signal that you must come strong or not at all Mr. President.

Don't hate the player. Hate the game.

It's over. The fat lady is in full chorus. As for all the basketball stuff? This is what happens when a blogger is deprived of sleep. So what on earth am I talking about?

On Wednesday Senator Mike Lee became the 34th co-sponsor of S. Con. Res 7, a resolution expressing opposition to the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).  The treaty contains several troubling provisions that could prevent the United States from coming to the aid of its closest allies, as well as limit the constitutional rights of Americans.  Senator Lee was the 34th co-sponsor of the resolution introduced by Senator Jerry Moran of Kansas, which gives the opposition more than enough votes in the Senate to block ratification of the treaty.

"The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty is deeply flawed, which is why a majority of senators recently voted to stop the administration from continuing to push it," said Senator Lee. "I have great concerns that this treaty can be used to violate the second amendment rights of American citizens, and do not believe we should sign any treaty that infringes on the sovereignty of our country.  I am pleased to join 34 of my colleagues in signaling to this administration that the UN-ATT is a non-starter in the senate."

As of Tuesday the resolution had 33 co-sponsors but it was Lee who officially put the final nail in the coffin. The UN-ATT requires 67 Senate votes to ratify and now the maximum possible number of votes in favor of the treaty would be 66. It is now officially a "non-starter."

Joining Lee (R-UT) in co-sponsorship of the resolution are:  Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), John Barrasso (R-WY), Max Baucus (D-MT), John Boozman (R-AR), Richard Burr (R-NC), Tom Coburn (R-OK), Thad Cochran (R-MS), John Cornyn (R-TX), Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Enzi (R-WY), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Dean Heller (R-NV), John Hoeven (R-ND), James Inhofe (R-OK), Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Mike Johanns (R-NE), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Rand Paul (R-KY), Rob Portman (R-OH), Jim Risch (R-ID), Pat Roberts (R-KS), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Jeff Sessions (R-AL), John Thune (R-SD), Pat Toomey (R-PA), David Vitter (R-LA) and Roger Wicker (R-MS).

The resolution, introduced by Senator Jerry Moran of Kansas, quickly gained support of 33 fellow Senators.

"The passage of a treaty that Iran, Syria, and North Korea have made clear they have no intention of abiding by will only serve to constrain law-abiding democracies like the United States," Sen. Moran said. "The U.S. Senate is united in strong opposition to a treaty that puts us on level ground with dictatorships who abuse human rights and arms terrorists, but there is real concern that the Administration feels pressured to sign a treaty that violates our Constitutional rights. Given the apparent support of the Obama Administration for the ATT, members of the U.S. Senate must continue to make clear that any treaty that violates our Second Amendment freedoms will be an absolute nonstarter for ratification."

We have seen this President pull rabbits from his hat before so I am not sure this is over. I don't believe this will miraculously make it through the Senate but don't be surprised if "The Big O" gets the referees to call a delayed foul. He always has a plan and that's what scares us. We may not agree with the man but he is highly intelligent and may resort to unimaginable measures to try to take America's guns.

Yesterday we reported that Steve Stockman has guaranteed a "blue slip" for the Senate gun legislation. That bill is dead on arrival when it reaches the House, if it reaches the House at all. Now we know that the UN measures cannot possibly pass constitutional muster. Where does this leave us?

The only remaining way to take our guns is to declare a state of emergency and order martial law. Under martial law the constitution is suspended. Will Obama go that far? I think most of you know what I think. DHS is buying all of the bullets for something.


Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/04/mike-lee-hammers-the-final-nail-in-the-un-small-arms-treaty-coffin/#ixzz2PXcyeJUy


All of you who think that nothing like tyranny can happen here...Listen to this guy...He's been there...



I think this should be brought up again in light of recent developments on the gun front as well as the IRS/AP/EPA/Benghazi scandals...Can we trust this gov't with ANYTHING???


And here's something for the people who subscribe to the idea that some who question are "tin hat" wearing alarmists:

/ National Security /
Obama Scandals: The Tinfoil Hat Brigade Were Right?
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By Mark Mayberry   / 7 June 2013   / 166 Comments   

TinfoilhatSo we all know one of these people. They all know that Barack Obama isn't a natural born U.S. citizen, their cellphone is being spied on, and the IRS is auditing them for no reason. I like to call them the Tinfoil Hats. Well, it appears now that they could have been right all along. We now know that they are two for three at least on this list.

In the last few weeks we have watched with amazement as one scandal after another has been unearthed about the shadowy side of the government and it's various co-conspirators. We have listened to various everyday citizens as they have recounted excessive targeting and invasive personal questioning by the Internal Revenue Service. We have also seen the Justice Department's Gestapo like tactics against certain journalists and the Associated Press.

But now, today, we are faced with a whole new situation. The NSA apparently has received a warrant from what is being called a "secret court", also known as a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, to compel Verizon Wireless to turn over all records of calls both domestically and internationally.

I would love to know how a FOREIGN intelligence court is able to compel domestic records.

This is very alarming. This data collection is set to continue into the middle of July unless the court of origin extends it. This gives the government the freedom to snoop on the cell phone calls of an estimated one in three Americans. There is no targeting of records for specific suspects, this is just my phone records or your phone records and the National Security Agency is free to go through them at their leisure.

Another disturbing issue here is that the NSA has an explicit charter to operate outside the United States and not to carry out surveillance on American citizens. However, one of the documents obtained by the UK newspaper who broke the story shows that the NSA has gone around their restrictions by having the FBI compel the records and then granting access to the NSA.


Quote from: spaightlabs on April 02, 2013, 05:28:57 PM
This has nothing to do with your right to bear arms.  This has to do with the sale of arms, and not to individual US citizens.

Loosen the straps on the tinfoil hat.

Not to be rude but this has nothing to do with tinfoil hats. I suggest you pay attention to what our government is doing. This with the other things mentioned above looks like a scary pattern to me.


The first time I saw obama I knew he was bad news. :OGturkeyhead: :fud:


well...well...well. we have a few people wakeing form dreamlalnd. They think all this is something new. They think oboma did it. Nice to see folk wakeing but its about 50 years too late. Those thugs have controled this country for years. Only reason they are so blantant about it now is that they know they can't be stopped. They own both parties. They own the media (fox included, don't be fooled.) IRS, Homeland security, Department of energy, department of education, EPA, Department of justice, DFAC, transportation, agriculture, immigration, health & human services. All we have is the tea party. On the other hand, Washington didn't have much did he.


Quote from: sixbird on April 09, 2013, 01:07:18 PM
All of you who think that nothing like tyranny can happen here...Listen to this guy...He's been there...

tyranny is here. What does it take?


Quote from: coyote1 on June 08, 2013, 07:31:52 PM
Quote from: spaightlabs on April 02, 2013, 05:28:57 PM
This has nothing to do with your right to bear arms.  This has to do with the sale of arms, and not to individual US citizens.

Loosen the straps on the tinfoil hat.

Not to be rude but this has nothing to do with tinfoil hats. I suggest you pay attention to what our government is doing. This with the other things mentioned above looks like a scary pattern to me.

Be rude, be loud and don't give up...This stuff is scary and it definitely has a pattern...